Chapter 1146 Give You Five Seconds
"Can't this be killed?"

Wu Zhe's face turned serious.

Just now, he even manifested a concrete object, which can be said to have used the strongest ultimate move.

If Meng Ling can't be killed like this, doesn't it mean that there is really no other way?

"What are you killing?"

Xiaojian became more and more confused. He wanted to ask, but seeing Su Yi's ugly face, he kept his mouth shut.

Su Yixu squinted his eyes and remained silent, but his mind was spinning rapidly.

The reason why Meng Ling couldn't be killed was mainly because Meng Ling's dodging speed was too fast, almost comparable to teleportation.

Their attack speed couldn't keep up with Meng Ling's dodging speed at all.

If the space here is limited to a certain extent, you can use the ultimate move to cover the entire space, so that Meng Ling has nowhere to hide.

The key point is that the space here seems to be boundless, Meng Ling can hide anywhere, and their attacks are useless.

"Hey, human being, you can still find out where my real body is. It's quite capable. It's a pity that in the dream space, I am an existence that cannot be killed at all. I advise you not to waste your efforts."

Suddenly, a childish voice came into Su Yi's mind.

"Dream Spirit!"

Su Yi frowned, he didn't expect Meng Ling to take the initiative to communicate with him.

"Yes, I am Dream Spirit, and I am also the ruler of this place!"

The milky voice came into Su Yi's mind again.

"Dominate your sister!"

Su Yi snorted coldly: "I advise you to put away your fantasy space immediately, otherwise, you will be completely destroyed!"

"Who is Su Yi talking to?"

Wu Zhe and Xiaojian were somewhat confused.

Since Mengling was sent to Su Yi by sound transmission, they didn't know what happened.

"Haha. Human, you can brag. I'm here. Hurry up and destroy me." Meng Ling sneered, and then began to provoke Su Yi.

In the fantasy space, he can instantly move to any position.

Su Yi still tried to destroy him?It's just a dream!
"I've changed my mind. I'm not going to kill you."

Su Yi suddenly laughed, "I plan to arrest you and make you my spiritual pet."

"Human, you are very interesting. But don't you think you are stupid? What ability do you have to catch me?" Meng Ling sneered.

Su Yi said seriously: "How about we make a bet?"

"You said."

Meng Ling was a little curious.

"If I can arrest you within three seconds, you will willingly submit to me and be my spiritual pet. If I can't, I will let you handle it." Su Yi said confidently.

These words are mainly to attract Mengling's attention.

Because he found that when Meng Ling was talking to him, he stayed on a fake Meng Ling and never left.

This is an excellent time to catch a dream spirit.

Of course, because the distance between the two is far away, if it were someone else, even if Meng Ling stayed in one place, there would be nothing he could do.

But he is different, he possesses the [mirror image clone] secret technique.

When the avatar appears, the main body is in the invisible stage, and no one can perceive the location of the main body.

At this moment, it was Su Yi's avatar who was talking to Mengling.

And Su Yi's body has moved to Meng Ling without anyone noticing, and the distance between the two is only one meter.

If you make a sudden move, you can control Mengling with great confidence.

"Haha. Human, you can really brag! I agree to this bet. Besides, don't say three seconds, I'll give you five seconds." Meng Ling laughed wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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