Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1094 Advancement of Mechanical Soldiers

Chapter 1094 Advancement of Mechanical Soldiers
However, the loss is also very huge, the time liquid and the original spirit crystal are all consumed.

Of course, compared with the gains, this loss is completely acceptable.

Later, Su Yi made up his mind, and first implanted the tree of life seeds into [Linlang Jie].

Then he called the [Mechanical Soldier] over and installed a hundred top-quality spirit crystals on him.

[Mechanical Soldier] is a level 2 soldier, whose strength is comparable to that of a tenth-level warrior in the Soul Gathering Realm.

Install a hundred top-grade spirit crystals, and you can smoothly promote to level 3 soldiers, and the estimated strength will reach about tenth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

This strength is still very impressive, and it is completely worthwhile to consume a hundred top-grade spirit crystals.

After finishing these two things, Su Yi fell asleep on the bed.

Fighting in the God of War Tower for nearly three days in a row, even the hardest can't stand it, and urgently needs to replenish the state.

This sleep lasted for two days and two nights.

On the third day, Su Yi woke up slowly.

The first time he woke up, he called the [Mechanical Soldier] to his side, "Big Tie, have you been promoted yet?"

"Su Yi, I have been promoted to level 3 soldier, thank you!" [Mechanical soldier] said gratefully.

"Don't be polite to me."

Su Yi smiled lightly, and then asked: "How much is your current strength equivalent to the Illusory Spirit Realm?"

"It's equivalent to the tenth stage of the Illusory Spirit Realm." [Mechanical Soldier] said straight.

"very good!"

Su Yi nodded.

Among the people around, only Wu Zhe and Xiaojian are in the state of supernatural powers.

[Mechanical Soldier] After being promoted, he was already on a par with Jin Hongxuan, tied for third place.

"Where did number 2 go?"

Su Yi glanced in the stone house, but he didn't find any trace of the [Smart Chariot], so he asked.

[Mechanical Soldier] said with a smile: "On the 2nd, I went out with Xiaohong early in the morning. They said they were going for a walk to exercise."

Su Yi was speechless.

Two chariots exercise fart's body!Definitely went on a date.

"Go and do your work, I'm going out for a walk."

Su Yi greeted, turned and left the stone house.

Behind, he made a beeline for the cobblestones.

When they reached the entrance of the passage, they saw a small fort standing on each side, and Dong Xuefeng and others were busy around.

"Su Yi, you're awake."

When they saw Su Yi, Dong Xuefeng and others stepped forward to say hello.


Su Yi nodded slightly, his eyes fluttered on the two fortresses, and he said, "Your progress is not slow, you have already built two fortresses."


Dong Xuefeng scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "It's just that the construction is a bit ugly."

Although these two fortresses have been formed, they are crooked and have no aesthetic feeling at all. They can only be described as rough.

Su Yi smiled and said: "The appearance is not important, the key is whether it is strong or not."

The fortress is not for appreciation, its main function is to resist beasts and aliens, as long as it is strong enough.

Dong Xuefeng patted his chest and assured him: "Su Yi, don't worry about this, the defense of these two fortresses is no lower than that of cobblestones. If the Hongguang Eight Stone Formation is deployed later, it can be said to be indestructible."

"That's good."

A happy look appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, "Keep working hard, I'll go in and have a look."

The back of the two forts was next to the access to the cobblestones, and there was a dense sound of banging inside at this moment.

Su Yi entered the passage and scanned, but saw a wide passage dug out on both sides.

Dozens of barbarians were working inside, including Jing Jiaxiang.

(End of this chapter)

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