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Chapter 1132 The Sea Clan Are Coming

Chapter 1132 The Sea Clan Are Coming

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" The elf holy tree asked with its head tilted.

"Get ready, there is likely to be a big battle later. If the situation is not optimistic, you still need to take action." Su Yi explained briefly.


The holy tree of the elves was dumbfounded.

A few days ago, he fought with the gargoyle in the Tower of the God of War for several days, and almost wiped him out at that time.

It's been a long time since I've cultivated over the past few days, and I'm going to fight again?

Is this frequency too fast?

Every time he thinks of fighting together, it is likely to become a bare tree trunk again, and his heart is extremely melancholy.

Su Yi smiled and comforted: "I'm just reminding you, and you don't have to make a move. Besides, even if you do, it won't be as difficult as last time."

Last time, they killed hundreds of thousands of gargoyles, which can be said to be close to death.

But this time, no matter how many people from the Sea Clan came, it was impossible to exceed this number.

It is much simpler to deal with it.

"That's good."

The holy tree of the elves breathed a sigh of relief.

"You rest first."

Su Yi greeted and closed [Lin Lang Jie].

Later, instead of doing other things, he waited patiently.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

Just when Su Yi felt that the Sea Clan would not attack today, the [Smart Chariot] and the red chariot rushed over quickly.

"No. 2, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked.

"Su Yi, the sea clan army has entered the forbidden area of ​​death, and it will not take long to kill here." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

"Has their number changed?" Su Yi asked.

If the number of the Sea Clan increases, new arrangements must be made.

The previous plan for a frontal attack could no longer be used.

"The number of people has not changed, it is still 5000 people. But there are a lot of sea monsters coming, at least a few thousand." [Smart Chariot] said.

"Sea monsters are nothing to worry about. At most, they are just our rations. The more they come, the better." Su Yi looked relaxed.

Most sea monsters cannot leave the sea, but there is also a sea monster with limbs that can land on land.

When he rescued Niu Feibai last time, he met them and killed many of them.

This kind of sea monster is called Red Sand Horse, and its combat power is very limited, at most it is only in the first level of Body Tempering Realm.

"Number 2, why do you think the Sea Clan dared to attack us?" Su Yi asked instead.

This was something he didn't quite understand. It stands to reason that the Sea Clan sent spies to investigate the forbidden area of ​​death, so they should know that spirit energy cannot be used in the forbidden area of ​​death, which would greatly restrict their strength.

So, how dare they bring 5000 people to commit crimes?
"Who knows."

[Smart Chariot] said indifferently: "Perhaps Xingcang was afraid of being killed, so he intentionally lured the Sea Clan here, waiting for the big battle together, and maybe he took the opportunity to escape when the scene was chaotic."

"There is indeed such a possibility." Su Yi nodded slightly.

However, Xingcang obviously made the wrong idea.

At that time, he will be the first to kill Xingcang, and will never give Xingcang any chance to escape.

Anyone who dares to betray the human race must die.

After a while, Su Yi made up his mind and said to everyone: "Everyone get ready, the Hai Clan is coming soon."

After hearing this, everyone returned to the team and began to prepare.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire rear base became much more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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