Chapter 1108 Getting Ready
"Su Yi, they are calling again." Wu Zhe reminded.

"There are still treasures?"

Su Yi was a little surprised, and secretly lamented how many good things the true spirit realm expert of the Hai clan had.

This has summoned six top-level treasures, and it will continue. How many good things are there?

Of course, Su Yi naturally hoped to summon as many as possible.

Because in his heart, all the treasures belong to him.

Soon, the seventh treasure fell into the formation.

This is a very strange thing, it looks like a rough rock, and it also looks like a piece of animal bone. As far as the appearance is concerned, it cannot be linked to treasures at all.

However, since he was summoned, he must be something extraordinary, there is no doubt about it.

Six things were summoned before, all of which proved this point.

Su Yi looked again, and this time he found a clue.

The seventh thing is simply a big turtle shell!
"Can this thing be a treasure?" Su Yi became puzzled.

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "Su Yi, this is not an ordinary tortoise shell, but the shell of a golden silkworm flame steel tortoise."

"Is it very powerful?" Su Yi asked.

Isn't it just a turtle shell?Can there be anything special.

"Of course it's great."

[Smart Chariot] said: "Golden Silkworm Flame Steel Turtle is famous for its strong defense. No one in the same level can break its defense. The reason why its defense is strong is reflected in its turtle shell."

Su Yi thought about it and said, "My Primal Chaos Qi can't break its turtle shell?"

[Smart Chariot] choked for a moment, "The Qi of Chaos is the means of fusion of the ten great auras. It is also called the power of destruction. It has the ability to destroy everything, so of course it can be broken."

"I thought it was really invincible in defense, so I will be stricter when I speak in the future."

Su Yi smiled lightly, and continued, "Then what can this turtle shell be used for?"

"It can be used to refine defensive magic weapons, similar to that of Fatty Hu." [Smart Chariot] said.

"It's really suitable for Fatty Hu."

Su Yi muttered thoughtfully.

Speaking of Hu Xiuyuan, he couldn't help feeling a surge of sadness in his heart.

Hu Xiuyuan entered Qianyu Island, and his life and death were uncertain.

I don't know if we can meet again in this life.

"This turtle shell is left to you, I hope you can survive." Su Yi sighed faintly.

"Su Yi, the eighth treasure has been summoned." Wu Zhe reminded again.

"and also?"

Su Yi took a deep breath, raised his spirits and looked at the central control screen.

When a piece of light fell into the formation, a piece of parchment suddenly appeared.Because it was too far away, I didn't know what was on the parchment, so I could only vaguely see some golden inscriptions written on it.

The Jinque script is known to be the most difficult ancient script to decipher. Of course, the more difficult it is, the more valuable it is.

"Could it be a skill or a secret technique?" Su Yi guessed.

At this time, after the Hai people summoned the eighth treasure, Qiqi retreated to the side and waited.

When this happens, it means that the call has ended.

"It's my turn to make a move."

Su Yi gradually narrowed his eyes.

Now that the summoning was over, there was no point in waiting any longer.

Su Yi turned his mind, and when he was about to ask Wu Zhe, [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, there is another strong man from the Hai Clan."

(End of this chapter)

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