Chapter 1128
Of course, this is just Su Yi's guess.

Whether the Sea Clan will really invade is not very sure.

"Su Yi, the Hai Clan's visitors are not friendly, we should prepare in advance." [Smart Chariot] reminded.


Su Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Number 2, let's go check it out first."

It is indeed necessary to prepare in advance, but it should not be too cautious.

If the Sea Clan doesn't come, there will be an oolong.

Therefore, it is not too late to find out the details of the Sea Clan first, and then make follow-up preparations.


[Smart Chariot] did not object.

Behind, Su Yi got on the [Smart Chariot] and chased in the direction where the Hai Clan spies left.

This chase lasted for more than two hours, even if they chased to the edge of the forbidden area of ​​death, there was no trace of the other party.

"Su Yi, they must have gone back, should we still chase them?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

Su Yi pondered for a while, and said, "Number 2, go to Yongxi Sea to have a look."

If the Sea Clan is really planning to attack on a large scale, they should have gathered a large force in the Yongxi Sea at this time, and they will know when they get there.

"Su Yi, do you still dare to go to Yongxi Sea?" [Smart Chariot] was taken aback.

Su Yi brought a nest of treasures from the summoning formation yesterday, and the Hai people hated him deeply.

If this is going to Yongxi Sea, doesn't it mean that the sheep is entering the tiger's mouth?
You know, among the Sea Clan, there is a strong man at the fifth level of the Divine Realm!

Su Yi smiled and said, "You're stupid! We don't have to go there. Why don't you check out the movements of the Hai Clan?"

"That's it!"

[Smart Chariot] After realizing it, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Then there is no problem."

"Let's go quickly." Su Yi urged.

[Smart Chariot] Pick up the speed and fly straight towards the Yongxi Sea.

An hour later, they arrived in front of the Yongxi Sea.

[Smart Chariot] also stopped.

"Number 2, did you find the Hai people?" Su Yi asked.

"Su Yi, the Hai Clan is more than 100 miles away from here, and a lot of people have gathered." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

"Sea Clan really wants to attack aggressively!"

Su Yi's expression became serious, and he asked, "Number 2, how many people did they gather?"

The Sea Clan is considered a large clan among the Ten Thousand Clans. If tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people gather, the current defense of the rear base will definitely not be able to withstand it.

"There are more than 5000 people, and there are also a large number of sea monsters." [Smart Chariot] replied.

"Five thousand?"

Su Yi looked much more relaxed.

Although the number of [-] was still several times higher than that of the rear base, he didn't take it seriously at all.

The reason is also very simple, the Sea Clan is a race that is good at sea battles, and only in the sea can they display their greatest strength.When he arrived on land, his strength was greatly reduced.

In addition, spiritual energy cannot be used in the forbidden area of ​​death, which greatly limits the strength of the Sea Clan.

In addition to the above two points, the more important thing is that in the forbidden area of ​​death, he is an invincible existence.

With other powerful helpers, it won't be a big problem to defeat the attack of the Sea Clan.

"Su Yi, Xingcang, the suzerain of Thunder Mountain, is also in the team of the Sea Clan." [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded.

"Is this guy still alive?" Su Yi frowned slightly.

Yesterday, the Xingcang did fall into the hands of the Hai Clan people. At first, they thought that Xingcang would definitely die, but they never expected to live until now.

Su Yi immediately thought that Xingcang must have been a lackey of the Hai Clan, so he escaped by chance.

(End of this chapter)

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