Chapter 1078
Su Yi didn't know how many were left, and he might never finish killing them, but in order not to discourage the enthusiasm of the holy tree of the elves, he simply made up a number, "It's not too much, it's only a few hundred thousand."

Holy tree of the elves: "."

At this moment, he was completely at a loss.

Hundreds of thousands of gargoyles?How do you kill this shit?

If you are tired, you will be exhausted!

"Brother, are you kidding me?" The elf holy tree was about to cry.

Su Yi said helplessly: "This number is my guess, and I'm not sure. But right now is not the time to think about it, so we can only take one step at a time."

The Holy Tree of the Elf Tribe looked at Su Yi in a daze, "Brother, you are invincible in my eyes! You must find a way, I finally got promoted, and I don't want to die young!"

"I do still have a way, but it's not the time to use it. Now I have to rely on you to support it." Su Yi said solemnly.


The holy tree of the elves barely raised their spirits.

"Well, I'll leave it to you for the rest of the time, and I'll take a break."

Su Yi gave a warning, lay down on the ground and closed his eyes.

After fighting continuously for a day and night, his nerves have been in a tense state. If he doesn't take a good rest, it will be difficult to hold back.

The holy tree of the elves clicked their tongues, "Brother, do you really believe in me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hold on to me! Don't disturb me for a short time." Su Yi said angrily.

"All right!"

The holy tree of the elves gritted their teeth, and began to issue orders to Yaozhi, "Give it to me, kill them all!"

Tragic fights ensued, one after another.

Three hours later, the holy tree of the elves couldn't bear it anymore.

During this period of time, he produced a total of more than 400 demon plants, but after countless fights, all these demon plants died heroically.

And making these demon plants also consumed more than half of the branches on his body.

It used to be full of branches and leaves, but now it has become sparse.

If it continues like this, his body will be bald, and he will only have a tree trunk left.

"Brother, have you rested yet? I can't stand it anymore!"

The holy tree of the elves asked Su Yi.

Su Yi slightly opened his eyes, looked at the holy tree of the elves, and said, "Persist for another hour."

He could see that the holy tree of the elves had really tried their best.

But his condition has not recovered half, and the others and all the pets are even more unbearable.

It can only let the holy tree of the elves stand on top for a while.

"You really intend to squeeze the nest dry!"

The holy tree of the elves glanced at the few branches on its body, feeling very melancholy.

However, facing the surging Gargoyle, he could only bite the bullet and continue working.

Time passed little by little, and two hours later, all the demon plants created by the holy tree of the elves were killed.

At this time, it only has a few branches left on its body. If it continues to make demon plants, it will really be bald.

"Brother, I really can't do it!"

The holy tree of the elves began to cry.

"Well done."

Su Yi nodded slightly, and then took out the [Smart Chariot], "No. 2, it's your turn to play, crush them!"

[Intelligent chariot] Although it has no attack power, its defense power is extremely strong, enough to withstand the attack of Gathering Soul Realm.

It shouldn't be a problem to crush a few batches of gargoyles.

(End of this chapter)

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