deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 41 The Master

Chapter 41 The Master (1)
After eating at noon, Yu Jian followed Su Lei's mother to Su Lei's grave...

After lunch, Yu Jian followed Su Lei's mother to Su Lei's grave.Yu Jian put a large bouquet of roses in front of Su Lei's tomb, at this moment he realized most deeply how important this woman is to him.Su Lei's mother came over and helped Yu Jian up, and said to Jian while sobbing: "I love this daughter the most in my life, and now she is gone, but I can't find the murderer who hurt her. I know, this Only you in the world can find Mei Yihan, and only you can bring her to justice and avenge Su Lei."

Hearing this, Yu Jian burst into tears.He didn't expect the old man to say such things in such a place.He looked around and found no sign of the police, so he said: "Auntie, don't worry, I know what I should do. I will catch Mei Yihan, even if it is for myself. "

Su Lei's mother nodded.

Yu Jian still rented a house near the Beijing Art Institute.He was too familiar with this place, when he remembered that he was arguing with Mei Yihan in the basement, he suddenly hesitated.After a while, he recalled the words Su Lei's mother said in front of Su Lei's tomb.At this time, he took out a photo of Su Lei from a leather bag, which was taken on the beach. Su Lei was wearing a pink dress, facing the sea breeze, walking into the sea, and smiling at Yu Jian...

This period of painful or happy, lost or happy, tragic or exciting experience has completely changed Yu Jian's life trajectory and firmly supported his fragile life.Four years later, the two women in Yu Jian's life were far away from him.He tried hard to trace the footprints when they left, but the illusory feeling accompanied by pain and loneliness returned to him.The fragments of life are connected together, like a movie unfolding in front of him.

Yeah, just four years ago, in the best season of his life, he met the two most important women in his life.These two women changed his destiny like a storm, pulling him away from reality and wandering around romance and money.

This year, he changed from a big spender to a prisoner. The experience of being in prison almost made him lose the courage and persistence of life like a young man.Yu Jian doesn't know why he is alive, he is completely lost, his only goal now is to find Mei Yihan.As for what to do after looking for Mei Yihan, what to say to her, he didn't think clearly.His heart was full of hatred and resentment, and he didn't know how to vent it.

When sleeping on the street at night, Yu Jian was kicked up by a few beggars walking from a distance as soon as he lay down.

"Hey, hey, get up!" they yelled loudly, not even caring about the pedestrians on the road.

Yu Jian woke up from his sleep, he opened his sleepy eyes and hurriedly sat up.He found that the four middle-aged beggars had long hair, unkempt faces, and strips of clothes on their bodies, as if they had just been salvaged from hell.

"What's wrong?" Yu Jian asked.

"Do you have an account?"

"What, you need a household registration if you want food?" Yu Jian was taken aback, and he glanced at the four beggars with doubtful eyes.

"Oh, it turns out that you didn't have a registered permanent residence, so you have to pay taxes."

"What? Tax? What tax?" Yu Jian sounded fresh. He had heard of paying tax when doing business, but he had never heard of paying tax when begging for food.

"Damn it, don't pretend, you don't have a registered permanent residence, and you don't pay taxes. How can you hang around on Lafayette's site?"


"Damn! It must be an outsider! Hey, boy, where are you from?"

"I... I'm from Shandong."

"Shandong? That's fine. Do you pay taxes or register?"

"How do I pay taxes? How do I register for an account?"

"Do you really don't understand, kid, or are you pretending to understand?"

"I... I really don't understand, please teach me a few big brothers, and let me make a living in Beijing."

"Then I'll tell you, to sign up for household registration, pay 50 yuan a year to Lafayette; pay taxes, 5 yuan a month."

"What? Who decided this? If I have money, why would I still be sleeping on the street?"

"Damn it, you want to get spanked, don't you?"

"Even if you beat me to death, I have no money!"

"His mother's bear bag! Search!" After saying that, several beggars opened Yu Jian's bag.How could Yu Jian win against them, so he had no choice but to hold on to his body—fortunately, all the money was in his underwear.

The four beggars searched for a long time but did not find a dollar.At this time, a beggar looked at Yu Jian, and then winked at the other three beggars, and the four understood.

