Chapter 1136

Thinking of this, the powerful Crown Sea Clan immediately gave the order to retreat.

Although it is a very embarrassing thing to do so, it is better than losing my life here.

Keeping the green hills is not afraid of lack of firewood.

When we come back next time, we must gather more people to completely destroy the human race in the forbidden area of ​​death.

After giving the order, the crown master of the Sea Clan was the first to rush onto the aircraft.

The remaining four Sea Clan powerhouses followed closely behind.

The other sea people also retreated towards the aircraft like sea water.

Xing Cang did not follow the Hai people, but fled in one direction.

Because the scene was too chaotic, the Hai Clan didn't care about Xingcang's actions, and let Xingcang escape successfully.

However, Xingcang's every move failed to escape Su Yi's eyes.

Of course, at the moment, killing the Hai people is the main thing, let Xingcang live a little longer, and it won't be too late to deal with him in the end!

Su Yi pulled out the sword of chaos, pointed forward, and gave the order to chase and kill.


The emotions on the human side were high, and everyone shouted and rushed towards the sea tribe.

Su Yi took the lead and was the first to rush to the Hai people.

To say that these Hai Clan people are indeed well-trained, even when retreating they are still methodical.

Immediately, hundreds of shield sea people stood in the end, trying to stop the human attack.

"The mantis arm stops the car!"

Su Yi slashed out with a sword, and the violent force poured out like a flood that opened the gate.

There was a bang!
Dozens of Sea Clan shield soldiers standing in front of them were immediately chopped into powder and turned into a blood mist.

"I rely on!"

The powerhouse of the Crown Sea Clan standing by the door of the aircraft cabin almost dropped his jaw when he saw this scene.

After a little hesitation, he immediately shouted, "Hurry up and take off from here."

He had never seen someone as fierce as Su Yi.

On the premise that aura cannot be used, killing people is easier than chopping melons and vegetables.

The strong strength caused him a strong shock.

If Su Yi chased them up, none of them would be opponents, and all of them would die here.

After receiving the order, the pilot of the aircraft did not dare to hesitate at all, started it immediately, and controlled the aircraft to fly away.

Those Hai people who were abandoned showed despair in their eyes, and they had no intention of fighting at the moment, and fled in all directions.

It's just that before he ran far, there was a whistling sound from both sides.

But it was the Mieshi Huoyang Tree and Baisheng Ju Xiaohu, who brought Yaozhi and strange beasts to surround and kill them from both sides.

There were chasing soldiers behind, interceptions in front, and the aircraft flew away from this place. The Hai people were completely desperate.

As Luo Junnan led the human race to chase them up, the screams of the Hai clan people resounded uninterruptedly.

Su Yi did not participate in the siege, but locked his eyes on the large aircraft.

The Sea Clan people on the aircraft are all strong on the Sea Clan side.

Killing them will definitely cause serious damage to the Sea Clan.

"Can you run away?"

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and then he spread his wings and soared into the sky, chasing after him quickly.

The speed of this large aircraft is not even comparable to ordinary aircraft, and it is even more incomparable with Su Yi's speed.

In just a few minutes, Su Yi had already pursued him.

Then a sword slashed down, almost cutting the aircraft into two pieces.

Suffering such severe damage, the aircraft could no longer maintain its flight and fell straight to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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