Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 99 The Great Qin Shihuang's Enthronement Ceremony.

Chapter 99 The Great Qin Shihuang's Enthronement Ceremony.

Qin Ge naturally knew that the official script had also appeared at this time, but he gave up the official script and adopted Xiaozhuan. Perhaps this is a special complex that made him never forget the characters of the Great Qin Empire.

For Cheng Miao, Qin Ge invited the Education Department to appoint him, and proposed that the official script be gradually implemented in the future. Qin Ge has never always valued talents.

Although he has "Tiandao Quanshu" and he knows the official script very well, but some people's credits can be taken away, but some people's credits, he dare not. After all, one must be in awe of one's heart.

In the Education Department, after the arrangements were made, Qin Ge returned to the mansion, and he needed to wait seriously for the next founding ceremony.

Time goes by quietly like water.

Just a few days passed, and May came quietly. The May Dynasty of the Great Qin Empire arrived, and everyone was very excited. He knew in his heart that only after the May Dynasty, this country could be called an empire.

"My lord, the May Dynasty is here, so I need to arrive early today!"

Under the service of Mei Luo and the others, Qin Ge was fully dressed before boarding the carriage and driving slowly towards Xianyang Palace.

At this moment, Qin Ge was also excited.

A brand new era is coming, and for future generations, this era is also extremely mysterious, and Qin Ge is in this mighty world, and will surely witness the boundless eternity of the majestic Great Qin.

"My lord, the Xianyang Palace chariot and racecourse is here, if you go any further, your subordinates will not be qualified to continue!"

Walking down from the car, Qin Ge waved to him: "You go back first, will today's court end in a short time, wait for the court to end, and then pick me up!"


"Qin Ge has seen the internal history of governance, the court officer, and the loss of the husband." Seeing that everyone had come, Qin Ge greeted everyone with a smile on his lips.

Although he is the sacrificing wine of the Education Department, and he agrees with the three officials, but at this moment the Education Department is still an empty shell, not to mention that these people are older than him, and it is quality to see people saying hello.

"Jijiu, stay safe"

"Sacrificial wine."

It is the most normal thing to get to know each other well and exchange pleasantries. This time, there are many officials. As long as they are county guards, almost all of them have arrived. Even the huge Xianyang Palace is not enough to stand.

This time the emperor's succession ceremony was held on the square of Xianyang Palace.

"The succession ceremony of the First Emperor of Qin begins today, and before that, promulgate the Great Qin Code!" At this moment, Meng Yi walked over holding the edict, and the officials bowed solemnly.

Then Meng Yi opened the imperial edict and shouted loudly: "Emperor Qin Shihuang said: Since I ascended the throne, I will adopt the strengths of the etiquette of the six countries, and I will make a living according to the ancient times, and update the charms to form the rules. From the country, from the me, and all civilized things , are all based on their implementation. In order to make the world pass, the rules must be promulgated:
One country name: Qin.

The second is the fate of the country: after studying the five elements, Qin is the luck of water virtue;

The Three Kingdoms Calendar: The Zhuanxu calendar is the country's calendar.

Its Shikokushuo: October is regarded as the first year of Zhengshuo, the period of court congratulations.

The colors of the five countries: Heshui virtue, still black, clothes and flags are all still black.

The discipline of the Six Kingdoms: with six as the discipline, the crown is six inches, the public is six feet, the six feet is the step, and the six horses are ridden.

Its seven national waters: Fenghe is the national water and renamed as Deshui, which is the beginning of water virtue.

Its eight emperors: the emperor.I am the First Emperor, hereinafter referred to as the Second, the Third, and even the Ten Thousand Eternals.

The names of the nine emperors were corrected: the emperor called himself Zhen, the emperor's order was called Zhi, the emperor's decree was called edict, the emperor's seal was called seal, the chariots, horses, clothes and equipment were called chariots, where he lived was called walking, where he lived was called forbidden, and where he arrived was called Fortunately, the emperor's crown is called Yu, the emperor's crown is said to be nine inches high, the subjects call the emperor his majesty, and the historian's record is called Shang.

The names of the ten princes: the princes granted by the emperor are collectively called Jiao.

On the [-]th, the name of the letter was corrected: the minister wrote a letter, and changed the book to play.

12 People's name rectification: There are many names of the people, and the name is changed to Qianshou.

The name of the thirteen books is corrected: the text of every book is called Zi.

The name of the Fourteen Books is corrected: the name of the tool for writing and writing is the pen.

All major matters such as the governance of the world, after the decision of the great court, the rest of the detailed rules involved in the promulgation of the code of conduct by the Empress Dowager will be implemented, and will be issued to the court and the public in the official order of the court.

The summer of the first year of the Great Qin Shihuang. "

After reading the edict, Meng Yi looked at the mighty group of officials and said: "The Prime Minister's Mansion sent an envoy to send the news to Xianyang to announce it to the world. At the same time, the emperor's enthronement ceremony will begin at Mao."


At Maoshi, it happened to be dawn.

Ministers in various court clothes waited in line on the square of Xianyang Palace.Then, according to the titles of the audience, the ministers were led to the platform of the main hall in different shifts, and then waited in line.

From the platform of the gate of the hall to the hatchback of the main hall, the royal soldiers and specific flags are lined up.After the ministers had finished guiding them, a group of His Royal Highness doctors purgeed out, separated from the entrance of the main hall to the inside of the hall, forming a wide corridor.

"Play music!"

Accompanied by a proclamation, melodious and solemn bells, drums and elegant music sounded, and the audience guided the ministers to enter the gate of the palace from the corridor between the doctors.

The military generals are headed by Wang Ben, the Marquis of Tongwu, and they are listed in the west according to the rank;

"Your Majesty is in court, all officials congratulate—!"

There was another shout, Ying Zheng, wearing a heavenly crown on his head, wearing a specific imperial uniform, and a long sword around his waist, was supported by his servants, steadily ascended the throne of the emperor, and faced south solemnly.

"Your Majesty's ten thousand years, Great Qin's ten thousand years—!"

"Your Majesty's ten thousand years, Great Qin's ten thousand years—!"

"Your Majesty's ten thousand years, Great Qin's ten thousand years—!"

A huge shout sounded, and for a moment, the entire Xianyang Palace was filled with the voices of His Majesty Wannian and Great Qin Wannian.

After a long time, Pushe shouted again: "The emperor issued an edict——"

The first emperor, who had been silent all this time, finally had the right to speak. The early morning toss made the first emperor exhausted. At this time, the first emperor had no mood to deal with state affairs.

So, he stood up from the throne, and said: "The enthronement ceremony is too tedious, I am a little tired, and all my lovers are also tired. Let's stop here today, and we will resume the court tomorrow and discuss state affairs. "

This is the enthronement ceremony designed by Confucianism, which is extremely cumbersome and complicated, but for a new empire, no one despises complexity. An empire must have the etiquette that an empire should have.

Even Qin Ge didn't know about the cumbersome enthronement ceremony, otherwise, he wouldn't have let Han Tan leave early.

"Ting Wei, take me for a ride!"

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge saw Li Si had just walked out, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Jijiu, what are you?"

Hearing this, Li Si was a little surprised. He thought Qin Ge was looking for him to talk about something, so his expression was serious.

"I thought the Great Dynasty would be held for a few days, so I asked Han Tan to go back first. Unexpectedly, it was over in less than a day."

(End of this chapter)

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