Chapter 1085 The reason
The two collided together, and there was an earth-shattering bang.

The void continued to vibrate, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The violent power swept across in all directions, tearing huge gaps in the ground.

Zhu Haoxuan, who was originally lying on the ground, was directly turned into a piece of powder under the impact of this power.

"Brother Zhu"

Seeing Zhu Haoxuan's tragic death on the spot, Shao Tianlei screamed in pain.

Su Yi turned a deaf ear to Zhu Haoxuan's death, glanced outside, and asked [Smart Chariot] in a low voice, "No. 2, is that golden hammer a hammer spirit derived from a concrete object?"


[Smart Chariot] Quickly return.

"In that case, this golden hammer is that ugly old man." Su Yi pondered.

He had deduced before that there were only two creatures left in the War God Tower.

One is a little boy, and the other is an ugly old man.

However, although the identity of the other party has been figured out.

But he couldn't figure out why the ugly old man would sneak up on the little boy.

"Su Yi, what shall we do?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

"Watch what happens."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

Both the little boy and the ugly old man were their enemies, and what he hoped to see more was that both sides would fight to the death.

After a violent impact, the giant sword transformed into the little boy was directly knocked down to the ground.

A loud bang.

The surrounding ground was smashed with dense cracks.

But he saw the light on Jujian's body flickering on and off a few times, quickly shrinking his Ali, and finally turned into the appearance of a little boy.

It's just that the little boy's aura declined rapidly at this time, and he fell to the third level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm in an instant.

Obviously, in the previous collision, it has already suffered heavy injuries.

Of course, this does not mean that the little boy is weaker than the ugly old man.

The main reason is that the ugly old man made a surprise attack first, and the little boy reacted hastily, which made him suffer a lot.

"The situation is not good."

Su Yi's face gradually became serious.

What he wants most is to see both the little boy and the ugly old man suffer.

But in the current situation, the little boy was seriously injured and was likely to be killed by the ugly old man.

After that, they will face the ugly old man, and it is not easy to say whether they can survive.

"Old Hammer, why did you sneak up on me?"

The little boy roared through gritted teeth.

After the golden sledgehammer changed for a while, it finally revealed the real body of the ugly old man.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry to make a move, so he sized up the little boy and said with a sneer, "You don't know? When you get the origin stone of the sword, your strength will soar rapidly. In this respect, the world will also be dominated by you, and I will still be alive at that time." Is it? If it were you, I'm afraid you would do the same, right?"

"I see."

Su Yi suddenly realized.

He and the ugly old man each arrested a group of people to break through the level. Obviously, the ugly old man failed.

In order to prevent him from getting the origin stone of the sword, he chose to sneak attack.

After listening, the anger on the little boy's face gradually disappeared.He looked at the ugly old man and sneered, "Old Hammer, do you think you can beat me?"

"Ha ha."

The ugly old man laughed wildly and said, "You have been severely injured. As long as I am willing, I can kill you with a single hammer. Why are you pretending to be so coercive?"

"is it?"

A playful smile suddenly crossed the corner of the little boy's mouth.


The ugly old man frowned slightly.

He has dealt with the little boy for countless years, and every time the other party shows such a smile, it is an expression of confidence.

But he didn't understand, what else could the little boy rely on?
(End of this chapter)

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