Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1137 Can You Be Strong One Point

Chapter 1137 Can You Be Stronger?

A loud bang.

The aircraft hit the ground, like a meteor falling to the ground, and immediately smashed a huge crater on the ground, shaking the ground when it hit the ground.

The huge hull was smashed to pieces, and countless fragments shot out in all directions.

Also at this moment, five Hai Clan members climbed out of the deep pit.

It was the five powerhouses of the Sea Clan who were in the supernatural realm. At this moment, they were ashamed and embarrassed.

Everyone was more or less injured, the most serious one had a broken thigh.

"How can a group of ants escape from my palm?"

Su Yi stepped forward and glanced at the five people, with a teasing look on the corner of his mouth.

After the opponent's aircraft was destroyed, there was no chance of escape.

At this moment, he was completely reduced to a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"kill him!"

The Crown Sea Clan bit his teeth and gave orders to the four Sea Clan people around him.


The latter looked at each other, roared and rushed towards Su Yi.

They all knew that Su Yi was definitely a powerful force repairer.

In the case where the aura cannot be used, even if the four of them join forces, they will not be opponents.

But the current situation does not allow them to back down.

Because only by killing Su Yi can he fight for a way out.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Su Yi sneered.

When the four Hai Clan people charged over, the Sword of Chaos slashed across the air.

Poof twice.

The two Hai people who rushed to the front were decapitated on the spot.

After killing these two, Su Yi kicked the No. 3 Hai tribe to pieces.

The last member of the Hai tribe with a broken leg, seeing Su Yi beheading the three of them like a rabbit rising and falling, was completely overwhelmed by Su Yi's terrifying strength.

He dared to follow Su Yi there, and turned around in fright.

At this time, he even forgot about the injury on his leg, and he ran away quite quickly.

However, wanting to escape in front of Su Yi is like a dream come true.


However, Su Yi stepped on the ground suddenly, and the ground collapsed.

The next moment, Su Yi appeared behind the Hai clansman like a ghost, and with a sword in his hand, he cut the Hai clansman in half with ease.

"now you!"

Su Yi's fluttering gaze landed on the Crown Sea tribe, and he walked slowly towards him.

"Su Yi, spare my life! I can give you all the treasures on my body!"

The people of the Crown Sea clan were terrified and begged for mercy loudly.

Su Yi was taken aback.

The other party was clearly a superpower at the fifth level of the divine power, would a person of this level beg for mercy?
Don't you want any dignity?

"Can you be stronger, in this way, I will feel a sense of accomplishment when I kill." Su Yi pondered for a while, then said lightly.

"Please don't kill me, I have many treasures." The Crown Sea tribe begged for mercy again.

Su Yi joked: "Stupid! If I kill you, wouldn't everything be mine?"

Last time, Duanmu Yingde also wanted to exchange things for his life.

The result was that he was punched and killed.

If the members of the Crown Sea tribe also hold this idea, they will end up with Duanmu Yingde.


The people of the Crown Sea tribe realized that they must die, their faces were bleak, and they fell powerlessly to the ground.

"How can someone like you become the leader of the Sea Clan?"

Su Yi sneered, and strode towards the other party.

When he got closer and was about to make a move, he saw a fierce light suddenly shot out from the eyes of the people from the Crown Sea tribe.


When Su Yi felt something was wrong, a bright golden light suddenly burst out in front of his eyes, and he rushed towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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