Chapter 1109
"What level?" Su Yi's face darkened.

[Smart chariot] said quickly: "It's a martial artist with a third level of supernatural power."

"It's troublesome."

Su Yi frowned deeply.

The Hai Clan came to a third-level supernatural aid, which disrupted all his previous plans, and it would not be easy to snatch the treasure.

However, there are a total of eight treasures that have been summoned. If you just give up like this, you are really not reconciled!

While Su Yi was thinking about countermeasures, [Smart Chariot] said again, "Su Yi, they don't seem to be in the same group, they are already fighting."


Su Yi froze for a moment, then turned his head to look at the central control screen, only to see that there was indeed a fierce fighting scene in the screen.

What's happening here?Why did the Hai people fight themselves?

Su Yi was a little confused.

Wu Zhe reminded: "Su Yi, I guess that the Hai people don't come from a certain faction, and the newly arrived third-level martial artist should also come to snatch the treasure."

"That should be the case." Su Yi nodded.

Wu Zhe said before that the Hai Clan is not monolithic, but also divided into many forces.

The other party arranged the spirit summoning formation in Yongxi Sea, in order to prevent other sea people from snatching it.

But it was discovered in the end, and it also attracted a strong man of the third level of the divine realm.

However, the occurrence of this situation is powerful for Su Yi.

In the sky above the island, four Sea Clan supernatural powers are fighting together. The scene is extremely chaotic, and they can just take the opportunity to sneak in.

Thinking of this, Su Yi ordered to the [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, head towards the island, and you must not be discovered."

"Su Yi, you can't mess around!"

[Smart chariot] was taken aback, "The other party has a strong man in the third level of the supernatural realm. If we go over, don't we hit the stone with an egg?"

He knew that Su Yi had the idea of ​​snatching treasures, but facing a third-level powerhouse, even if Wu Zhe and Xiaojian were combined, they might not be opponents.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Aren't they fighting? They didn't notice us in a short time. Besides, I'm not tough in the past."

"That's fine."

[Smart Chariot] chose a direction, bypassed the aircraft in front, and flew towards the island.

But before flying far, he suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, the battle of the Hai people is over, do we still have to go there?"

"So fast?"

Su Yi gritted his teeth, "Stop it first."

Now that the battle is over, it is impossible to sneak into the island without anyone noticing, so we must think of other ways.

When the [Smart Chariot] stopped, Su Yi immediately asked, "No. 2, who won?"

"That sea clansman who is in the third level of the divine realm." [Smart Chariot] said.

"Is it so powerful at the third level of the divine realm?" Su Yi muttered.

The third level of the Tongshen Realm is one level higher than the second level of the Tongshen Realm. There must be a huge gap in strength, and he is clear about this.

But in the situation of one against three, they can still kill their opponents in such a short time, the difference in strength is too big.

【Smart Chariot】explained: "According to my observation, it seems that the third-level martial artist of the supernatural realm used some kind of powerful secret technique to kill the opponent in an instant. However, his own body was also damaged, and his breath was extremely bad. Stablize."

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he turned to Wu Zhe and asked, "Old Wu, if you team up with a few warriors of the same level, can you have a fight with this third-level sea clansman in the supernatural realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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