Chapter 1084 Sword Spirit
"Su Yi, I found a major problem."

[Smart Chariot] whispered: "I suspect that the little boy is a sword spirit."


Su Yi was shocked.

He had also doubted the identity of the little boy before, but he never thought that it would be a sword spirit.

However, after being reminded by [Smart Chariot], he felt that the possibility was very high.

Moreover, he deduced that the reason why the little boy let them break through the level was the origin stone of the sword.

Thinking of this, he asked [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, if the little boy is really a sword spirit, what kind of height will he reach after absorbing the energy of the sword's origin stone?"

[Smart Chariot] After thinking for a while, he replied: "At least it can be upgraded to the tenth level of the supernatural realm. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to hit the real spirit realm. However, the process of absorption is very long, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve it overnight. .”

"Is it so fierce?"

Su Yi clicked his tongue hard.

At this moment, he was more and more sure that the little boy was the sword spirit.

"Cannon fodder, come out quickly!"

Outside the formation, the little boy anxiously urged Su Yi when he saw Su Yi not moving.

Su Yi fluttered his eyes and landed on the origin stone of the sword, his mind kept turning, as if he didn't hear the little boy's cry.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, that guy called us."

"Never mind it."

Su Yi ignored it, and asked instead: "No. 2, with my ability, can I destroy the origin stone of the sword?"

[Smart Chariot] was taken aback, and quickly said: "Su Yi, you must be calm, once the origin stone of the sword is destroyed, the power of the sword will be able to destroy the God of War Tower , none of us can survive."

"In that case, I can indeed destroy it."

Su Yixu squinted his eyes and murmured thoughtfully.

"Su Yi, what are you going to do?"

[Smart Chariot] He was very puzzled, he was really worried that Su Yi would do something crazy.

"You'll know later." Su Yi smiled lightly.

His purpose is actually very simple, to blackmail the little boy with the source stone of the sword.

Because after the formation was established, they no longer had any use value in the eyes of the little boy.

Once the little boy breaks his promise to attack them, they have no power to resist.

Of course, this is the worst possible outcome.

It is still unknown whether the little boy will keep his promise?

But he couldn't afford to gamble.

In the face of life and death, only by fighting for opportunities can you be qualified to live.

And with the origin stone of the sword, the little boy can be forced to make an oath not to harm them through the oath stone.

Only in this way can we be completely at ease.

"Come on, let's go out."

Su Yi greeted, and took the lead to walk outside the formation.

Shao Tianlei and others followed closely behind.

However, just when they reached the edge of the formation, a sudden change occurred.

A shadow suddenly shrouded in the sky, but a huge golden sledgehammer fell from the sky, like a hill, smashing towards the little boy in the air.

"Don't go out yet!"

Su Yi's expression suddenly changed.

The power emanating from that giant hammer was so violent that it even gave him a feeling of palpitation.

He was sure that once he took a step out of the formation and fell into the attack range of the golden hammer, he would definitely die!
"Do you dare to attack me?"

The little boy was very angry.

Just as the golden hammer fell, his figure quickly became unreal, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into a huge long sword about ten feet in size, and slashed straight at the golden hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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