Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1093 Returning to the Rear Base

Chapter 1093 Return to the rear base
Wu Zhe cleared his throat and said, "I am indeed a second-level martial artist in the supernatural realm! In addition, because I have taken Zhuyanguo, I look younger, but in fact I am over 400 years old. So, trouble Don't call me Xiao Wu again."

"It's all a misunderstanding!"

Jiang Cheng looked embarrassed.

No matter how old he is, he is far inferior to Wu Zhe.

But it is a shameful thing to rely on the old and sell the old in front of Wu Zhe.

"Brother-in-law is really awesome! There are even the second-level supernatural powers as bodyguards!" Jiang Haoran secretly sighed.

"Now that we all know each other, there will be no misunderstandings in the future. Let's continue eating watermelon." Su Yi greeted with a smile.

After eating for a while, Su Yi suddenly remembered something, and asked Jiang Canyang, "Uncle Jiang, do you know the situation of the Hu family?"

Recently, he called Hu Xiuyuan several times, but he couldn't get through.

I don't know if it's Hu Xiuyuan's own problem, or something happened to the Hu family.

Jiang Canyang sighed and said, "I don't know why, Hu Gaojie took a few core disciples of his family to Qianyu Island a few days ago, and before he could return, the boundary channel was destroyed."


Su Yi's face suddenly darkened.

Once the boundary channel is destroyed, the members of the Hu family must be trapped on Qianyu Island.

Then I am afraid there is only a dead end waiting for their end.

"Poor Fatty Hu." Su Yi sighed faintly.

Hu Xiuyuan has been unable to be contacted in recent days, which means that Hu Xiuyuan probably followed him to Qianyu Island.

And this trip may be a farewell forever!

Su Yi had a good feeling for Hu Xiuyuan and made him a friend on the spot.

Knowing Hu Xiuyuan's situation, he couldn't help feeling sad.

"Fatty Hu, you must hold on!" Su Yi muttered secretly.

Right now, he is definitely not capable of saving Hu Xiuyuan.

But one day, he will definitely lead mankind to counterattack.

The first place to counterattack is Qianyu Island.

[Smart Chariot] After flying for a long time, it finally returned to the rear base.

When Jiang Cheng and the others got off the [Smart Chariot], they were all shocked by the sight in front of them.

Upon receiving the news of Jiang's family's arrival, Su Lin and others rushed over immediately.

"Sister-in-law, you are finally here!"

Su Lin excitedly rushed to Jiang Piaoxue's side.


Zhang Canyang, Cao Qinglang and others came to Zhang Haoran together.

They are also old friends, and they were very happy after meeting.

Zhang Canyang laughed loudly and said, "Our Iron Triangle of Fighting Landlords has finally come together."

Huo Tiancheng next to him snorted disdainfully: "You guys are the only ones still playing Landlords? A bunch of scumbags!"

Su Yi took a glance, and then introduced Wu Zhe and Jiang's family to Li Zhenfeng and the others. After the two got to know each other, he returned to the stone house alone.

The first time he entered the stone house, he opened the [Qiankun Ring] to check the harvest.

One hundred top-quality spirit crystals, one piece of breath soil, one piece of top-grade wood-type spirit material, two spirit seeds, a large piece of Eight Desolation Tingyan Stone, two mechanical hearts, one piece of sword origin stone, and a tree of life seed.

There are not many things, but everything is a treasure that can't be found.

More importantly, he also subdued a sword spirit.

Overall, what the War God Tower and his party achieved far exceeded his expectations.

Even more than what he gained in Yuankong Ancient Realm.

Of course, this trip is also a narrow escape.

If it wasn't for his many means, someone else would have died countless times.

(End of this chapter)

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