deadly temptation beijing

Chapter 45 Afterword

Chapter 45 Afterword
Like "The First Struggle in the Workplace", "The Fatal Attraction of Beijing" is also a novel I created many years ago. At that time, the title of the book was "Beijing Love Story". It was changed to "The Post-Lustful Era of Rich Women in Beijing".

At that time my pen name was "Sleepwalking". Before the age of 30, my pseudonym was "Sleepwalking", and I published nearly a hundred literary works under this pseudonym. At the same time, I published a novel "Youth and Youth" and a collection of short stories "Campus Morning".It can be said that this pseudonym gave me great confidence.However, the Chinese meaning of this pseudonym has caused me to be ridiculed and played with many times.Although I was very angry at that time, I didn't have the idea of ​​changing my pen name. It wasn't until I was 20 years old, when I gradually had doubts about my life, my dreams, and my future, that I thought I should change something. what.At this time, the first thing to bear the brunt is my pen name.But this pseudonym was created for my literary dream when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, and it has accompanied me for nearly [-] springs and autumns, and spent my youth with me, bringing me endless confidence and strength , At this time, I have to change my pen name, which is indeed a challenge.However, at this time, I really think that the pseudonym must be changed—on the one hand, it is because this pseudonym will indeed cause criticism, and on the other hand, this pseudonym does not bring me the honor it deserves.For this reason, I spent three years thinking about how to change a pen name, but I have not found a suitable Chinese character.Although I have always used another pseudonym I started in middle school to change the meaning, the word "sleepwalking" has a great meaning to me-not only using this pseudonym to publish a large number of literary works, At the same time, this pseudonym also brought me endless confidence and courage, allowing me to keep moving forward on the road of life.At this time, it really made me miserable for many days to replace it.

One of the most important reasons for me to make up my mind to change my pseudonym is that I am 30 years old.In my life plan, before the age of 30, I should publish at least five novels and initially realize my literary dream, but I only published one novel under this pseudonym, which is far from my life plan. is too far.In addition, at the age of [-], I began to doubt my ability, my dream, and even my literary talent. At this time, I really need a new hope to support my ideal of life.But the word "sleepwalking" can no longer cheer me up.

After nearly three years of thinking and consideration, I decided to change my pen name to "Xi Lin" for two reasons: one is that this pen name came up after I was ridiculed by my classmates in high school, and its meaning is The Chinese character "Meng" is reversed. If "Lin Xi" is used, on the one hand, it has the same name as Lin Xi, a Hong Kong lyricist; "Naturally it doesn't fit my state of mind at this time.The second is that what I need most at this time is a hope. "Xi Lin" is a representative of hope, and it is also the inversion of the Chinese character "dream"-"Lin" and "Xi" are "dreams", "Xi" and "Lin "Of course it's no longer a dream.The reason for adding a word "Wang" next to the word "Lin" is very simple. My surname is Wang. In order not to forget my origin, I chose the word "Lin" instead of "Lin".

Changing the pen name is a trivial matter for readers, but it means a lot for a writer.It is not only an expectation, but also a hope, and it is also the representative of all the writer's thoughts.When I was sinking into loss and decadence, especially when I couldn't see even a glimmer of hope in my literary pastoral, changing my pen name was not only my struggle against the injustice of life, but also a way for me to face the difficulties and ideals of life. Destroying a kind of resistance - I will use my best efforts to realize my ideals in life, and let myself return to the planned life map, so as not to let myself lose the hope of moving forward.

"The Fatal Temptation of Beijing" once brought me endless hopes and dreams, and also brought me great blows and disappointments, but at this time, in the name of a sailor, I faced the sea of ​​Muse and set sail again, with Fulfill your dream of traveling around the world.This is such a passionate feeling, but it requires almost half of my life's hard work-I hope it will be like changing my pen name, "Sleepwalking" before the age of 30, and "Xi Lin" after the age of 30.This is not only a good wish, but also an eternal expectation.

Finally, I would like to say to my readers sincerely that when you buy this book, you are not only reading it for entertainment and reading, but also providing me with an artistic stage and giving me a huge contribution to my long life. hope.I thank you and wish you well.

(End of this chapter)

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