Chapter 1107

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then asked strangely: "No. 2, why is there only a bow but no arrows?"

Since it is a bow and arrow, it is natural to use the bow and arrow together.

If there is only a bow and no arrows, wouldn't it be a decoration?
[Smart Chariot] said: "There used to be a rumor that when the five-color split-empty bow and five-color split-empty arrow were born, they attracted many strong people to snatch them, and they definitely did not fall into the hands of one person."

"So, if you can't find the five-color split-empty arrow, the five-color split-empty bow will be useless?" Su Yi said thoughtfully.

"Not at all."

[Smart Chariot] said: "When using the five-color splitting arrow, you can condense the spiritual energy into an arrow, and if you add your own strength, its power must not be underestimated. Of course, it is definitely not as powerful as the five-color splitting arrow."

"That's fine."

Su Yi nodded slightly.

If it were someone else, without the five-color splitting arrow, it would definitely not be able to exert much power.

But he was different. After transforming, he exploded with strength and possessed the energy of chaos.

The power of the combination of the two will definitely become a killer move.

Of course, it is best to find the five-color splitting arrows. Only by combining them can the power of the innate magic weapon be aroused!
Taking advantage of the fact that the Sea Clan did not summon the magic weapon, Su Yi swept his gaze over the five treasures one by one.

Sky Swallowing Gourd, Star Sign Ziling Tree, Mechanical Soldiers, Large Spiritual Crystals, Five-Color Splitting Arrow, although there are only five items, but the value lies in this.

Even, it can be compared with what he gained in the God of War Tower.

Even if the Sea Clan stopped summoning them, as long as they snatched the five treasures, this trip would definitely be worth the money.

Of course, he definitely hoped that the Sea Clan would continue to summon them.

After a while, after the sea people filled the spirit crystals, the sixth wave of summoning began.

Su Yi opened his eyes wide and looked at the central control screen.

Muran, a bright golden light shot out from the dark crack, and after falling into the formation, it immediately turned into a palm-sized golden plant. From the appearance, it was not much different from ordinary weeds.

However, since it was summoned, it must not be a mortal thing.

"Another spiritual plant, is it a gold-type spiritual plant or a time-based spiritual plant?" Su Yi's thoughts began to move.

The external manifestations of the golden spirit power and the power of time are all golden, so it is impossible to judge what kind of spiritual plant it is.

"Number 2, you should know him, right?" Su Yi asked tentatively.

"I don't know that there are very few things in this world."

[Smart Chariot] Said with a little pride: "This is a time spirit grass, called Qian Ren Gen Guang Grass."

"The spirit grass of the time attribute is great!" Su Yi was quite excited.

In terms of value alone, the time-type spiritual grass must be several grades higher than the metal-type spiritual grass.

"Number 2, can the Thousand Blades Glow Grass condense the concrete objects of time?" Su Yi asked.

Only the spiritual material that condenses concrete objects can come in handy.

Because he is currently lacking the spiritual material to condense the concrete objects of time.

"Very good."

[Smart Chariot] said: "Not only can it condense concrete objects, but the condensed concrete objects are also very powerful."


Su Yi clenched his hands, and silently thanked the Hai people in his heart.

If it wasn't for the people of the Hai people who summoned the Thousand Blade Genuine Light Grass through the summoning formation, it would be difficult to find this top-level time spiritual material in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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