deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 10 Mei Yihan's Love

Chapter 10 Mei Yihan's Love (3)
"On the day before Ah Hong came back, after unremitting efforts, he finally signed a contract with the main store. At that time, I felt uncomfortable when I saw Ah Hong. Although Ah Hong was also Cao Yifu's lover, she was older than me after all. I have known Cao Yifu for a while, and it is reasonable to say that she is older than me, so I can't lift my head up. But what makes me excited is that Ah Hong didn't see the relationship between me and Cao Yifu. This is in my favor.

"Because Ah Hong came to Beijing suddenly and didn't call beforehand. I didn't realize until I saw Ah Hong that I was going to fight with her. At noon on the day Ah Hong came, I asked Yifu Cao to have lunch together. I asked him how to deal with the relationship between me and Ahong. Cao Yifu hesitated, but he still agreed to get rid of Ahong. I gave him three days to drive Ahong out of the apartment we rented.

"On the first day, Cao Yifu and Ah Hong spent the night together, and I was not jealous. I know Cao Yifu, he wants to save face and take advantage. That night, I even secretly hid at the door to listen to the two of them talking together. The next day, I asked Cao Yifu what was going on, and Cao Yifu said, "Don't worry, take your time." I didn't ask too much, anyway, there are still two days left. I know that Cao Yifu will still spend the night there , so I went back very late on the second night, and when I opened the door, they had already turned off the lights. I walked softly to the door of Ah Hong's bedroom, and walked away contentedly after hearing Cao Yifu's snoring. On the third day, I deliberately avoided Cao Yifu, because I knew he hadn’t had a showdown with Ah Hong yet, so it was useless to ask. I thought Cao Yifu would still sleep with Ah Hong on the third day, but Cao Yifu didn’t come back that day. After returning home from work, Ah Hong said to me: "There is no water upstairs, let's go out to eat together!" As soon as I heard it, I felt something was wrong. I went to the kitchen and turned on the faucet, and the water was cut off. Ah Hong Followed me to the kitchen, as if to spy on me, I became more suspicious.

"The two of us came to a Xinjiang restaurant in the community and ate meat skewers while drinking beer. The meat skewers that day were very spicy. I ate a few skewers and said casually: 'This meat skewers are so spicy!' Who Zhi Ahong said: "It's not spicy at all, how can you say it's spicy?" When she said this, she was still eating the meat skewers with big mouthfuls, as if she was showing me something. I don't care so much I ate the meat skewers with big mouthfuls. Although my mouth was so spicy that I smacked my lips, I still gobbled it up. At this time, Ah Hong said again: "If you can't eat spicy food, don't eat it. If you eat it, you will get angry." I came here as soon as I heard it Angry, she raised her head and shouted at her: "What's wrong with getting angry?" Ah Hong looked surprised, her eyes widened, her neck straightened, and she looked helpless. I yelled again: "What are you looking at?" Ah Hong's face turned red all of a sudden. You can imagine the embarrassment of one person yelling at another person in the whole hall. I know I was a bit too much, but that At that time, I ignored it at all, because I wanted to let Ah Hong know that she was incomparable to me. She was a junior high school student, while I was a college student in a regular art school; she was just a backward rural A girl, and I can at least be regarded as an urban woman; her figure is a little fat, while I am slim; her cheeks are a little yellow, like the yellow of autumn leaves, and although I dare not call it a beauty, But she was also a school flower in college. No matter what, she couldn't compare with me.

"Later, the two of us stopped eating and just drank face to face. She had a drink with me, and I had a drink with her. At that time, I didn't even want to drink worse than Ah Hong. At the end of the drink, everyone in the restaurant was dumbfounded. Even the waiter avoided the two of us. I drank more than Ah Hong that day, and I couldn’t drink as much as she did—Ah Hong helped me back to the bedroom that day.

"The next day, I slept until dawn. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ah Hong standing in front of the bed. I vaguely saw that Ah Hong was actually holding a kitchen knife and holding it up high; She stared at me with a ferocious face, as if she wanted to take out my heart, and even dismembered me. I jumped out of the bed with a frightened sound, shouting "Don't come here" while looking for something I used it for self-defense. But when I jumped off the bed, Ah Hong came over and took my clothes carefully. I took a closer look and found that Ah Hong did not hold a kitchen knife, and there was no serious injury I mean.

