Chapter 1131 Arranging Tasks
In contrast, Cao Qinglang and other Yuancheng College students are only in their teens and 20s, full of vigor.

In addition, the members of the mercenary group headed by the Pei Lin brothers and sisters and the guards of the source city also formed a team.

The overall strength of these two teams is not the strongest, but they are the most experienced.

Su Yi is quite satisfied with the combination of each team, the only one who is a little worried is Ling Nianyao's team.

There are only three people in this team, besides Ling Nianyao, there are also Guan Hua and Ji Xiaoning, the number is too small, and problems are prone to occur.

Su Yi thought for a while, then told Wukong: "Wukong, the three of you join Ling Nianyao's team."


Wukong reluctantly walked into Ling Nianyao's team.

Because Ling Nianyao often fights with Su Yi, he doesn't have a good feeling for Ling Nianyao, and he is not willing to form a team with Ling Nianyao.

However, Su Yi had given his orders, so he could only follow suit.

After inspecting the situation of each team, Su Yi raised his voice and said, "Everyone, the Hai Clan will not be coming over for the time being, let's rest here first."

Immediately, everyone found a place to rest.

The scene also became lively at this moment.

Most of the people gathered together to chat, and people like Cao Qinglang even played Doudizhu.

Although the Sea Clan's invasion is imminent, these guys don't seem to be worried at all, and each of them has a big heart.

"Brother, which team are you in?"

Su Lin came to Su Yi's side and asked.

Su Lin is a team formed with members of the Jiang family, belonging to a group of relatives and friends. Naturally, she hopes that Su Yi can also join.

"I'm going to act alone, I won't form a team with you." Su Yi smiled.

With his unrivaled combat power, it would be a bit overkill to join the team.

If you act alone, you can unscrupulously hunt and kill the strong among the sea clan, so that you can play a greater role.

"OK then."

Su Lin was somewhat disappointed, but she didn't say much, she turned around and returned to the team.

At this time, [Mechanical Soldier] asked: "Su Yi, what should I do?"

Everyone else formed a team, but he was alone.

"Da Tie, I have a difficult task for you." Su Yi said seriously.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Da Tie straightened out his chest, and his metal face exuded determination.

Su Yi said: "Don't go anywhere in the future, just guard the entrance of the cobblestone passage, and don't let a Hai Clan person enter."

This task may seem simple, but it is actually very important.

Because the people among the cobblestones cannot be said to be old, weak, sick and disabled, but their strength is relatively weak.

Once a fish from the Sea Clan floods into the channel, it will bring great danger to the people inside.

In the forbidden area of ​​death, the strength of the [Mechanical Soldiers] was second only to him and Nannan, enough to rank among the top three, even stronger than the Mieshi Huoyang Tree.

Hand over the entrance to the [Mechanical Soldier] to guard, and he can kill the enemy with peace of mind.

"I follow your arrangement."

[Mechanical Soldier] nodded, and then walked towards the entrance of the passage.

Later, Su Yi opened [Lin Lang Jie] and checked the situation of the holy tree of the elves.

In case the Sea Clan regroups their manpower to more than tens of thousands, then these people in the rear base will be a bit stretched to deal with it.

At that time, the help of the holy tree of the elves will be needed.

"Little bald head, are you recovering well?"

Su Yi took a look at the holy tree of the elves, and seeing that the holy tree of the elves had become as lush as before, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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