deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 18 Conspiracy

Chapter 18 Conspiracy (2)
"What's going on here?" Yu Jian was so anxious that he was going crazy.

Wanmei turned around, looked at Yu Jian calmly and said: "When she was 16 years old, Su Lei was diagnosed with severe meningitis, and then developed a disease, resulting in sequelae. After the college entrance examination, she had to be admitted to the hospital because of a coma, and watched the days slip away from her every day, but she could only stay in the hospital. Although she longed to live, the nasty illness made her coma again. My aunt waits in the hospital every day, waiting for her to wake up from her sleep, but we can't feel her existence at all except for her weak breathing. Su Lei will not die like this, and we firmly believe that she will wake up. But when she woke up, the doctor told us that she had lost her memory—how could this be possible, she just felt a little headache, how could she lose her memory?

"You don't know how important that period of time is to Su. If she continues to be in a coma like this, the most serious consequence is brain death. Losing memory is not terrible, but losing life, that is for a family. It was a great sadness. My aunt and I stood by her side every day and prayed for her.

"Later, under the careful care of my aunt, my cousin woke up, but since then, Su's lifeline has been locked. Maybe she can live for ten years, five years, or even a few months. I'm so scared , Once she fell asleep, she couldn't wake up the next day."

Yu Jian couldn't imagine that Su Lei had such a painful experience.Only at this time did Yu Jian truly understand why Su Lei was so obsessed with finding himself, why he expressed his love to her in public!

When Yu Jian thinks that a person's life is so fragile, everything seems so unimportant.

When Yu Jian and Wanmei came to Su Lei's residence, Su Lei was lying on the sofa with tears streaming down his face, yelling, but he couldn't hear what she was shouting clearly.When she realized someone had walked in, she slowly raised her head and turned to take a look.Her sharp gaze pierced Yu Jian like a sharp knife.

Yu Jian was taken aback, Su Lei was so pale and fragile in front of him, Su Lei's voice had already started to become hoarse due to crying.The appearance of Su Lei lying on the sofa is like a teenage child acting like a baby or begging for mercy on the ground after being spanked by his mother.

Wanmei was also surprised to find that Su Lei's face seemed to have become more relaxed and older, accompanied by depression and excitement.She let out a cry of surprise, then subconsciously grabbed Yu Jian's hands and leaned tightly on Yu Jian's shoulder.Yu Jian was also very surprised, as if he didn't know the woman in front of him, he subconsciously called softly in a tentative tone: "Su Lei."

Su Lei stood up abruptly, and took a closer look at the man who called her name. It was a little strange at first, so strange that she backed away involuntarily, and then gradually became familiar.When she really realized that the person in front of her was Yu Jian, she yelled frantically: "Yu—Jian—" and ran over quickly, and hugged Yu Jian tightly.At this time, Wanmei realized that she was still holding Yu Jian's hands. She was at a loss for a while, and quickly put her hands down, and took a step back, her face flushed. Fortunately, the two people in front of her didn't pay attention to her.

Su Lei hugged Yu Jian tightly, and hugged Yu Jian's shoulder tightly with his greatest strength, as if as soon as he let go, the man in front of him would disappear immediately.Yu Jian didn't know what happened, he also hugged Su Lei tightly, and comforted her in a low voice: "Su Lei, it's okay! It's okay, Su Lei!"

At this time, Wanmei came up and persuaded: "Su Lei, don't cry, don't cry! Look at how you smashed the things in the room!"

Su Lei still hugged Yu Jian tightly, calling Yu Jian's name in a low voice like a child.It was only then that Wanmei realized that Su Lei might have been stimulated and mentally numb.She motioned for Yu Jian to pick up Su Lei and put him in the bedroom.

When Su Lei was lying on the bed, she held on to Yu Jian's right hand tightly, until she fell asleep, she still held on tightly.

