Chapter 1127 Sea Clan Spy
Su Yi's mouth suddenly opened wide.

He never thought that Ling Nianyao's talent would be so low.

Ling Nianyao is also an elf saint after all, if she only has this bit of talent, how did she become a saint?
However, he didn't think Ling Nianyao would lie.

After all, since she met Ling Nianyao until now, Ling Nianyao's cultivation base has not improved a single step, which is enough to show that her talent is not very good.

"Then I'll give you another one."

Su Yi took out another Violent Spirit Pill and gave it to Ling Nianyao.

He didn't make fun of Ling Nianyao's poor talent, and even developed a feeling of sympathy.

Before the earliest, he was just a waste wood with a talent of 1 star.

If there is no systematic extraction ability, it is not as good as Ling Nianyao.

Who is qualified to laugh at each other.

"Su Yi, thank you."

Seeing that Su Yi was so happy and didn't make any sarcasm, Ling Nianyao was grateful and thanked him very rarely.

"You're welcome, just help me clean the room more in the future." Su Yi joked.

"Think beautifully!"

Ling Nianyao gave Su Yi a blank look.

If this is cleaning Su Yi's room every day, wouldn't he become Su Yi's servant?
In addition, it will attract gossip.

After all, Su Yi's fiancée is also here, so it is easy to misunderstand.

"I don't want to pull it."

Su Yi didn't care, turned around and walked towards the stone house, but before taking two steps, he stopped again, and said to Ling Nianyao: "Jiang Haoran has a soul beast, which can help improve the talent star level, you Consider getting in touch."

Although fighting with Ling Nianyao all day long, they are friends after all, and they will still help when it is time to help.

"Spirit Beast!"

Ling Nianyao's eyes lit up immediately.

Although spirit beasts have no combat power, they are also listed as divine beasts.

Relying on the ability to change fate against the sky and improve the talent star.

When she heard the news, Ling Nianyao was extremely excited.

But thinking about it, she and Jiang Haoran are not familiar at all, and Jiang Haoran may not agree to her contacting the spirit beast.

"Su Yi, Jiang Haoran is your brother-in-law, why don't you tell him?" Ling Nianyao looked at Su Yi expectantly.

"In a few days."

Su nodded.

The spirit beast is in a coma after promotion, and it will wake up in a few days, and it will not be too late to talk about it.

"Then I'll wait for your news."

Ling Nianyao left happily.

Su Yi entered the stone house and sat cross-legged on the stone, concentrating on stabilizing his realm.

This time, it has been upgraded by 4 levels, and the range of improvement is still relatively large. It is not stable, and it is easy to cause trouble.

Time flies, three hours have passed.

Su Yi on the cross-legged stone bed, Muran opened his eyes, and immediately a gleam of crystal light escaped from them.

At this moment, he has already stabilized the realm.

Just as he got up and got out of bed and was about to go out for a walk, the [Smart Chariot] rushed up in a hurry, yelling, "Su Yi, it's bad, some people from the Hai tribe have entered the forbidden area of ​​death."

"Sea clan?"

Su Yi frowned and asked, "How many people are there?"

Yesterday, he took away all the treasures in the Spirit Summoning Formation, did the Sea Clan guess that he did it?Come to revenge?

"Only one aircraft."

[Smart Chariot] said quickly: "They seem to have come to investigate the situation, and they left after walking around the death penalty area for a while."

Hearing this, Su Yi pondered.

The Hai people who came here belong to the vanguard, and it is likely that a large number of Hai people will invade the rear base later.

This is a tough battle!
It is also the first test that the rear base has faced since its establishment.

(End of this chapter)

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