deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 40 The Task Force

Chapter 40 The Task Force (2)
Yu Jian was almost kicked out. When he was led out of the big iron gate by the police, he even wanted to squeeze back through the crack of the door, but the heavy gate refused him.He lifted his head feebly and looked at the blue sky, the sky was cloudless and blue, it looked so pure and noble, so sincere and harmonious, but it had nothing to do with Yu Jian.

Yu Jian dragged his heavy legs forward and walked about a dozen meters before he realized a car was driving in front of him.When the car drove to Yu Jian's side, Yu Jian saw that it was Wang Daqing who was driving.

"Yu Jian, get in the car! Our newspaper office still welcomes you, you are innocent, we all know this very well."

Yu Jian looked at Wang Daqing carefully, he seemed to see a kind of sincerity in Wang Daqing's unreal eyes, and when he finished listening to Wang Daqing's words, Yu Jian felt that Wang Daqing was deceiving himself .Yes, how is this possible?The newspaper will also want a person involved in the case-and a suspect who has just walked out of the detention center.

But where could he go without getting in the car?Su Lei died, Mei Yihan fled, and the two women he met in Beijing left him like this.Where can he end up?He didn't even have the travel expenses to go back to his hometown in Shandong. Even after breakfast in the detention center, he didn't know where his lunch was. Where could he go?
Yu Jian got into the car.Wang Daqing first took Yu Jian to the bathing center, let Yu Jian take a good bath, and then went to the hairdressing center.When the barber was about to finish the haircut, Yu Jian suddenly turned his head, looked at Wang Daqing with an almost begging look and said, "Can I dye my hair?"

Wang Daqing almost didn't fall off the wooden chair. He opened his eyes wide and stared at Yu Jian carefully.When he saw that Yu Jian was seriously asking himself a question, he nodded.

"What color do you want?" asked the barber.

"Bright green."

"This color is dazzling when dyed, if it doesn't look good—"

"I've dyed it before."

The barber was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "All or just the bangs?"

"Fully dyed."


After dyeing his hair, Wang Daqing wanted to bring Yu Jian back to the club, but Yu Jian firmly disagreed.Wang Daqing couldn't force it, so he had to find a hotel nearby for him to live in first, and promised to rent a house for Yu Jian tomorrow.Before Wang Daqing left, he gave Yu Jian 500 yuan, but Yu Jian did not refuse, and even said some words of gratitude.

Yu Jian fell asleep early after dinner, but just as he fell asleep, there was a sudden knock on the door.Yu Jian thought it was Wang Daqing, but there was no response after calling several times, so he climbed off the bed and walked to the door in a daze.

"Who is it?" Yu Jian opened the door while talking, but found that there was no one outside.He walked out of the room suspiciously, glanced to both sides, but there was no one, Yu Jian sighed.He was so tired that he closed the door again.

Yu Jian climbed onto the bed again and covered his head with the quilt.Gradually, he fell asleep again.When he was dragging his heavy body and snoring in the dream, the door was knocked suddenly again, and this time it was louder and more urgent than the last time.The knock on the door lasted for about five or six minutes before Yu Jian woke up from the bed.There was no way, Yu Jian climbed off the bed again, and opened the door impatiently.This time, like last time, there was no one outside the door.Yu Jian pondered for a while, thinking: Maybe the waiter made a mistake, maybe Wang Daqing played a prank, maybe the "lady" of the hotel was looking for customers.Yu Jian didn't care about this, this time when he closed the door, he put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign in front of the door.Now, Yu Jian can sleep in peace.

But Yu Jian was still a little worried that someone would knock on the door again. If he heard the sound again, Yu Jian had reason to believe that it was the "lady" of the hotel who was at fault.But he lay on the bed and waited for more than ten minutes, but he didn't hear the knock on the door.Yu Jian thought it was the "Do Not Disturb" sign that helped, so he fell asleep peacefully again.

At the moment when Yu Jian was fast asleep, the knock on the door rang again, and the sound became louder each time. Yu Jian immediately jumped up from the bed, rushed to the door, and quickly opened the door—he wanted to take a look. Who is to blame? If it is really "Miss", he will scold her and even send her to the police station.But the strange thing is that when he opened the door, there was still no one outside.

Yu Jian closed the door, this time he dared not sleep again.He was sitting right in front of the door, waiting for the knock, and his expression was tense, with the urge to beat up the knocker.But he stood in front of the door for about half an hour and no one came to knock on the door.Yu Jian couldn't hold on any longer, so he had to relax, sit on the sofa and wait, wait...

