Chapter 1135

The corners of Xing Cangqi's mouth trembled.

Although he was extremely angry inside, he was powerless to refute anything.

Because it is indeed a shameful thing to seek refuge with a foreigner.

"Su Yi, this king gave you a chance. Since you can't grasp it, you can only kill you all!" The strong man of the sea clan wearing a crown sneered.

"It's just a group of ants, let the horses come here!" Su Yi sneered.

Outside the forbidden area of ​​death, the opponent's lineup does have a bit of pretentious capital.

But here, they are all lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and the Hai people obviously haven't recognized the situation yet.

"You said that after the meeting!"

The powerhouse of the Crown Sea Clan gritted his teeth and roared, "Cavalry, attack!"


Immediately, the Hai people riding the red sand horse roared loudly, and the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky and the earth.

With the powerful wave of the Crown Sea Clan, thousands of Sea Clan cavalry rushed towards the Human Race like waves.

dong dong!

The horse's hooves stomped on the ground, shaking the ground rumbling.

The momentum formed by thousands of cavalry was like a surging tsunami, crushing forward.

On the human side, many people are facing such a big battle for the first time, and they are somewhat nervous.

Even veteran powerhouses like Luo Zhennan turned slightly serious.

The moment the sea cavalry rushed out, Su Yi immediately issued an order to the barbarians, "Shoot the arrow!"

The barbarian archers who had already been ready to go fired their arrows at the same time.

All of a sudden, one after another piercing sounds resounded.

Three hundred arrows fell into the Sea Clan cavalry like raindrops.

Faced with this intensive arrow attack, the sea cavalrymen who were at the forefront were hit by arrows one after another, screaming incessantly.

It's completely a scene of people turning their backs on their backs.

It's just that there are too many sea cavalry, and the losses are nothing at all.

The follow-up cavalry still charged bravely, as if they were not affected at all.

On the other side, after the barbarian archer shot the first round, he quickly bent his bow and set an arrow, and shot the second round.

The rain of arrows poured down again, and hundreds of Sea Clan cavalrymen died tragically under the arrows.

When the sea cavalry was about to rush forward, the barbarian archers had already fired five rounds, with a total of 1000 arrows, causing more than [-] casualties to the sea cavalry.

Lying on the ground are all the corpses of Hai Clan people and Hongshama. The bright red blood flowed on the ground, almost dyeing the ground blood red.

There was even a pungent smell of blood in the air.

The scene looked extremely cruel.

Of course, there are always 3000 sea cavalry, and these losses still can't stop them.

However, the corpses of the Hai Clan and the Red Shama that fell in front of them became an obstacle, seriously hindering their speed of impact.

The barbarian archers seized the opportunity and fired round after round, with screams resounding incessantly.

After another volley of five rounds, all three thousand arrows were fired, causing enormous damage to the Sea Clan cavalry.

There are less than 1000 sea cavalry still alive in the field.

Moreover, after seeing the scene of the tragic death of their companions, the remaining sea cavalrymen all looked terrified, and they were no longer as brave as before.

"How could this be?"

The powerhouse of the Crown Sea Clan was dumbfounded.

The sea cavalry is his biggest reliance. He originally thought that a wave of impact could tear apart the human defense.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was the Sea Clan cavalry who suffered heavy losses.

Having lost more than 2000 Sea Clan cavalry, they no longer have any advantage.

If you continue to stay here and fight, the whole army will probably be wiped out!
(End of this chapter)

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