"'Did you have a nightmare?' asked Hong.

"I followed suit and tried to calm myself down. When I was sitting on the bed, I raised my head to look at Ah Hong carefully to confirm that she didn't mean to hurt me, and then took a deep breath.

"'You were in a bad mood yesterday, you shouldn't have drunk so much,' Ah Hong said to me.

"I didn't pay attention to it. I sat on the bed and my soul hadn't come back. I was still breathing heavily. Seeing that I ignored her, Ah Hong walked away knowingly. To my surprise, when Ah Hong walked to the door of the bedroom At that time, she turned her head and looked at me, looked at me carefully, smiled at me, and said, "You and him are on good terms?" More flustered and more embarrassed. Ah Hong looked at me with a contemptuous look, as if she wanted to drive me out of this world. But this look was only for a moment, and then it was a kind of gentle look.

"'Yifu told me everything, I think we need to talk about it.' When Ah Hong said this, I raised my head in surprise and stared into Ah Hong's eyes again. I want to find the answer I want in her eyes. My attempt was obviously seen through by Ah Hong, and she smiled at me, a very fake kind of smile, and then said to me: "I know I'm not qualified to compete with you, and since the first night I got married with Cao Yifu, I haven't thought about fighting with anyone. When I saw him bring you to this house for the first time, I thought I knew there would be such a day, so I was prepared, and you don't have to worry about that.'”

"When I heard her words, I suddenly felt a little melancholy. I didn't understand what she meant. Ah Hong obviously saw my thoughts from my face, so she said to me directly: 'Come on, we two Neither can be his wife, so... we should be companions, or comrades-in-arms, not rivals in love. Cao Yifu told me, and I understand what you mean, but you don’t know Cao Yifu yet, he won’t Being swayed by a woman. He let me tell you that he can have me and you together, which means that we can both be his lovers, and even three of us can sleep in one bed. He can abandon the one of us Any one, but neither of us can get away from Cao Yifu.'”

"It was from this day that I really understood that Cao Yifu was not as simple as he acted in front of me. It was from that day that I realized that I cannot rely on others to fulfill my wish. In the days to come, the three of us will Living in that two-bedroom house, I was a little uncomfortable at first, but after a long time, when I saw through Cao Yifu's eyes as deep as the night, I realized how naive I was. That is From that day on, I made up my mind to leave Cao Yifu and look for a higher, more stable and more potential support. My first goal is our general manager Zhang Shusheng.

"Before this, we were already very familiar with Cao Yifu. Later, I took the initiative to find him—whether it was about work or not. At first, Zhang Shusheng didn't see my intentions, but just agreed with him casually, because He knew about my relationship with Cao Yifu. Therefore, it was very difficult for me to get from Cao Yifu to Zhang Shusheng's side.

"Every night, I think about how to cross this threshold. I even bought "36 Strategies" and those books that teach young people how to fall in love on the book stand to read, hoping to learn strategies that can change my destiny .

"About the second month after Ah Hong returned to Beijing, when I was delivering a manuscript to Zhang Shusheng, when I stood in front of him in a sexy miniskirt, I finally saw hope in his eyes. He even When receiving the manuscript, he gently stroked the back of my hand with his hand.

"That day, I was so happy. I was so excited that I was like a homeless man who had found his home. He flew into the sky more than once to fly my hopes for career pursuit. I moved out of that house the next day. That day Ah Hong asked me if it was because Cao Yifu slept with her all the time these days. I smiled at her, the meanest kind of smile, and said, "Fuck Cao Yifu!" Instead of having a showdown with Cao Yifu directly, he left him a note.

"That day I used my own money to rent a house for the first time. Because I had to buy some furniture, it was always inconvenient for me to be a woman, so I called and asked Zhang Shusheng to find some people to help. Zhang Shusheng was surprised at first and asked me why not I asked Cao Yifu, and I told him: "Cao Yifu is neither my husband nor my friend, why should he help me?" It was from this sentence that Zhang Shusheng finally understood what was in my heart. So we lived together It's..."

(End of this chapter)

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