Chapter 1096 Very enlightened
Later, Su Yi went to the place where Guan Hua made the weapon.

When I got there, I saw Guan Hua was making arrows with several barbarians.

"Senior, how is my long sword made?" Su Yi asked.

"No problem, it's already built."

Guan Hua opened the storage bag and took out a giant long sword.

Just from the appearance, this long sword is bigger than [Obsidian Meteor Sword].

Su Yi weighed it in his hand, reckoning it weighed three thousand kilograms.

If it were someone else, it would definitely not be able to carry it, but for him, it would be a piece of cake.

"Su Yi, give this long sword a name." Guan Hua reminded.

Ordinary magical weapons will have an exclusive name, just like [Obsidian Meteor Sword].

And the long sword made of Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone, its quality should be higher than that of [Obsidian Meteor Sword], and naturally it should be given a name, which can be regarded as respect for the divine weapon.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "It's called the Sword of Chaos!"

The main purpose of creating this long sword is to instill the energy of chaos, and it is called the sword of chaos, which fits very well.


Guan Hua savored it carefully and felt that the name was very good.

Su Yi wanted to test the power of the Sword of Chaos, but thought that there would be too much commotion in the Yao Zhi Pagoda, so it was not suitable, so he had to give up.

Afterwards, he put the sword of chaos into the [Qiankun Ring], took out the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone, and said to Guan Hua: "Senior, please make all of this Eight Desolation Ting Flame Stone into arrows."

"Such a big piece!"

Guan Hua looked surprised, thinking that Su Yi is really capable, the precious ore like the Eight Desolation Tingyan Stone can be obtained as soon as he can get it, the key is that it is so big.

If all of these are made into arrows, at least 5 arrows can be made.

"Okay, I will build it as soon as possible." Guan Hua promised.

Later, the two chatted for a while about other things, and Su Yi went to another place.

Originally, he planned to visit the place where Wen Haomiao made alchemy, but when he passed a residential area, he stopped.

At this time, the residential area was under construction, and among the people involved, there were Li Zhenfeng and others.

"Principal, why are you here?" Su Yi stepped forward and asked.

"The people in the rear base all perform their duties, and we old fellows can't just sit idle and find something to do within our capabilities." Li Zhenfeng chuckled.

"Very enlightened!"

Su Yi sighed in admiration, then turned to Jiang Cheng and said, "Fifth Grandpa, you don't have to use your talent here, you should help me refine the elixir."

With more and more people around, the pills to improve cultivation are very scarce.

Wen Haomiao alone could not supply enough.

As a great alchemist, Jiang Cheng's level of refining elixirs was much higher than that of Wen Haomiao. If he didn't refine elixirs, it would be a waste.

"It's okay to go to alchemy." Jiang Cheng said indifferently.

Li Zhenfeng was a little unhappy, "Su Yi, I'm also an alchemist, why didn't you find me?"

Su Yi stared blankly at Li Zhenfeng, a little speechless.

It is true that Li Zhenfeng is an alchemist, but his level is too rough, at most he can only refine some qi and blood pills, and he can't refine other pills at all.

There is no shortage of Qi and blood pills in the rear base, so what can Li Zhenfeng be expected to do?
"Principal, building a residence is also the most important thing. You are absolutely inseparable from this place. You should shine here." Su Yi made an excuse, and it was considered to be a face for Li Zhenfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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