Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 98 Promotion of Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan!

Chapter 98 Promotion of Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan!

"I will give you absolute rights regarding the Education Department. As long as you have an idea, you can implement it."

Yingzheng's eyes were radiant, and a burst of confidence soared into the sky: "Although what I said before, although I also have the idea of ​​stimulating Fusu and others, it is not empty words."

"Now you, surnamed Ying, are not only my son-in-law, but also my son. The position of heir apparent of Great Qin may not belong to you."

"After the May Dynasty, I will bestow the emperor's sword, and you will exercise power on behalf of the emperor, and be responsible for the affairs of the universities and palaces."

"My son obeys the edict!"

After nodding his head in agreement, Qin Ge fell silent. He was not interested in being the crown prince at this stage.

After all, sometimes, being the crown prince may not necessarily succeed you.


During the time of the Great Qin Empire, all systems were new, which meant that everything was in a desert era. Only in such an era can Qin Ge's grand ideas be realized.

This is also the reason why Qin Ge didn't hold anything back, and even went so far as to become an enemy of the world.


The car was rumbling, and Qin Ge took the car to the Education Department. He hadn't seen the talents of Zhang Cang and Xiao He with his own eyes, so he was a little worried after all.

The majestic Great Qin will be changed in his hands.

This made Qin Ge even more anxious amidst the excitement. He knew in his heart that, just like the rise of the Great Qin Dynasty, in the past 20 years, Lord Shang and Duke Xiao have not made a wrong step.

If you take one wrong step, everything will be lost forever.

The same is true for Qin Ge today. If he wants to create a peaceful and prosperous Qin Empire with a strong military and a confident culture in his lifetime, he cannot make mistakes.

It was also because of this that Qin Ge was scheming in many ways, even the first emperor.


"My lord, the Education Department is here!"

Waking up from contemplation, Qin Ge got out of the car and gave instructions to Han Tan, "Go and prepare the meals, and then call Xiao He and Zhang Cang over."



Han Tan left, and Qin Ge slowly walked into the Education Department. Here, no one would come to assassinate in front of the state's public servants.

Otherwise, it would be an enemy of the entire Great Qin and would never die.

Walking into the Education Department, feeling the warmth brought by the sunlight, Qin Ge narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Compared to the troublesome government affairs, Qin Ge would rather live a simpler life, bask in the sun, go shopping, a lifetime is enough, it's so good.

"I've seen sacrificial wine!"

It's just that just as Qin Ge set foot in the Education Department, Xiao He and Zhang Cang greeted him.

The two looked respectful, with a trace of gratitude in their eyes, which made Qin Ge smile: "You two have worked hard!"

"It's not hard, this time is also idle!"

Ignoring Xiao He's words, Qin Ge pointed to the stone case under the big tree in front of him, and said, "Let's go, sit down where, let's talk."


The three sat down, and at this time Han Tan also brought over the food and rice wine.

"Eat something, both of you. I just came out of Xianyang Palace. I haven't eaten all morning, so I'm a little hungry!" Qin Ge persuaded with a smile, and started to eat.

"Thank you so much for the sacrificial wine!"


At this time, Confucianism was still very weak, and it was not popular to eat without talking or sleep without speaking.

"Xiao He, Zhang Cang, Daqin will introduce a new script called Xiaozhuan, so, during this period of time, you two, take the officials big and small to learn a thing or two."

After taking a sip of the rice wine, Qin Ge put down his chopsticks: "In the future, Xiaozhuan will be the characters we will use every day. After you are familiar with it, there is one thing you need to do."

Since Qin Ge opened his mouth, the two of them stopped eating. They have been listening respectfully and waiting for Qin Ge's orders.They all knew that Qin Ge would not come to them for no reason.


Glancing at the two of them, Qin Ge looked solemn. He originally wanted them to copy Mengxue's books, but those books were all written in Xiaozhuan.

Xiao He and Zhang Cang, one is from Qin, which is a bit better, while the other is from Chu, their characters are quite different, and they couldn't be familiar with them for a while.

For the current plan, only those who have mastered Xiaozhuan can copy and read the book.

As for the others, Qin Ge didn't intend to entrust them to do them. The two of them were in Xianyang City and were unfamiliar with the place where they lived, so they couldn't do many things well.

Thinking of this, Qin Ge smiled and said, "One of the two is from Chu, and the other is from Beidi County, which can be considered as Qin."

"Besides, both of you are well-educated people. From your point of view, how difficult would it be for the Education Department to preach Daqin?"


Qin Ge's words shocked both of them. They knew from the beginning that Qin Ge's establishment of the Education Department must be a big conspiracy. It was only after hearing Qin Ge's words at this moment that they understood Qin Ge's ambition.

Preach Daqin!

This is tantamount to making an enemy of the world!
After thinking up to this point, Xiao He and Zhang Cang realized the ambition in Qin Ge's heart, and for a while, the two of them were also excited.

"Jijiu, on the land of the Central Plains, the six kingdoms merged with Qin, and now there are different languages ​​and beliefs in different parts of the world, and there are hundreds of schools of thought. It may be even more difficult to preach the Great Qin!"

Xiao He has lived in Chu for a long time, and even more so in Qin, so he naturally knows some things well.

He had also thought about the strategy of the Great Qin after the unification of the world, but none of them could achieve what he thought.

"What Xiao He said is very true. If you want to spread the word about Great Qin, you will definitely become an enemy of the whole world!" Zhang Cang also looked solemn, and said to Qin Ge, "This matter involves a lot, and it can be said that it affects the whole body. "

"Under such circumstances, it's better to be cautious about offering wine, otherwise, the counterattack of the whole country is too terrifying!"



With a big laugh, Qin Ge shook his head and said, "Both of you are right, but this matter will have to be completed sooner or later. Only by evangelizing Great Qin can this empire last longer."

"It is also easier to establish a sense of national honor and build a prosperous Qin Dynasty..."

Speaking of this, Qin Ge took a deep look at the two of them, paused every word, and said, "Evangelizing Daqin is the next most important thing for the Education Department."

"Starting today, the two of you can think about how to promote the development of this matter more easily, and how to quickly promote Xiaozhuan in the counties and counties of Daqin."

"The May Dynasty is just around the corner. Once the May Dynasty is over, the Education Department will open the department. At that time, you won't have such time."


Regarding the promotion of official Chinese and Xiaozhuan, Qin Ge had thought of ways one by one, but he always felt that there was a slight omission. Now that Xiao He and Zhang Cang came from the bottom, it would be more conducive for him to complete this matter.

With a flash of thought in his mind, Qin Ge warned, "Not only the implementation of Xiaozhuan, but also Qin Yan, which is the standard pronunciation of the Chinese people in the Great Qin Empire."

"It must be pushed out in the shortest possible time. This point cannot be delayed..."

 Sorry for staying up late and working overtime recently.

(End of this chapter)

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