Chapter 1077

Of course, Su Yi also knew that they had reached their limit now, and if they continued to persist, they would inevitably end up exhausted.

Therefore, you must rest for a while.

"Su Yi, take a rest first, and I will resist."

When the gargoyle rushed towards him, Gu Taiqing, who was too tired to straighten his back, gritted his teeth and said.

Because of their injuries, Shao Tianlei and the others were now stretched to the ground and unable to get up after fighting for a long time.

As for Su Yi's spiritual pet, he was already so tired that he was sprawled on the ground, unable to move.

At present, only Su Yi and him are left with the strength to fight.

"Senior, rest at ease, I still have helpers."

Su Yi smiled, and turned on [Lin Lang Jie].

The helper he was talking about was the holy tree of the elves.

The individual combat power of the holy tree of the elves may not be strong, but he can create demon plants, and he can create a thousand demon plants.

And Yaozhi's combat power is also extraordinary, more than enough to deal with gargoyles.

"You still have helpers?" Gu Taiqing was extremely surprised.

Su Yi didn't explain, and quickly summoned the holy tree of the elves, and told him: "Little bald head, create a hundred demon plants, and kill these gargoyles."

"no problem."

The holy tree of the elves doesn't know what happened yet, but Su Yi has already ordered it, so just do it.

The next moment, a green light shone on the body of the elf holy tree.

However, a hundred branches shot out from his body, and after falling on the ground, they turned into thick trees.

Each tree is more than ten meters high, exuding very powerful spiritual fluctuations.

"So many demon plants!"

Gu Taiqing was shocked.

At this moment, he knew who the helper Su Yi was talking about was.

With these one hundred more monster plants, at least it can withstand dozens of waves of gargoyle attacks.

Outside the formation, the little boy's face was extremely solemn, but when he saw Yaozhi, he became excited in vain, and growled: "Cannon fodder, you must persevere until the end!"

"Kill them for me!"

When the gargoyle rushed over, the holy tree of the elves gave orders to Yaozhi.

In an instant, a hundred demon plants collided with the gargoyle like a tsunami.

The result was not unexpected, all the gargoyles were killed, and none of the Yaozhi plants died.

However, Su Yi noticed that although Yaozhi was not dead, each of them was injured. Many branches on his body were broken, and what's more, there were gaps in the trunk.

It can be predicted that if they continue to face the gargoyle attack in the future, they will not be able to withstand a few rounds.

Su Yi glanced at the holy tree of the elves, and asked, "Little bald head, how many demon plants can you make?"

Before, he discussed this issue with the holy tree of the elves, and learned that the holy tree of the elves can produce up to a thousand trees.

But in the current situation, a thousand plants are obviously not enough!

I also wondered if the holy tree of the elves could make more.

The holy tree of the elves thought for a while, and said: "I left some at the rear base before, so I can still make more than 600."

Su Yi frowned, sighed and said: "If it's so small, I'm afraid we will have to explain it here."

The Elven Sacred Tree was puzzled and said: "Brother, those gargoyles are not very powerful, haven't they all been killed?"

Su Yi smiled wryly and said: "Gargoyles are indeed not very powerful, but they can't stop their numbers! Even if they are exhausted, they can kill us."

"And gargoyles?"

The holy tree of the elves frowned, and asked tentatively, "How many are there?"

(End of this chapter)

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