deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 44: Cousin Mei

Chapter 44: Cousin Mei (2)
"I said, I will deal with everything! I also said, I will breathe out for everyone. At the beginning, when I told everyone to leave, I took all my assets to ensure everyone's safety, but some people still doubted me. They even betrayed me—these are the people I like and trust the most. I have no way to forgive these brothers, although they once made a lot of money for me and everyone, and made us rich overnight, but they If you betrayed me and you, you are not worthy of being our friends. They are more hateful than those policemen! Think about it now, and tell me loudly, who made you have money and live a life without worry? "

"It's Cousin Mei!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Okay! Let me ask again, who betrayed Cousin Mei?"

"It's Boss Hei!"

"Drag him up."

As he spoke, someone dragged a disheveled man from behind the pile of stones to the fire.This person has a bluff face and a slightly fat body. Although his face is a little dark, it can be seen that he is a very cultivated person.When he was dragged to the fire, he lay limp on the ground.He probably wanted to climb to Mei Yihan's side, but failed several times.

At this moment, Mei Yihan sat on the wooden chair, raised her head and looked at Boss Hei, her eyes narrowed into a straight line. "Boss Hei, what did you say back then?"

At this time, Boss Hei who was lying on the ground tried his best to raise his head and glanced at Mei Yihan, and said, "I said at the beginning, if you can lead everyone to escape successfully, you will cut off my right hand!"

"Okay, there is a kind!"

"Hmph, I said, if you can besiege the Public Security Bureau, hahaha, my two brothers and I will each give you a finger."

"Okay, bring me the two brothers of Boss Hei."

As he spoke, two beggars came one by one behind the stone pile.They were all tied tightly with rope.Meanwhile, someone had placed six benches to the right of the fire.When the two men were escorted to the wooden bench, several strong beggars followed closely behind. Each of them held a shining kitchen knife in their hands, as if they had just bought it from a supermarket.

The two stretched out a finger one by one and placed it on the wooden bench.At this time, some people began to tremble, some closed their eyes tightly, and some even shouted: "Please, Lafayette! Please spare the brothers who follow you to fight hard!" Some While shouting, people burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, Mei Yihan couldn't help laughing.And Boss Hei saw that his brother was so spineless, and shouted at those brothers who begged for mercy: "You are not my brother, Boss Hei! How do I usually treat you bastards!"

At this time, the two people beside the bonfire stopped talking, and they probably knew that their fate could not be reversed.It's just that they kept trembling, as if they were begging for mercy, but they insisted on pointing their fingers.

"Start!" Someone yelled, and the index fingers of the two people on the wooden bench landed one after another.Blood spurted out all of a sudden, and the two screamed heart-piercingly, and one was lying on the ground screaming desperately while rolling from side to side.

At this time, Mei Yihan waved his hand, and the two brothers who lost their fingers were detained by several beggars.Seeing such a scene, Boss Hei couldn't help feeling a little chilled.Just as he was about to move his body, two beggars stepped forward and dragged Hei Boss to a wooden bench.

"Slow down!" Boss Hei shouted loudly.

At this time, the beggar who held up the kitchen knife stopped.

"What else do you want to say?" Mei Yihan asked in a low voice.

"It was Yu Jian who betrayed us. I can cut off my fingers, but I want to ask Lafayette, what about Yu Jian? Hahaha..." Hei boss laughed out loud.

At this time, Mei Yihan waved her hand, and from behind her, two beggars came up with Yu Jian in their arms.Seeing such a scene, Yu Jian couldn't help feeling a little nervous.But when he saw Mei Yihan, he was furious and shouted, "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Yu Jian's shout immediately caused the beggars around the campfire to burst into laughter.That's right, it seemed so ridiculous and ignorant that this self-indulgent guy made such a threat.

Boss Hei raised his head and looked at Yu Jian, Yu Jian was a little terrified when he saw the blood on the stool.He raised his head and glanced at Mei Yihan.Mei Yihan also glanced at Yu Jian, but after a while, she shifted her gaze to Boss Hei.

"Boss Hei, what do you want?"

"What do I want? Hahaha..." Boss Hei suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly, "This kid betrayed us, he kept us away from a life of wine and meat, and disrupted our plans. And what he knows Everything about it was told by you—our Lafayette. It should be said that you made us all become beggars, unable to return home, spend money, and sleep with women. You said, Lafayette, you How should I explain it to everyone!"

At this time, the beggar standing next to him retorted: "Boss Hei, don't forget, who gave us today?"

"Yes, it was all given by Lafayette, but Lafayette killed us again because of this little face!"

"Okay, Boss Hei, I understand what you mean, you want me to accompany you!" Mei Yihan shouted loudly.

"No, I want this person to die!" As he said, Boss Hei looked at Yu Jian viciously.

