deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 17 Conspiracy

Chapter 17 Conspiracy (1)
Mei Yihan called Su Lei, Su Lei was very surprised.At first she was a little angry, but...

Mei Yihan called Su Lei, Su Lei was very surprised.At first she was a little angry, but she couldn't get rid of the waywardness towards Jian's only.From a personal point of view, Su Lei can ignore the past, but she has to face the future of the two of them.

When Su Lei came to Mei Yihan's office, Mei Yihan politely made Su Lei a cup of coffee, followed by silence.Mei Yihan was sitting at the desk, while sipping coffee, she carefully raised her head to look at the vegetables.When she found that Su Lei was also looking at her, she immediately looked away.Su Lei sat there quietly, stirring the coffee quietly, and observing the woman in front of her from time to time, she didn't know why this woman invited her here.

"You're looking for me..."

"I'm looking for you—" Speaking of the word "you", Mei Yihan smiled at Su Lei, shrugged at the same time, stood up, walked around the room, and said, "Actually, we are all women, There are commonalities between women, just like art, art is interlinked, and women's hearts are also interlinked."

Su Lei put down the coffee in her hand in surprise, she was not prepared at all, although she knew that Mei Yihan must have sought her for reference, but she did not expect Mei Yihan to say such a thing at all.

"When I saw Yu Jian for the first time, I was also surprised. He was so similar to his father when he was young, which is why I liked Yu Jian at first."

Su Lei stood up impatiently, and picked up the leather bag from the sofa. "I don't want to hear you say this, if you have nothing else, I'll go first!"

"You can't go!"


"Because there are more important things that you haven't seen yet!"

Su Lei, who had just walked to the door, turned around again and stared at Mei Yihan carefully.Mei Yihan smiled, put the coffee on the coffee table, and said lightly, "I'll take you to a place."

"Why do you want me to go?"

"Because," Mei Yihan shrugged at Su Lei, "because it's a secret!"

"Are you trying to use him..."

"What am I using him for? Is it his money, or his power, or his reputation?"

"You are not qualified to judge Yujian like this."

"I am very clear about this. The purpose of inviting you here today is to let you take a look at our past."

"I do not want to see!"

"You have to watch!"

"You want to threaten me?"

"I'm just inviting you."

"Well, what do you want me to see?"

"Follow me to a place where you will learn more about Yu Jian."

Su Lei smiled wryly, followed Mei Yihan downstairs, and drove towards Chaoyang Road.In fact, Su Lei doesn't want to go to see Yu Jian in the past with Mei Yihan, but she really wants to know the life of Yu Jian and Mei Yihan in the past, and she faintly senses that Mei Yihan is solemnly asking her to Come on, there must be something very important.Although she didn't care about anything, her curiosity still drove her to follow Mei Yihan to Tongzhou.In the car, when she thought that the person she was looking for had lived with the woman in front of her for a year, she even felt a little resentful.But the moment Yu Jian jumped off the stairs, she felt how much he cared about her.

The two red cars headed west from Chaoyang Road, and then turned south under the Red Scarf Bridge on the East Fourth Ring Road. In less than 5 minutes, they came to Sihui Bridge, and turned left to drive onto Jingtong Expressway.This is a highway leading directly to Tongzhou. The wide driving space and high-speed driving speed let the two of them temporarily lose their troubles.It seems that because of driving, the two turned on the stereo at the same time.The carriage is like a music bar, except that Mei Yihan listens to rock, while Su Lei listens to jazz.It only takes 10 minutes to drive from Sihui to Beiyuan on Jingtong Expressway.Two red cars turned directly from Beiyuan to Beijing-Tianjin Highway, and after two intersections, they arrived at Mei Yihan's villa.It was a two-storey European-style building with an over 300-square-meter house with a large activity room and an open terrace on the top floor.In the past, Mei Yihan and Yu Jian often drank wine there while admiring the community park.Most of the time, the two of them didn't speak, they just watched everything in front of them quietly without making any comments.Yu Jian would sometimes tell a joke that she had just read in the evening paper. Mei Yihan pretended to be very serious, and always laughed out loud after listening to it, even though she had heard the joke before.

When you come to the room, as soon as you walk into the living room, you can see a photo of Mei Yihan when he was young, which is more than one meter tall.It was a very youthful artistic photo, without too much modification, but it looked very beautiful and gave people a sense of stability.

"You can sit in the living room for a while, and I'll get you a cup of coffee."

"No need."

"OK, then I'll show you the room where Yu Jian lived in before."

So Su Lei and Mei Yihan went upstairs together, turned the stairs, and Su Lei found that in the living room on the second floor, there was also a photo of Yu Jian, which was the same size as the photo of Mei Yihan downstairs.Su Lei walked over and carefully looked at Yu Jian in the photo, as if the two of them were communicating their emotions face to face.This photo was taken by Mei Yihan when Yu Jian was traveling in Sanya. He was wearing a white and elegant shirt and a pair of white slacks. He was blown by the sea breeze and felt like flying.The sea behind Yu Jian is particularly calm. Although it shows that kind of vast power, it also gives people a sense of openness and broadness.Su Lei stood in front of that photo, standing quietly.

Mei Yihan didn't bother Su Lei, although a lot of boredom and resentment arose in her heart, but she was already a middle-aged person, and she was very good at controlling her emotions.She squinted her eyes and looked at Su Lei with disdain until Su Hui turned around.

"Go, Jian's room is up there."

