Chapter 1095 Neuropathy

Su Yi walked up to Jing Jiaxiang and asked, "Old man, why is there a passage dug here?"

Jing Jiaxiang explained: "Didn't I discuss with you last time, to build a circular fortification around the cobblestones to kill the incoming enemies."


Su Yi suddenly realized.

Jing Jiaxiang did tell him that after the circular fortification was completed, some holes would be made in the stone wall for shooting arrows and throwing spears.

"Old man, keep busy."

Su Yi greeted and walked along the main passage until it reached the end.

This place is located in the center of the cobblestone, and the Planting Demon Tower is also placed here.

Su Yi glanced around and walked straight into the Yao Zhi Pagoda.

Inside the Planting Demon Tower, there is still a busy scene, most of the people are farming.

After dozens of days of hard work, hundreds of acres of land have been opened up, and various food crops have been planted, and some even have sprouts.

Su Yi strolled in the field for a while, when suddenly Su Lin's voice came from his ear, "Brother, this way!"

Su Yi looked up, but saw Su Lin waving to him in front of a wooden house not far away.

Li Caihua and Jiang Piaoxue are beside Su Lin.

Su Yi walked forward quickly, and when he saw Li Caihua, he frowned, and asked in surprise, "Mom, have you been promoted to warrior?"

At this moment, he clearly felt the power of Qi and blood exuding from Li Caihua's body, which was the sign of being promoted to the Qi and blood realm.

Li Caihua smiled and said, "After taking the Body Building Pill you gave me, I have indeed been promoted to the Qi and Blood Realm, and I have been promoted to the fifth level of the Qi and Blood Realm."


Su Yi clenched his hands tightly with excitement on his face.

Although Qi and Blood Realm is the lowest level of warriors, Li Caihua's physique is too ordinary, and she didn't have the potential to become a warrior in the first place.

But now not only has he been promoted, but he has also been promoted to the fifth level of Qi and Blood Realm, which still makes him very excited.

"Mom, Zhuti Dan still needs to be taken, and strive to be promoted to the Body Tempering Realm as soon as possible."

Su Yi took out a bottle of Body Building Pill and handed it to Li Caihua.

Taking Zhuti Dan has no side effects, and it doesn't matter how much you take.

"it is good."

Li Caihua nodded.

Su turned to Jiang Piaoxue and asked, "Senior Sister Jiang, can you adapt to the environment here?"

"I really like this kind of pastoral life," Jiang Piaoxue said.

It is quiet and peaceful here, planting vegetables with nothing to do, which is many times better than the hustle and bustle of a big city.

"nice! You love it."

Su Yi nodded.

Speaking of it, he also prefers this kind of comfortable life.

But right now, fierce beasts are about to invade on a large scale, and Blue Star is in a precarious state.

Wanting to live such a comfortable life is tantamount to a luxury.

"I'm going to look elsewhere."

Su Yi greeted, and when he was about to leave, he saw Ling Nianyao walking towards him.

"What's up?"

Su Yi instinctively thought that Ling Nianyao had come to look for him.

But Ling Nianyao ignored him, but looked at Jiang Piaoxue, and after taking a look, she turned to Su Yi and said, "Su Yi, you are not bragging! Your fiancée is really beautiful!"

After saying that, she turned and left.

Su Yi: "."

Jiang Piaoxue: "."

Ling Nianyao's inexplicable words made them all a little confused.

Su Lin had some complaints about Ling Nianyao, she pouted and muttered: "Wearing a robe all day long to pretend to be a ghost, is actually a madman!"

(End of this chapter)

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