deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 11 Mei Yihan's Love

Chapter 11 Mei Yihan's Love (4)
"Okay! Don't talk about it! I don't want to hear about your dirty experience. Do you want to beg me to take pity on you? You are wrong! Let me tell you, you are wrong!" Yu Jian was furious, his face flushed swelling.

Mei Yihan turned around in surprise, and looked at Yu Jian carefully.In more than a year before this, she had never seen Tai Jian so irritable.She turned around, as if looking at a stranger, trying to find a familiar expression from that strange face.

Yu Jian's eyes are full of anger, self-blame, and tasteless but inescapable helplessness and remorse. His eyes are like two piles of fuel burning with violent chemicals, and the blazing flames are like two fire dragons. coiled before him.Yes, for the love between him and Mei Yihan, what Yu Jian felt before was only absurd, ridiculous and shameful, so, today, when he knows that Mei Yihan has such a little-known story, it is because Jian's heart is more regret and self-blame.

"I really can't figure out how I could have feelings for a woman like you, how could I sleep in the same bed with a woman like you!"

"I know, you look down on me, but when you are in that environment, if you are a woman, you will do the same!"

"Shut up! Do you think I will be like you?" When Yu Jian said this, he suddenly realized something. He realized that he had no reason or qualification to speak to Mei Yihan like this, because no matter how kind a cat is, What a wolf says to its kind is how to eat a sheep.When he realized this problem, he turned around and looked at Mei Yihan carefully, as if he wanted to see the essence of this person from Mei Yihan's eyes.How much a person hates his eyes when he realizes that he is so strange to the person he knows best.

"Yes, I don't have anything glorious that you can be proud of!"

"Shut up! Shut your stinking mouth, I don't want to hear how you seduce men!"

"Heh!" Mei Yihan sneered in a trance, like a young man with a mental disorder, "Are you jealous? Heh, men are all fucking alike!"

"Shut up! I really regret being with you. I used to think I was a shadow of my father, but today I know I was wrong. You are not only a frivolous woman, but also so despicable! I want to know you Shame on such a person!"

Mei Yihan's eyes suddenly burst into two huge teardrops: "Am I shameless?"

"Shameless! How could I have slept in the same bed with you, and for a whole year-oh my god!" Yu Jian tightly grabbed his long hair with both hands in resentment.

"What's the difference between you and a prostitute?" Yu Jian put his head against the wall, his fingers slid from the top of his head to his face, he rubbed his cheeks and eyelids tightly, and suddenly said such an unrestrained sentence.This caused Mei Yihan, who was in a free state, to be stunned. She stood behind Yu Jian as if she had froze suddenly, carefully looking at Yu Jian's spine, her eyes were dull.

Mei Yihan burst into laughter suddenly: "Hahaha..."

This burst of long laughter made the whole room eerie.Yu Jian was also frightened by the laughter. When he turned around and looked at Mei Yihan's dazed look, especially when he saw Mei Yihan's pale face, he realized that today was absolutely is a special moment.

"Prostitute? You say I'm a prostitute?" Mei Yihan's legs could no longer support her body and heavy soul, and she fell lightly from the air like a moth that lost its wings in summer. on the ground...

Yu Jian couldn't express the pain in his heart with words.Yes, when he realized that his past was spent with Mei Yihan, he never wanted to have a beautiful love of his own again.He even really thought about living with Mei Yihan like this, just like at this moment, Mei Yihan is sleeping in his own bed, and he is by his side to take care of her.

However, the emergence of prime class disrupted all this.

"I know my story hurt you. I didn't want to tell you, but when I knew you were really going to leave me, I thought I should tell you all."

Yu Jian didn't speak, just sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the dark night outside the window.Through the window, one can see the stars with half-closed eyes in a dark night sky.When he heard Mei Yihan talking to him, he lowered his head again, facing the floor and said: "Speak, tell, tell all your dirty stories."

Mei Yihan was a little surprised, but she was not in a daze like before, her eyes were only momentarily dull, and there was no trace of wandering.