Mei Yihan led Su Lei through the living room to Yu Jian's room.It was a very ordinary room: a bed, a writing desk, several bookcases, and a computer constituted a complete personal space.The room has not been lived in for a long time, except for a few books on the bookcase, the whole room is empty.Su Lei pushed open the door, and a breeze passed by, gently blowing her hair, like a cool wind in early spring, making people feel a little cold on the whole face.Although there was nothing belonging to Yujian left in the room, there was a beautiful photo album on the desk.The album was open, and the two photos unfolded were a group photo of Mei Yihan and Yu Jian.Su Lei walked over to take a look, and couldn't help trembling in his heart.Although she doesn't like the pictures, she still maintains a kind of self-control as a highly educated person.She just glanced at the photo with her eyes and knew it.

"This is what you want to show me?" Su Lei turned around and looked at Mei Yihan with a sharp gaze.

Mei Yihan made a nonchalant look and said, "What? Are you talking about this photo? No, no, you misunderstood." Immediately, she stepped forward and closed the album.After the album was closed, Su Lei discovered that the cover of the album turned out to be a photo of Mei Yihan and Yu Jian being intimate.Su Lei glanced carefully with a curious or strange look.In that photo, the two were almost half-naked and embracing each other.Mei Yihan's breasts were tightly attached to Yu Jian's chest, Yu Jian held Mei Yihan tightly, and kissed Mei Yihan's mouth tightly with his lips.Although Su Lei tried her best to restrain her emotions, her face was still a little hot.There was a raging fire burning inside of her.Everything in front of me seemed like a nightmare, and this was the beginning of the nightmare.

Mei Yihan obviously also realized this, shrugged, and smiled deliberately, showing a helpless look.

Su Lei seemed to understand Mei Yihan's intention for bringing her here, she immediately gave Mei Yihan a contemptuous look, turned around and ran downstairs.Su Lei ran down the stairs with infinite anger and shame.Panting, she came to the huge photo of Mei Yihan, and stared at Mei Yihan with contempt, as if the person in front of her was not a human but a devil.

When Su Lei came to the living room angrily, there was an almost suffocating sound in the living room. At that time, the curtains in the living room had all been drawn, and the room was dark, as if night had fallen in the living room.Walking in this dark room, Su's whole body was covered by a kind of brown and blue.Su Lei could realize that this was the special light reflected by the rear projection TV.Su Lei turned her head subconsciously, and she suddenly found that in front of her, there was a two-meter-high large rear projector standing in front of her, on which was playing a scene of Mei Yihan and Yu Jian walking by the sea.

Su Lei grabbed a vase casually and cursed angrily: "Bastard!" The vase was thrown over.The vase fell on the screen of the large rear projection, and then scattered to pieces and fell to the ground one by one, but the screen was intact and the lens remained the same.Su Lei stepped forward and kicked the switch of the big rear projector, and the big rear projector stopped working.At this moment, a burst of heart-piercing laughter came from upstairs...

On the way back, Su Lei frantically turned up the stereo to the maximum, her hair was blown by the wind and her vision was almost blurred.Her eyes were completely covered by those dazzling lenses.She couldn't imagine nor accept such a reality. The wind was blowing her hair, and her hair was fluttering unscrupulously. Looking from the car window, every strand of black hair seemed to have a tenacious life, and they were doing their own thing. Colluding with each other, it seems to be dancing, fighting, playing, and fighting for the last time in life.

Tears danced with the flutter of hair.Although Su Lei tried to control her emotions and not let herself be too sad, she couldn't control her tears from flowing out.

When Su Lei came to the hospital and ignorantly kicked Yu Jian's room away, Yu Jian was still fast asleep.The sound of Su Lei kicking the door woke Yu Jian up from his sleep.He had a cold war, opened his eyes, and saw that Su Lei was like a mental patient.Her eyes pierced like the tip of a knife, her pale face made Yu Jian unimaginable, and just when he was about to ask Su Lei what's wrong, Su Lei strode over, his angry eyes startled him, Then Su Lei grabbed the pillow and threw it at Yu Jian.

"Su! Su! Su——" Yu Jian shouted Su's name.But Su Lei was completely confused by those shots. She lost her mind and hit Yu Jian who was restrained with a pillow hard, and shouted loudly. At first, she could hear what she was yelling clearly, but later, she couldn't hear her at all. Know the kind of shouting of vegetarians.She was still yelling until the nurse who heard the sound pulled Su Lei out of the ward.

Yu Jian straightened up from this helpless cry.Although he was not injured, he was completely dazzled by what he saw.He couldn't imagine what happened before that, so that the prime class lost his mind.

The next morning, just after Yu Jian finished his IV, Wanmei walked in angrily.

"How on earth did you bully Su Lei? You said, she has paid so much for you, and you still treat her like this!"

Because she walked too quickly upstairs, when Wanmei entered the ward, her face was flushed and she was panting heavily. "Su Lei cried all night in our dormitory last night. What happened to the two of you that made her so sad? If you are half-hearted, our sisters will never forgive you! ——Tell me, why did you bully Su Lei? You I don't know if she can't be too excited, can't be stimulated anymore, do you know? How dangerous it is for her, do you understand? She has paid so much for you, but you treat her like this, it's really inappropriate Fair!——You know, she suffers from severe meningitis, and if she gets too excited, she will lose her memory and even die! Do you know? Yesterday, she wanted to die."

As she spoke, Wanmei began to sob.

"Meningitis?" Yu Jian jumped up from the bed.

At this time Wanmei calmed down, looked at Yu Jian who was puzzled and said, "I shouldn't have told you this, but if I didn't tell you, Su Lei would suffer even more. I don't want to see my cousin in such pain." I don't want to see the person she loves let her down like that at the last moment of her life."

(End of this chapter)

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