Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1133 Play a Game Upright

Chapter 1133 Fighting in an upright manner

Ten minutes later, a black dot flew in the distance.

As the distance keeps getting closer, the black dot becomes bigger and bigger.

When the distance between the two was several hundred meters, what appeared in the eyes of everyone was a huge spaceship about several hundred meters long.

"Is this also an aircraft?"

Su Yi was surprised.

Generally, a larger aircraft is only a dozen meters long, while the aircraft of the Sea people is at least dozens of times larger than ordinary aircraft.

Among other things, the huge figure alone can give people a very shocking feeling.

At the same time, the rear base also became noisy at this moment.

When seeing this huge aircraft, everyone felt a sense of oppression in their hearts.

"Su Yi, this aircraft is only a bit bigger, and its performance is no different from ordinary aircraft." [Smart Chariot] said disdainfully.


Su Yi nodded slightly, but his eyes never left the aircraft.

The next moment, the aircraft slowly landed on the ground, as if a huge shadow shrouded it.

A hurricane suddenly set off on the ground, blowing sand and rocks around, and the colors between the sky and the earth became much blurred.

"Su Yi, should we launch an attack now?"

Luo Junnan walked up to Su Yi and suggested.

The aircraft of the Hai people had just landed, so they were not on a firm footing. If they attacked at this time, they would be caught off guard.

"Need not."

Su Yi smiled and said: "When they set up their formation, fight with them in an upright manner."

The sea people in front of them are nothing at all, and if they launch an attack now, they can certainly occupy an absolute advantage.

But what Su Yi thought was to use this battle to increase everyone's combat experience.

Only by fighting can one grow rapidly, and with experience, one can better deal with the invasion of fierce beasts and other aliens in the future.

"That's fine."

Seeing Su Yi's firm attitude, Luo Junnan didn't say much.


Suddenly, a crisp sound resounded, and the huge hatch of the aircraft was slowly opened.

Then, a large number of Hai Clan people poured out from the hatch.

These Hai people were also well-trained. After they came out, they quickly formed a phalanx.

At the front are rows of Hai people holding shields and long knives, followed by a large number of Hai people riding red horses.

These horses are red sand horses, which look similar to ordinary horses, the only difference is that they are more robust.

"The Hai people have two brushes!"

Seeing this, Su Yi couldn't help clicking his tongue.

In the beginning, he didn't take the Hai people seriously at all, but now he paid more attention to them.

Obviously, the Hai people made a precise deployment after some research.

The shield soldiers in front can effectively prevent the enemy from attacking.

And the cavalry in the rear is even more remarkable.

Because the aura cannot be used here, the battle between the two sides is like entering the era of cold weapons.

In the era of cold weapons, the damage caused by cavalry is the most terrifying.

Often a charge can tear apart the opponent's formation, followed by ruthless crushing.

Of course, the cavalry is powerful, but it is not invincible.

Archers will be able to perfect restraint.

There are [-] barbarian archers in the rear base. Although these sea cavalry cannot be completely eliminated, they can at least suppress and disrupt the opponent's attack rhythm.

As long as the sea cavalry can't play the role of charging, then they are nothing to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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