The next day, when Su Lei woke up from her sleep, she saw Wanmei lying beside her bed, and Yu Jian who was on the sofa not far away was also asleep.She got up from the bed in a jerk, and the scene from yesterday reappeared in front of her eyes.She became more energetic all of a sudden, but when she looked at Yu Jian, she subconsciously thought that Yu Jian was not wearing any clothes, but was sitting naked in front of her.Su Lei grabbed a cup casually and threw it at Yu Jian, only to hear a bang, and the cup was thrown against the wall.At this time, Yu Jian also woke up from his sleep - he had a nightmare, a very common kind of nightmare: a dark cloud turned into a devil covered the whole sky, and he became a beggar for some reason, he walked forward Running, looking back at the black cloud.At this time, two big bloody hands stretched out from the depths of the dark cloud, grabbing towards him.At this moment, the sound of the cup breaking came from beside his ears, Yu Jian shivered and sat up from the sofa.

"Su Lei, are you awake?"

"Get out! Get out! I don't want to see you!"

Wanmei also woke up from her sleep, she gently rubbed her sleepy eyes with the back of her hand.When she realized that the two people in front of her were arguing again, she rushed forward. "Su Lei, what's wrong?"

"Let him go! It makes me sick to see him naked! I want to be sick! — let him go! Go!"

"What? He—" Wanmei doubted her eyes, but when she turned around and looked at Yu Jian carefully, she clearly saw that Yu Jian was wearing a neat suit, although the tie was not tied properly. Pretty standard, but nothing faux pas.

At this time, Su Lei was furious. She pointed at Yu Jian and laughed again: "You don't have clothes on, but you have the nerve to stand in front of a woman! Get out of here, I don't want to see what I'm like now! Get out! Get out now!"

With that said, Su Lei pushed Yu Jian out forcefully.Yu Jian was confused by Monk Zhang Er.Although he knew that he was wearing clothes, but in order to prove his feeling was correct, he touched from his jacket to his trouser legs, and said to Su Lei who was pushing him, "I'm wearing clothes..."

The prime class pushes Yujian outward regardless of the three seven twenty-one.At this time, Wanmei seemed to see a clue.She stepped forward and pushed Yu Jian to the living room, while comforting Su Lei to keep her calm, she closed the bedroom door and walked out by herself.

After Wanmei came out, she told Yu Jian with gestures not to speak, and walked up to her and whispered, "Sit down, don't say anything! She's sick again! I'll go get the medicine!"

"Does she often get sick like this?"


Seeing Wanmei's nervous look, Yu Jian shrugged his shoulders, and was about to sit down when he heard a burst of mournful crying from the bedroom.Yu Jian couldn't help but took a few steps forward, trying to comfort Su Lei, but was caught by Wanmei.

"Don't go!—you don't know!"

Yu Jian had no choice but to walk back cautiously.Wanmei turned around and went to look for medicine on a desk in the living room.When she took a board of blue and white capsules from the drawer, she glanced at Yu Jian with a smile, and said cautiously: "It's all right, just take the medicine and sleep for a while and you'll be fine!"

When Wanmei walked into the bedroom with the medicine, Su Lei hugged Wanmei's shoulders and burst into tears, crying, "He doesn't wear clothes, he's really shameless, it's really embarrassing to see him naked." Disgusting..."

"Okay, I've got him dressed! You take the medicine first!"

"I don't eat! I'm not sick! I really saw him naked, and he hugged a woman and kissed her affectionately!"

"Okay, okay, it was just a dream of yours!"

"It's not a dream, it's real, I really saw it!"

"Okay, you saw it. After a while, I will send him to the police station and sue him for prostitution!"

Su Lei lay on Wanmei's body, and they still didn't take the medicine after all, and the two sat on the bed and hugged each other.Yu Jian could vaguely hear Su Lei's soft sobbing outside the door.

About an hour later, Wanmei came out and said to Jian solemnly, "Go back, she's fine."

"What's wrong with me?"

Wanmei smiled at Yu Jian, a mocking smile, and said, "When she sees you, it's as if she sees you without clothes on!"

