Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1126 Ling Nianyao's talent

Chapter 1126 Ling Nianyao's talent
"Senior, don't be polite to me."

Su Yi smiled, and then asked: "What changes will happen when you advance to the Real Spirit Realm?"

His ultimate goal is to become the most powerful person, and sooner or later he will step into the real spirit realm.

Simply find out in advance.

"I don't know much."

Jin Hongxuan thought for a while, and then slowly said, "It seems that the spiritual energy has been transformed into a domain. This domain is like a small world. In the domain, the strong person in the real spirit realm is like a master."

"Is it that strong?"

Su Yi was a little moved.

He could imagine that once he fell into the realm of the True Spirit Realm, if the realm could not be broken, life and death would also be controlled by the other party.

"The power of a warrior in the true spirit realm is far beyond what we can imagine." Jin Hongxuan sighed with emotion.

True Spirit Realm is the highest level in the cultivation system, but one who can reach this level may not be able to pick one out of a million warriors.

His cultivation talent is not bad, but he has self-knowledge.

I'm afraid I won't be able to step into the real spirit realm in this life.

For a warrior, it is a very regrettable thing.

"Senior, the journey of cultivation is going against the sky. There must be many difficulties and obstacles during the journey. If you give up, there is really no hope." Su Yi encouraged.


Jin Hongxuan raised his spirits a little bit.

If you give up, you can only stop, and you may have a chance if you fight hard.

Of course, he also knew that it was impossible to advance to the Real Spirit Realm, but he could go one step further in the Divine Ability Realm.

"Senior, hurry up and take the Star Sign Purple Lingguo to improve your cultivation, and I won't bother you," Su Yi said.


Jin Hongxuan nodded.

Later, Su Yi didn't go to other places, and returned directly to the stone house.

Just as he was walking back to the stone house, he saw Ling Nianyao was looking forward to it.

"Why are you still here?" Su Yi asked strangely.

"Didn't you ask me to clean? I've already finished cleaning." Ling Nianyao replied quickly.


Su Yi nodded, "Thank you."

After the words fell, he walked towards the stone house.

Ling Nianyao hurriedly interrupted, "Su Yi, did you forget something?"

Su Yi said before that as long as he helped clean the stone house, he would give her the Violence Pill.

Seeing that Su Yi didn't mention this at all, could it be that he forgot?

Or want to renege?
"What's the matter?" Su Yi was at a loss.

Ling Nianyao was going crazy with anger, she gritted her teeth and said, "Didn't you say you want to give me the Violent Spirit Pill?"

It was only then that Su Yi remembered that he had indeed said so.

Because of the matter of cultivation, I left this matter behind.


Su Yi quickly took out a Violent Spirit Pill and gave it to Ling Nianyao.

"Only one?"

Ling Nianyao's complexion was a little ugly.

Since the talent is not very high, taking a Violent Spirit Pill may not be able to increase the level.

"One is not enough?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, and said, "The Violent Spirit Pill can indeed improve one's cultivation, but taking too much will have side effects."

"I know that."

Ling Nianyao said embarrassingly: "I'm afraid that I won't be able to advance to the level after taking one."


Su Yi looked at Ling Nianyao in a daze, and asked, "What is your talent star?"

Li Zhenfeng's talent star is 7 stars, and he has been promoted to a level after taking a Violent Spirit Pill.

Will Ling Nianyao be inferior to Li Zhenfeng?

"My talent star rating is only 6 stars." Ling Nianyao lowered her head, her voice was weak.

(End of this chapter)

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