Chapter 1083 Sword Origin Stone

"What a powerful swordsmanship!"

When the little boy saw this scene, his face was once again moved.

The gargoyle felt that it was in danger and let out a roar.

Then he opened his mouth wide open, and rushed towards Su Yi bravely.

After the two collided, Su Yi, who had turned into a long sword, pierced through the gargoyle's chest, almost tearing the gargoyle's body in half.

The gargoyle glanced down at his chest, his throat twitched slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

When a deep sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart, the color of life in the gargoyle's eyes quickly dissipated.


The next moment, the huge body fell heavily to the ground, and the ground trembled.

"Su Yi is too fierce!"

Shao Tianlei and others were very excited.

They didn't expect that after fighting with the gargoyle for more than two days in a row, Su Yi would still have the strength to kill the gargoyle in the Illusory Spirit Realm with one blow.

The horror of strength may only be described as unfathomable.

"It was really successful!"

Outside the formation, the little boy happily jumped up on the spot.

Compared with others, he knows best that after the giant gargoyle was killed, the ten formations were completely cleared up.

After Su Yi regained his real body, he quickly looked towards the place where the giant gargoyle fell.

Whether this level has been cleared or not can be determined by seeing whether the explosion has exploded and pretended to be aggressive.

When Su Yi's eyes touched the giant gargoyle, suddenly, a bright light burst out.

After the light dissipated, the giant gargoyle had disappeared, replaced by a palm-sized, crystal-clear white spar.


Su Yi clenched his hands tightly and almost raised his head to the sky and screamed.

That piece of white spar was what exploded, and since the equipment exploded, it meant that the level had been cleared.

"We won!"

Shao Tianlei and the others couldn't be more excited.

Originally, they all thought that they must die.The sudden turning point felt like a roller coaster, almost making them cry with joy.

Su Yi calmed down and took the white spar in his hand.

The moment he touched it, a thin white crystal thread suddenly shot out from the spar, directly cutting a gap in his skin.

"I rely on!"

Su Yi was surprised.

You know, after the Body Tempering Realm has been promoted to 63 levels, his body is already comparable to a magic weapon.

I didn't think about it, but I was cut by a crystal filament that escaped.

This shows how sharp this crystal wire is.

In addition, he also felt an unusually surging sword intent in the spar.

It even made him feel that as long as the sword intent contained in it was released, it would definitely destroy him.

Su Yi took a look, then called the [Smart Chariot] to his side, and asked, "No. 2, do you know what this is?"

"This is the origin stone of the sword!" [Smart Chariot] said straight.

"What is it for?" Su Yi frowned.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "To put it simply, it is used to cultivate sword spirit, but this thing is useless to practitioners, it is only suitable for sword spirit."

"What is the sword spirit?" Su Yi became more and more confused as he listened.

[Smart Chariot] said: "The sword spirit is the spirit that evolved from the stage of concrete object evolution."

"It's actually evolved from a concrete object?" Su Yi muttered thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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