"How could this—"

"Anyway, you go back first. This may be her hallucination, and she may have been stimulated by some kind. You go back first. If there is anything, I will call you. "

"Then her illness—"

"It's okay, it's me!"

Yu Jian had no choice but to walk out, and he didn't figure it out, there are still people with clairvoyance in the world, if this is the case, then wouldn't she look at the naked people on the street?
Walking on the wide third ring side road, Yu Jian seemed to see the new life of the whole world in that momentary blurred feeling.Especially when standing on the overpass, Mercedes-Benz cars speeding past, one after another running on the highway, seem to represent the efforts or struggles of each life in a society dominated by money.At this time, Yu Jian suddenly thought that he should find a job, otherwise the little savings in his hand would be squandered by himself within a year or so.

From the overpass to the opposite side, as soon as I got off the overpass, five or six little beggars came out from under the bridge.These five or six people were wearing "beggar clothes" that seemed to have not been washed or changed in a year.Some of the sleeves and trousers were faded into strips, some had holes, and some had their entire sleeves worn off.The black hair on that head was indeed very black, but it was abnormally black. Coupled with the mixed pollution of urban oil and chemicals, the entire head was frozen into thin locks, like a deliberate braid.When the five or six beggars saw someone coming down, they rushed up, holding the bowl in their hands.Although he couldn't understand what they were yelling, Yu Jian quickly understood that they were here to ask for money.Seeing this posture, it would be impossible not to give it, so he took out a few steels from his pocket, threw them to them, and walked forward at a faster pace.But three or four of them were picked up by the big beggars.He didn't pick it up, didn't fight or fight, turned around and ran forward, and surrounded Yu Jian again.Among them was an eleven or twelve-year-old girl—if it wasn't for her face still retaining a bit of feminine tenderness, Yu Jian really couldn't tell her gender.She ran over and hugged Yu Jian's right leg, crying and fussing.And the other little beggars held the bowls or basins in their hands and held them tightly against Yu Jian's body, as if they didn't want to leave unless they gave the money.Yu Jian's nose was suddenly filled with the stench and rotten smell from them, and while covering his nose, he explained that he had no change.But after explaining for a long time, he found that these people didn't listen to what he said at all.One beggar even gave him a push, as if telling him that if he didn't pay him, he would beat him up.Seeing that there was no other way, Yu Jian had to take out another 1 yuan or 5 yuan, and distributed one to each of them, and then sent these beggars away.

Sitting in the car from Madian, Yu Jian was thinking about the abnormal change of Su Lei, and recalling the scene of being besieged by beggars. He was puzzled and angry, and slowly, he fell asleep.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Jian returned to the hospital, and naturally he was scolded by the nurse.Fortunately, Yu Jian was about to be discharged from the hospital, and he kept thinking about Su Lei, and he didn't argue with the nurse. He just sat by the bed and said nothing like his father was blaming him for something wrong when he was a child.

Since then, Su Lei never came to the hospital to see Yu Jian.Wanmei has been here a few times, and when asked about Su Lei, Wanmei just shook her head.

Yu Jian was already very distressed, so he didn't ask any further.However, on the day Yu Jian was discharged from the hospital, Su Lei came.The two looked at each other and smiled, acting as polite as when they first met.On that day, the two drank some wine in the bar, but Yu Jian never asked what happened that day.

Although Yu Jian's leg was not seriously injured, every time it rained or the weather turned cold, his bones and joints would feel a faint pain.When he was discharged from the hospital, an old Chinese doctor said to him meaningfully: "When the weather turns cold, you must wear an extra pair of underpants. Even in summer, it is best to wear a pair of underpants. Although your legs have no problem walking, you are most afraid of catching cold. ——It’s easy to get arthritis when you catch a cold, so it’s not easy to treat. In winter, it’s best to wipe your bones and joints with hot wine every week, which is good for your legs.”

(End of this chapter)

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