Chapter 1138

Because they were too close, it was too late for Su Yi to escape.

The next moment, he felt his whole body being restrained.

Looking down, he saw a large golden net wrapped around his body, covering his entire body.

"Ha ha!"

After the Crown Sea clansman got up, he laughed wantonly, "Su Yi, fight with me, you are still a little tender."

The golden net wrapped around Su Yi's body is made of golden silk, which is extremely tough and strong enough to withstand the impact of 20000 kilograms.

Although Su Yi is a strength repairer, in his opinion, he will never have a strength of more than 20000 kilograms.

In this way, Su Yi became a fish on the chopping board, and he was at his disposal.

"Hey! Careless."

Su Yi sighed.

At this moment, he also understood.

The people of the Crown Sea tribe clearly showed weakness on purpose, pretending to be frightened.

Then, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he suddenly attacked.

However, it was a bit taken for granted that the other party wanted to use a net to pinch him.

"You are indeed cunning."

Su Yi looked calm, and said lightly: "However, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is just a display."

"Speak out loud! You are already a turtle in the urn, just wait to die!" A cruel color appeared on the face of the Crown Sea Clan.

After saying that, he took a long knife and slashed at Su Yi's head.

Su Yi snorted coldly.

Suddenly, there was a sound of bone brittleness, and the whole body was lifted up in vain.

At the same time, golden scales seeped out from the skin, wrapping the body airtight in an instant.

"Transformation Technique!"

The pupils of the Crown Sea people shrank suddenly.

After realizing that Su Yi still had such a means, he never dared to give Su Yi any more chances, so he slashed Su Yi's head with all his strength.

A loud bang.

This knife hit Su Yi's head accurately, but it was like cutting on a piece of hard metal, and sparks burst out.

"How could this be?"

Looking at the rolled blade on the long knife, the people of the Crown Sea tribe were completely dumbfounded.

Although his long knife is not a magic weapon, it is extremely sharp.

It stands to reason that beheading Su Yi would not be a problem.

But the reality is not like this.

Su Yi was not only unscathed, but his long knife was damaged.

If this happens, doesn't it mean that Su Yi's defense is basically invincible?

Is it also an existence that cannot be killed?

Realizing this, the hearts of the Crown Sea people beat violently.

And what frightened him even more was that as Su Yi's body gradually swelled, the golden net that bound Su Yi's body was about to collapse.

"He's not human!"

The people of the Crown Sea tribe swallowed hard, not daring to stay here anymore, turned around and ran away.

But before he ran far, there was a sudden sound of collapse behind him.

What followed was the sound of stomping on the ground.

The members of the Crown Sea tribe secretly looked back, and at this glance, their souls were frightened.

But he saw a five-foot-tall white giant ape in golden armor rushing to him in an instant, raising his hand and punching out a huge fist.

Before the fist arrived, a violent punching wind swept over first.


The Crown Sea tribe only had time to let out an unwilling roar before their entire bodies exploded.

Su Yi put away the [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects] and [Smelting Golden Body], took the storage bag of the Crown Sea people in his hand, and quickly returned to the original place.

Then, he briefly cleaned the battlefield, and shouted at the [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, come here."

(End of this chapter)

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