Chapter 1145

"We use range-type attacks, don't you believe that it can hide forever?" Wu Zhe didn't believe in evil.

"That's right."

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Although the dream spirit can use the flashing method to avoid, but every time it has to possess a fake dream spirit.

As long as indiscriminate bombing is carried out, there will always be a time to attack it.

Thinking of this, Su Yi directly summoned Xiaojian.

Just relying on his and Wu Zhe's attacks is not enough to achieve a covering blow, and with the addition of Xiaojian, we are sure.

"Su Yi, where are we?"

Xiaojian glanced around, looking a little dazed.

Su Yi said: "Don't worry about this, let's attack all around together later, we must exert the strongest lethality."


The little bitch was dumbfounded.

There is nothing around, attacking the air?
Is it a bit too free?

"Su Yi, are you serious?"

Xiaojian wondered if Su Yi was joking with him.

"Little bitch, just do what Su Yi tells you to do. Where are you talking so much nonsense?" [Smart Chariot] snorted coldly.

"My Nima!"

Xiaojian was furious, "Number 2, you really want to die!"

Last time, when [Smart Chariot] pissed him off, he could barely bear it.

After all, it was he who was at fault at the time.

But this time, he didn't offend [Smart Chariot] at all, but [Smart Chariot] took the initiative to provoke. He definitely couldn't bear it.

"Shut up both of you!"

Su Yi scolded with a dark face.

It's unknown if they can save their lives, these two guys are still in the mood to quarrel.

If he wasn't in a hurry to kill Meng Ling, he would have taught him a lesson.

"For Su Yi's sake, I don't care as much as you do! If there is another time, God will not be able to save you!" Xiaojian warned.

[Smart Chariot] Not to be outdone, "I still say that, with Su Yi around, you can't touch a single hair of mine."

Su Yi took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to beat up these two guys, and then shouted: "Do it, attack together!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and shot out a ball of light condensed by the energy of chaos.

With a loud noise, tens of thousands of fake dream spirits were instantly torn to pieces.

Wu Zhe also manifested a concrete object at this time, a huge disc as black as ink.

I saw the thunder light above, and thick arcs of lightning jumped in the disc, exuding extremely terrifying thunder and lightning fluctuations.

As Wu Zhe stretched out his hand a little forward, the arc of lightning in the disc shot down, covering a range of [-] meters around.

All the fake dream spirits shrouded in it were turned into ashes.

Xiaojian was not idle either, sword energy was overflowing from his body, and an extremely thick colored sword energy rushed out of his body, sweeping forward non-stop.

In an instant, tens of thousands of fake dream spirits were torn apart.

The three of Su Yi joined forces, and it didn't take long to remove all the fake dream spirits around them.

But the next moment, the same number of fake dream spirits appeared in Su Yi's sight again.

When this happens, it means that the real dream spirit has not been killed.

Su Yi narrowed his eyes and glanced around, and sure enough, he saw a golden light shining on a fake dream spirit in the distance.

"This guy is really hard to deal with!"

Su Yi gritted his teeth, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Su Yi, what's the matter, have you killed Meng Ling?"

Wu Zhe stopped attacking and turned to Su Yi for questioning.

Su Yi shook his head, "No."

(End of this chapter)

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