Chapter 1115

"not good!"

The old man with white beard changed expression in vain.

The sword intent contained in the giant long sword was extremely violent, which made him feel deeply afraid.

But it happened suddenly, and it was too late to dodge or manifest a concrete object.

In desperation, he could only release his aura to resist.

The next moment, the giant long sword slashed down in the air, and the terrifying sword intent raged.

Even the void seemed to be cut open by this sword.

A squeak.

The aura released by the white-bearded old man was instantly torn, and the sword edge swept across his chest, opening a long gap, and bright red blood gushed out.


The old man with white beard screamed and fell towards the sea.

After being hit so hard, he was already seriously injured and lost the ability to defend the sky.

"court death!"

The bald old man's eyes were about to split open, and a big black stick appeared, ready to attack the giant long sword.

But at this moment, Wu Zhe punched the bald old man on the back without warning.

A loud bang.

Half of the bald old man's body was smashed to pieces.

Before he could even scream, he passed out and fell straight down.

"Wu Zhe, what are you doing?"

The powerhouses in Thunder Mountain were dumbfounded.

He never expected that Wu Zhe would sneak attack the bald old man at this time.

"Of course I will kill you!"

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Wu Zhe's mouth.


The corner of the mouth of the powerful man in Thunder Mountain's psychic state trembled, and a layer of deep fear welled up in his heart.

Wu Zhe is a second-level powerhouse in the realm of the gods, so killing him is as easy as pie.

What's more, there is also a strange long sword staring at the side.

The current situation is doomed to death!

Just as Wu Zhe was about to make a move, a powerful aura suddenly came from behind him.

Realizing that it was a strong Sea Clan chasing him, he resolutely gave up on the kill, and shouted at the giant long sword, "Go!"

The people from the Hai Clan are too strong, once they are caught up here, it will be as difficult as going to the sky to escape.

After Wu Zhe finished speaking, he quickly flew towards the [Smart Chariot].

The giant long sword also turned into Xiaojian at this moment, and followed closely behind.

The martial artist in the realm of the gods in Leiming Mountain escaped by chance, but he didn't feel any joy, because there were several Hai Clan members rushing towards him aggressively behind him.

When Wu Zhe and Xiaojian came to the [Smart Chariot], Su Yi shouted anxiously: "No. 2, retreat quickly!"

Through the investigation of the [Smart Chariot], it was learned that among the Hai people who were chasing after them, there was a martial artist at the fifth level of the divine realm.

He has seen the horror of the fifth level of the supernatural realm.

At that time, when Duanmu Yingde killed the first level of the supernatural power, it was as easy as crushing an ant to death.

If they are caught up, none of them will survive.

[Smart Chariot] Aware of the danger of the situation, it maximized its speed, flying in the air like a frightened bird.

After flying for a while, Su Yi asked, "Number 2, have the Hai people caught up?"

[Smart Chariot] said: "Don't worry, they are not as fast as me, they gave up after chasing for a while."

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to Wu Zhe and asked, "Old Wu, what is the identity of that person from Thunder Mountain?"

There is only one warrior in the Thunder Mountain, who is their suzerain.

If he died here, Leiming Mountain would fall apart from then on.

This is what he prefers to see.

Wu Zhe said: "His name is Xingcang, and he is the current suzerain of Thunder Mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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