"Do you think I'm willing to do this? Do you think I want to sleep with them? You think I don't want to live in peace and security? But what the hell do you live without money? People have to eat when they live. It can fill their stomachs and solve food and clothing. The lowest cost of living, you see others go to restaurants every day and eat western food, you live in such a world, you are willing to eat corn bread and drink cold water? Dogs don’t eat bones if they have meat, let alone human beings? I am still a woman! If you have enough to eat, people still have to live. In Beijing, where do you buy a house without a three- to four-million-dollar house? You can only rent a house if you don’t have a house. It’s not good to be regarded as the third worst! Renting a house requires money, and the money can only come from wages. If you earn thousands of 40 yuan a month, it’s not enough to pay the rent. How do you eat and live? ——Only rely on me With a salary of several thousand yuan, I drink the Northwest wind? I still have to buy clothes, cosmetics, attend lectures to learn English, buy books and CDs, treat colleagues to dinner, and give gifts to leaders. Among other things, the phone bill alone , mobile phone fee, Internet fee, at least seven or eight hundred a month, where do I come from? - I am a woman, you know, I am a woman! I don’t make more money because I am young, Where do I get this money from?"

At this time, both of them were very excited, Mei Yihan adjusted his emotions before starting to talk again.

"Zhang Shusheng is a literati. People think that literati are poor, but Zhang Shusheng is not only a literati. Strictly speaking, he is also a businessman, a successful example of 'literati going to sea'. After he took over the karaoke hall, no matter in terms of management or income, It was much better than before, and as the owner of this karaoke hall, his pockets naturally gradually bulged. He bought a house in the most prosperous section of the city, and a luxurious villa in the suburbs. His family has a domestic car, a He is an imported car, and it costs thousands of dollars to treat guests to dinner. One meal from him is enough for us to eat for a month! And he can also give me the greatest support in my career. In order to avoid Cao Yifu, I asked Zhang Shusheng to do it. The first thing I did was to let Cao Yifu move out. In the cooperation agreement Cao Yifu signed with Zhang Shusheng, Cao Yifu invested 20 yuan to open a branch, and the rest of the funds were invested by Zhang Shusheng. It has been almost three weeks since the agreement was signed, and Cao Yifu has not yet selected a business Address. In order to pull Cao Yifu down, I asked Zhang Shusheng to strictly follow the agreement and limit Cao Yifu to open the business within one month.

"In the second month after Cao Yifu moved away, I was promoted to be the director of the general manager's office. I am still not reconciled. Although Zhang Shusheng is willing to spend money on me, it is not a long-term solution. When I can no longer rely on this When I was alive, I thought that Zhang Shusheng would not waste half a penny on me. I remember once having a "dream" with Cao Yifu - to start my own karaoke hall, with an annual income of 60 yuan. Thinking The golden signboard of the karaoke hall, and the idea of ​​entrepreneurship and marketing have been formed in my mind, but Cao Yifu was ahead of me. At that time, I was thinking all day about how to take over a branch by myself, with hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Income, after working like this for more than ten years, with an income of several million in my hands, I can live comfortably in my life. Soon, I found out from Zhang Shusheng’s computer that the contract signed by Cao Yifu and Zhang Shusheng was for two years. This got me super excited. Yep, it's time for me to make a move.

"For my ideal, I pay special attention to Cao Yifu's marketing and income on weekdays, because Cao Yifu has to report his monthly income and expenses to the financial office, so I seized this opportunity to make a few copies of the reported financial statements. After Cao Yifu opened his business, I used various means to transfer information such as Cao Yifu’s entrepreneurial ideas, customer channels, marketing methods, etc. to my computer. It took two full years like this before I grasped one of Cao Yifu’s tricks and found it in Zhang Shusheng’s place. I got a chance, and printed out Cao Yifu’s fake accounts and put it on Zhang Shusheng’s desk. Cao Yifu’s contract was not signed in the third year, and I became the manager of that karaoke bar.

"I have worked hard for this karaoke hall for three years. The bitterness of the three years has finally brought me a high degree of financial expansion, so that I have the ability to support my own sky in Beijing. I no longer need to rely on When a man is alive, he no longer needs to rent a house, let alone look at other people's faces. I finally used my own efforts to exchange for my autonomy and freedom. In order to get rid of Zhang Shusheng, I made up my mind to set up my own business. I contracted it first. The cafeteria of the Beijing Academy of Arts, and a year later, I invested in the establishment of Dongfanghong Entertainment City.”

After Mei Yihan finished talking about her entrepreneurial history, she burst into tears, as if the bitter history of the past was repeated before her eyes.Her complexion was yellow, and she looked at the ceiling with deep eyes, with a noble look in her eyes, and a heavy cold air came out of her nostrils.

(End of this chapter)

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