Chapter 1082 Giant Gargoyle


Su Yi happily took out a few top-quality spirit crystals and installed them on the [Smart Chariot].

After giving these top-quality spirit crystals, he only had a hundred left.

These [-] are intended to be reserved for [Mechanical Soldiers] to upgrade, and will not be used unless absolutely necessary.

Through the killing of the explosive fruit, Su Yi persisted for another two hours.

At this time, the explosive fruit and time liquid had been consumed.

Su Yi took a deep breath, and when he was about to fight in person, Shao Tianlei and others walked over.

"Su Yi, I've somewhat recovered, and I'll leave it to us later." Gu Taiqing said.


Su Yi nodded and warned, "Don't force yourself."

"rest assured."

Gu Taiqing smiled, and led people to fight with the gargoyle.

Su Yi sat on the ground, his mind slowly turning.

If the four of Gu Taiqing join forces, they should be able to resist for more than an hour.

At that time, the holy tree of the elves will be ready to fight.

Later, he, [Smart Chariot] and all the pets also recovered.

With such a rotation, there is really hope to defeat the Gargoyle.

Thinking of this, Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief and lay down on the ground to rest.

Time passed, and it was the third day in a blink of an eye.

In two days, I don't know how many gargoyles were killed.

Killing now, everyone is going to be numb.

Even Su Yi felt a sense of despair for the first time.

When another group of gargoyles were hunted down, all the people fell to the ground exhausted.

[Smart chariot] came to Su Yi, and asked weakly: "Su Yi, we really can't hold on for a few rounds, should we continue to kill?"

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then sighed, "The last round again."

If the gargoyles continue to appear after another round of killing, they can only think of other ways to retreat.

"Master, that's not right."

Wukong suddenly reminded: "Look at those black fogs, they are different from before."

Su Yi frowned, and quickly looked towards the black mist.

However, a hundred black mist still rose from the ground, but it was very different from before.

Before, every streak of black mist would turn into a gargoyle.

But this time, a hundred streaks of black mist condensed together.

Just when everyone was wondering.

After a while of condensed black mist changed, it turned into a giant gargoyle ten feet high.

The ferocious aura emitted was like a tsunami, giving people a feeling of suffocation.

Shao Tianlei and others changed expression in vain.

Now, they have all reached the point where they are running out of fuel. Let alone dealing with such a giant gargoyle, it is extremely difficult to deal with ordinary gargoyles.

So, when this giant gargoyle attacks, won't they all die?
Among the people present, Su Yi was the only one who could remain calm.

This change in the gargoyle, does it mean that this is the last one?

As long as you kill this one, you can pass the level?
Thinking of this, Su Yi cheered up.

Muran, he cast [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects], and after his body soared five feet, he jumped forward with [Obsidian Meteor Sword] in his hand.

Immediately, it turned into a huge long sword, which seemed to split the void, and rushed towards the gargoyle.

At this moment, Su Yi suddenly used the ultimate move [Human Sword Unity].

Because of the need to preserve physical strength, it is impossible to continue fighting with the gargoyle, so he simply used the method of thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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