Mei Yihan glanced at Yu Jian.Yu Jian's face was a little red, and under the light of the fire, it looked so black and purple.Mei Yihan glanced at Boss Hei again, suddenly she burst out laughing, smiling, but another tear came out of the corner of her eye.

"Boss Hei, I will not be fooled by you. Although Yu Jian betrayed me, he is not a member of our circle. But you are different. You have been with me for 12 years, but you worked hard when I needed you the most. betrayed me! Cut—”

Mei Yihan said the word "cut", and the beggar standing behind Hei Boss raised his knife and chopped it down fiercely.Boss Hei's right hand was cut in two like a sugar cane.The broken part fell to the ground with the spray of blood.

Boss Hei tightly grasped his right wrist with his left hand, struggled a few times on the ground, and then sat up again.When he saw that Mei Yihan was still sitting on the chair, he smiled hard at Mei Yihan, and shouted: "You betrayed us!" After speaking, he passed out.

There was a false alarm among the people.Someone in the crowd shouted: "Kill him!" Then, several people shouted: "Kill Yujian! He killed us!"

The anger was hard to appease, and Mei Yihan couldn't sit still.With light steps, she came to Yu Jian's side, and looked at Yu Jian viciously.At this time, Yu Jian also stared at Mei Yihan, it seemed that the two of them had become enemies in an instant, and the past eachother seemed so powerless.

Mei Yihan turned around, looked at the beggars around, and said word by word: "Yes, he betrayed us. But he also gave me the courage to lead everyone to earn a lot of money. The money. Without him, maybe I would have left Beijing six years ago and never returned. There was a time when I felt that I really couldn’t keep going, because our huge group needed a lot of money. Money is the backing. When I wanted to leave China and settle abroad, I met him in Shandong——Yu Jian. He immediately teased my desire for money. Only then did I realize that I was so so important. So I brought him to Beijing and continued our common cause. Although he didn’t help us make money, and even betrayed us, but when we were struggling, he brought me spirit comfort and satisfaction in life. Yes, he betrayed me. Originally, I wanted to kill him and use his blood to repay my feelings for him, but when I faced him again, I realized that I was It is impossible to kill him! If he betrayed us, then I was the first one to betray us—your Lafayette, I brought him to Beijing, and I let him know about our cause. Tonight, when we meet for the last time, what your Lafayette will tell you is-your Lafayette betrayed you!"

At this moment, a few policemen rushed in from outside the yard. When these policemen saw the pool of blood in front of Mei Yihan, they were all stunned.At this time, the bodyguards beside Mei Yihan seemed to wake up from sleep. When they realized that they were surrounded, they suddenly drew their pistols and retreated.

At this time, Liu Changyong suddenly rushed out from the yard, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he shouted loudly: "Hurry up and chase after him!"

So the policeman who had just rushed forward chased forward while yelling not to move.

Mei Yihan didn't have a gun on her body, and Yu Jian knew very well that even if Mei Yihan had a gun on her body, she wouldn't have the strength to lift it up.When Yu Jian saw Liu Changyong rushing towards the yard with a group of policemen, he didn't feel the slightest bit of fear.

"Learning—" Mei Yihan shouted softly.

Yu Jian turned his head and glanced at Mei Yihan.

"Jian, let me tell you, when I'm arrested, you can go to Yu Pingli, the deputy general manager of your newspaper, and she will help you go abroad. I have arranged everything for you abroad..." When Mei Yihan said this, Liu Changyong had already walked to her side.When Mei Yihan realized that she was about to be arrested, she knew that she would never be able to say these words.Immediately, Liu Changyong ordered two criminal policemen to drag Mei Yihan up.

At the moment Liu Changyong took out the handcuffs, Yu Jian stood up suddenly, he looked at Mei Yihan with pity, and then at Liu Changyong.Liu Changyong seemed to see the begging behind Yu Jian's deep gaze, and finally, he put the handcuffs in Yu Jian's hands.

Yu Jian took over the cold handcuffs, tears streaming down his face, and kept dripping on the ground.

At this time, Mei Yihan tried hard to make herself smile, and showed a very friendly look, looking at Yu Jian affectionately.At the same time, she stretched out her hands in front of Yu Jian.

Yu Jian took a closer look at Gu Mei Yihan's hands, which had experienced many vicissitudes of life, and they had been worn very rough due to hiding these days.Although Yu Jian knew that this day was inevitable, but when he handcuffed Mei Yihan himself, he still turned his face away.

The day after Yu Jian put handcuffs on Mei Yihan, the Beijing news media spread the news that the city's largest pornography provider and drug lord - nicknamed "Cousin Mei" and "Lafayette" Mei Yihan committed suicide by taking poison in prison early this morning...

(End of this chapter)

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