"Boy, do you want us to search, or do you take it yourself?"

Yu Jian knew that they had discovered his secret, so he said, "How to register?"

"Registering a household registration is also simple. You pay 50, and I'll take you to a place and brand a seal on your arm."

"Then I should pay the tax?" Yu Jian took out the money from his pocket, but when he took out the money, he took out 100 yuan.The four of them saw that this kid must be rich, and all eight eyes were dumbfounded.

"Hey, I can catch another person with registered permanent residence."

"Boy, you are lucky. Tonight, I will take you to register."

"Hey, we've sent it. If he registers, we'll share the money."

"Boy, let's go."

Where could he argue, before he could collect the money, a beggar put a sack over his head.

Yu Jian would never have imagined that he would be put into a sack by others and carried like a pig, as if he no longer belonged to him, but was sold to others through money or an agreement.It never occurred to him that being a beggar would cost him his life.Yu Jian was struggling in the sack, although he bent his body, he struggled hard, and even yelled for help, every time he yelled like this, a beggar would forcefully hit him He punched him violently in the body, which made him wake up from his fear and realize how fragile his life was.Sometimes, punches would hit his head, his lower abdomen, or even his lower body, and he could only vent his dissatisfaction and pain with more violent yells.

In the end, Yu Jian no longer had the strength to struggle, not even to shout.He curled up his body, struggling to breathe, panting...

When the sack fell heavily on the ground and the four beggars excitedly called "Master", a disheveled little girl walked out of a dilapidated "villa" that seemed to have not yet been built.She went to the sack, untied it, and carefully pulled the sack down so that the head of the person inside could be exposed.When the little girl saw that the person inside was unconscious, she gently patted Yu Jian's face with the back of her hand, and whispered: "Wake up, it's time to register."

Yu Jian still didn't wake up, the little girl stood up, took a handful from the bucket next to her carefully with both hands, and sprinkled the water on Jian's face.Shocked by the cold water, Yu Jian suddenly woke up from a coma.

"Ah—ah—" Yu Jian struggled, and subconsciously wiped the water off his face with his left hand, "What is this place? What is this place?"

Yu Jian stood up, looked at the dark world around him, and suddenly became afraid.He has no way to discern the direction, and also has no way to recognize the world, because this open-air world is completely dark, only a faint light from the house in front of him-although it is also very weak.

When Yu Jian was in a daze, he heard someone shouting in the house: "I have registered, bring people in."

Saying that, the four beggars just now came to Yu Jian's side, and one of them stretched out his hand and pushed, motioning for Yu Jian to go in.With just this push, Yu Jian has been pushed up the stairs.Although it was dark, Yu Jian could still find that it was an abandoned villa, and the exterior walls were not tiled, or even smoothed with cement, and the red bricks were clearly visible.Due to the panic and extreme fear in his heart, Yu Jian had no sense of self-defense at all, and he walked into the house involuntarily.

There were about ten beggar-like people around, they were either standing or sitting, and some even lay flat on the ground.Yu Jian never imagined that the beggar gang he had seen on TV in the past would actually appear in front of him now.He lost his mind completely and didn't even know how to move around.He silently stared at the people in dirty clothes in front of him, as if he was being interrogated—no, not interrogated.Two months ago, when he was at the police station, he didn't feel any fear, and he didn't even realize his crime.But now, he suddenly realized that he was like a sinful sinner who was being interrogated by the envoy representing advanced human civilization.

"Give him a registered residence." A beggar behind Yu Jian shouted.

Yu Jian tried very hard to remember the faces of one or two of them, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't distinguish their faces.In his brain, he saw almost the same faces - long hair, black cheeks, besides that, Yu Jian couldn't even tell how many eyes, how many noses, how many faces they had. several mouths.

At this moment, a beggar came from the crowd. When he walked by the fire, Yu Jian tried to see the man's face clearly by the light of the fire, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recognize the man.It is certain that this person definitely does not have three eyes, or two noses, or two mouths.Yu Jian was very pleased to be able to realize this.That is to say, they are human too!

(End of this chapter)

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