Two hours later, Yu Jian had fallen asleep sitting on the sofa, when suddenly the phone rang in a hurry.Yu Jian woke up from his dream, thinking someone was knocking on the door, after listening carefully, he realized that it was the phone that woke him up, so he picked up the phone: "Hello?"

But the moment Yu Jian picked up the phone, the person on the other end hung up the phone.Yu Jian felt impulsive, and angrily unplugged the phone line.At this time, Yu Jian didn't feel sleepy at all, he knew that he couldn't fall asleep this time.So he got dressed and walked out of the hotel.

At that time, although the night was already deep, there were still people coming and going on the asphalt road.Standing under the orange street lamp, Yu Jian watched the people coming and going so anxiously hurrying, as if they were in a hurry to go home.Yu Jian walked along the road in front of the hotel. When he reached the overpass, he suddenly found a few beggars.They were huddled on the bridge, falling asleep in a daze.There was a little girl who squinted one eye while sleeping, as if observing the passing pedestrians.When she noticed a young man with bright green hair coming, she suddenly woke up the other four partners.The four little beggars probably also knew that the person who gave them money was coming, so after waking up from the dream one by one, they surrounded Yujian together with the disheveled little girl.

"Give me some money!"

"You have pity on us!"

"We haven't eaten for two days!"

"Give me some money! Just give me some money!"


Yu Jian didn't have the heart to give them money, even if he had the heart, he didn't have any money with him - the 500 yuan Wang Daqing gave him was still in the hotel.

"Go, go!" Yu Jian said impatiently while avoiding these little beggars.

Unexpectedly, when these little beggars saw that he didn't want to give money, two little boys hugged his legs, and the other three started digging into Yu Jian's pocket.Yu Jian saw that this was an obvious robbery. When he thought of his situation, he no longer had sympathy and pity. He pushed away the little girl who was digging out his pocket, and at the same time grabbed the two legs hugging him hard. The little boy kicked aside.The two little boys burst into tears, and the passers-by looked at the bridge with curiosity and even condemnation.

Seeing that Yu Jian really lost his temper, those children cried loudly from the ground while insulting Yu Jian.Yu Jian didn't care about these things, he struggled to get out from among the children, while running in a panic, he turned his head for a look from time to time.When he came to the hotel room, he suddenly felt a lot heavier in his pocket.So he put his hand in his pocket, and suddenly his hand touched a thick pile of things.Yu Jian thought it was a prank played by those children, but when he took out the things, he found that it was a wad of money, a full 5000 yuan.Yu Jian was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took out his two trouser pockets, and found a handful of rolled things inside.He took it out and saw that it was a roll of RMB, and all of them were 100.Yu Jian seemed to realize something.He then stuffed the money into his pocket again, and quickly ran downstairs to the hotel, when he found that the few beggars under the overpass had disappeared.

Yu Jian was very excited, he ran around aimlessly, hoping to find the figures of those little beggars.He ran from the hotel to the overpass, and then from the overpass to the crossroads in front of him. He chose a direction at random and galloped away again, like a stubborn wild horse, spreading his wildness on the dark prairie.When Yu Jian no longer had the strength to run forward, his weak body suddenly fell heavily on the asphalt road.Yu Jian lay on the asphalt road and couldn't get up, he clenched his fists tightly.

When Yu Jian dragged his heavy body back to the hotel, he suddenly found a piece of paper on the bed.Yu Jian hurried over and took a closer look, it turned out to be a letter written by Mei Yihan——

I know you must attribute the death of Su class to me. I don't deny that Su class's death is closely related to me, but it is not I who killed Su class.

The money is from me, I know you don't have money, you need it.If there is a chance in the future, I will take you abroad.Finally, I want to solemnly remind you: be careful of everyone around you, they are all policemen.


After Yu Jian saw the letter, he looked back carefully, and suddenly found that the door had not been closed.He hurried over and closed the door tightly.

Before dawn the next day, Yu Jian got up.He packed his things and went to the service desk to prepay for ten days' room.When all the formalities were completed, he got into a taxi before he even had time to eat breakfast.

When Yu Jian came to the Criminal Investigation Brigade, his genius had just dawned.Yu Jian walked to the gate, but the security guard in the reception room didn't let him in.Although Yu Jian explained again and again, the security guard said: "You want to find Captain Liu, that's fine, then you can come back during working hours! - Now even if I put you in, you won't be able to see him!"

Yu Jian had no choice but to stand at the door and wait.

