Chapter 1116 Su Yi Did It


Su Yi thought secretly, and then said to the [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, how is the situation in the prison?"

Facing the pursuit of many powerful sea clansmen, Xingcang should have nowhere to escape.

But there is no guarantee that there will be any special life-saving means.

If he escaped by chance, then he would not let the punishment chamber go.

"That guy has already been arrested by the Hai Clan." [Smart Chariot] said quickly.

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

All the treasures in the Spirit Summoning Formation were snatched away by him. When the Hai people were furious, they would definitely vent their anger on Xing Cang.

Xingcang's life is definitely lost, and he is likely to suffer a cruel torture.

Su Yi's guess was right. After Xingcang was arrested, he was severely beaten immediately, and he didn't know how many bones were broken in his body.

Holding the collar of the criminal warehouse, a member of the Hai tribe shouted angrily: "Hand over the treasures in the spirit summoning formation, and I can save you from suffering a little bit, otherwise you will be forced to live or die!"

"I do not know"

Xingcang was about to cry.

It is true that they came here for the treasures, but they have been fighting from the beginning to the end, how can they have time to snatch the treasures!
Didn't the Hai people say that they wanted to impose a crime?

"You still don't admit it?"

The strong man of the Hai clan had a ferocious expression on his face, and he stretched out his hand to grab Xingcang's left arm and exerted a violent force.

There was a crackling sound.

However, Xingcang's entire left arm was broken in two on the spot.


Xing Cang's painful face was distorted, and he let out a scream like killing a pig.

"To shut up!"

The strong Sea Clan scolded, and asked forcefully: "If you continue to be stubborn, I will teach you more cruel methods!"

Xingcang was so frightened that his whole body trembled violently, begging for mercy: "Don't do it, I say."

"Where is the treasure?"

The expression of the strong Sea Clan changed.

Xing Cang quickly said: "In Su Yi's hands, Su Yi snatched them away."

In fact, he didn't know if Su Yi did it.

However, Su Yi's sudden appearance in Yongxi Sea and his collaboration with Wu Zhe in murdering them must have something to do with it.

In addition, he hated Su Yi to the bone.

Regardless of whether Su Yi did it or not, dragging Su Yi into the water is also a good choice.

This move can be regarded as a misfortune.

"Su Yi?"

The strong Sea Clan frowned, "Who is he?"

Xing Cang explained: "It is the person who escaped before, and that aircraft belongs to Su Yi."

Hearing this, the strong Sea Clan narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer: "Since the thing is not in your hands, it is useless to keep you."

"Wait a moment."

Xing Cang said anxiously: "I'm still useful to you, you can't kill me."

The strong Sea Clan looked at Xingcang coldly, and hummed softly: "Then tell me."

Xing Cang let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "I know where Su Yi's lair is. If you want to get back the treasure, I can guide you."

The strong man of the Sea Clan pondered for a while, and said coldly: "Don't try to deceive me, or you will die a miserable death!"

"Don't dare!"

Xingcang shrank his neck.

[Smart Chariot] After flying for a while, Su Yi suddenly thought of something, and said to Niu Feibai: "Senior, come back to Sanqing City this time, you all follow me to the forbidden area of ​​death."

Golden Flame Sect and Leiming Mountain lost three powerhouses in the supernatural realm, and the other party will definitely not let it go. Once it is found that it is related to Seven Star Island, then Seven Star Island will definitely be implicated.

(End of this chapter)

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