Two hours later, Liu Changyong drove a police car over on the asphalt road.As soon as Yu Jian saw that it was Liu Changyong, he hurried over before he got out of the car.Liu Changyong was also very puzzled. When he got out of the car with a frown, he just wanted to ask Yu Jian if he knew about Mei Yihan's whereabouts. Why are there no legs? You have to tell me the truth of the matter."

Liu Changyong looked at Yu Jian again, and carefully noticed the bloodshot eyes in Yu Jian's eyes.As he walked towards the office building, he said to Jian: "You have no right to ask!"


"Because it's a police secret."


"No, but, you have no right to ask me to tell you the cause of Su Lei's death! Please go back!"

As he spoke, Liu Changyong disappeared from Yu Jian's sight.Seeing that Liu Changyong treated Yu Jian like this, the security guard refused to let Yu Jian in.Yu Jian had no choice but to turn around and walk to the left side of the road.When he walked to the door of a McDonald's at the intersection, he turned his head, thought carefully for a while, and then walked towards the Public Security Bureau.This time Yu Jian did not go up to talk to the security guard, he knew that the security guard would not let him in, so Yu Jian simply stood at the door and waited.

In this way, Yu Jian waited until noon, but Liu Changyong never came out.At this time, Yu Jian's stomach growled, and he wanted to endure it for a while. Although McDonald's is not far from here, he was afraid that Liu Changyong would leave when he went to buy hamburgers.So, Yu Jian had no choice but to endure.

The time passed bit by bit like this, and Yu Jian was so hungry that he couldn't stand it, so he turned around and ran towards McDonald's.Because it was not the peak season of passenger flow, Yu Jian quickly bought a chicken burger and a glass of Coke.After Yu Jian got the hamburger, he ate it while walking towards the Public Security Bureau.When he came to the gate of the Public Security Bureau again, he found that Liu Changyong's car had disappeared.Yu Jian looked stupidly at the spot where Liu Changyong had parked just now, and slammed a large glass of Coke on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the security guard suddenly ran over and shouted, "What are you doing?"

When Yu Jian saw the security guard running over, he felt a little frightened, he stammered and couldn't speak clearly.

"Is your name Yu Jian?"

Yu Jian nodded.

"Captain Liu let you in."

"Captain Liu, he—" Yu Jian looked at the spot where Liu Changyong had parked just now, and then at the security guard.

"Go in, Captain Liu is waiting for you in the office."

Yu Jian was confused, he walked into the door in a daze.Yu Jian is very familiar with this place, he was locked up here for a day and a night.

The door of Liu Changyong's office was open, and Yu Jian walked in without even knocking.Seeing Yu Jian, Liu Changyong smiled at him, pointed to Zhang Minghao and Xu Min who were sitting on the sofa, and said, "Don't you want to know how Su Lei's leg was broken? They were the ones who died when the car accident happened. Police at the scene."

Yu Jian had met Zhang Minghao and Xu Min, but when the person he wanted to meet was actually sitting in front of him, he didn't even know what he should say.At this moment, Xu Min came to Yu Jian and gave Yu Jian the photo in his hand—it was taken by Xu Min at the scene of the crime.

When Yu Jian saw Su Lei lying in a pool of blood, especially when he saw the pool of blood on the ground, he shed tears involuntarily.Yu Jian even hated that he wasn't there at the time, otherwise, even if he used his body to block the off-road vehicle, Su Lei wouldn't be hurt a little bit.

"After Su Lei regained her memory, she wanted to go to the newspaper office to see what new progress had been made on the dialect case. After walking out of the newspaper office, she drove to the bar, where she drank all afternoon. When it was getting dark, she also ordered a cocktail. She walked out of the bar after drinking. When Zhang Minghao and I walked out of the bar, the car accident had already happened. At that time, Zhang Minghao drove two gun, and he was punished afterwards - we didn't see the people in the car, but we can see from the video taken by the "electronic eyes" of the traffic police team that these two people wearing sunglasses were driving into Su Kind of people." Saying that, Xu Min handed Yu Jian another blurry black-and-white photo.

"Have you seen these two people?" Xu Min asked again.

Yu Jian looked up at Xu Min carefully, he thought the police were suspicious of him.Xu Min saw what Yu Jian was thinking, and hurriedly explained: "That's not what I mean, I mean, you've been by Mei Yihan's side for so long, and you haven't noticed that the bodyguards around Mei Yihan look like them?"

"how can that be?"

"Except for Mei Yihan, the others have no motive for committing the crime, unless it was an accidental car accident!"


"Nothing is impossible. In this world, anything is possible."

Yu Jian was stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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