Chapter 1147 Devil's Eye
"you lose!"

There was a weird smile on the corner of Su Yi's avatar's mouth.


Meng Ling was a little confused, so she was about to refute.

A quaint oil lamp suddenly appeared in front of it, the flame on it shook slightly, and a golden light curtain swept forward.

"The power of time!"

Meng Ling was startled, and when she was about to flash away, she was already enveloped by a golden light curtain, and instantly became sluggish.

But at this moment, a big hand firmly grasped it.

The owner of this big hand is none other than Su Yi's body.

In order to bind Meng Ling with one blow, he directly used the power of time and released it through the Red Star Destiny Lamp.

Meng Ling is just the transformation of Meng E's thoughts, and it only has the ability to escape.

Trapped by the power of time, there is no way to resist.

"what's the situation?"

Xiaojian and Wu Zhe were stunned.

Suddenly, two identical Su Yi appeared, short-circuiting their thoughts.

Su Yi grabbed Mengling and knocked him out with a punch.

In fact, he can completely destroy Meng Ling.

But thinking of Meng Ling's super power, he decided to subdue it.

The moment Meng Ling fainted, there was a sound of broken mirrors all around.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of him changed rapidly.

After a blur, the endless desert has disappeared without a trace.

Everyone returned to the island.

"I actually escaped from the fantasy space!" Wu Zhe was inexplicably surprised.

As for Xiaojian, she was in a dazed state from the beginning to the end.

Muran, a scream pierced into everyone's ears.

But Meng'e, who was flying over the island, let out a shrill scream.

Meng Ling was transformed by its thoughts, and after being knocked unconscious by Su Yi, its body was severely injured.

At this moment, the huge body shook a few times, and fell straight towards the bottom of the island.

Su Yi seized the opportunity, a flash in the air appeared in front of Meng E, knocked him unconscious with a heavy punch, and sent him into the [Langya Ring].

At this moment, the voice of the system rang in Su Yi's mind.

"Touch the ancient beast Meng'e, extract 200 qi and blood points, extract 200 tempered body attributes, upgrade the host's qi and blood state to 65 levels, and enhance the body's tempered state to 65 levels. Extract the innate supernatural power [Dream Space], combine with [Death Gaze], and derive 【Devil's Pupil】."

[Devil's Eyes]: Those who are shrouded by eyes will fall into a real illusion, with demons and ghosts haunting them, and the body and mind will suffer double blows.

This pupil technique has a 100% killing effect on those below the same level, and the effect will be relatively weakened if it exceeds the level.

"Death gaze has been upgraded!"

Su Yi couldn't hide his excitement, and almost yelled wantonly.

With the continuous improvement of strength, [Death Gaze] is no longer enough, and gradually becomes a bit tasteless.

But by upgrading [Devil's Eyes], the lethality has increased a lot, which is definitely a powerful trump card.

"He captured Lord Menge!"

"Damn human!"

"kill him!"

Just when Su Yi was in a trance, the Hai people on the island roared angrily.

"A group of ants!"

Su Yi regained his composure, sneered, and then said to Wu Zhe, "Old Wu, kill them!"

"Give it to me!"

Wu Zhe let out a grin, just as he was about to make a move.

[Smart Chariot] suddenly shouted: "Su Yi, it's not good! There is a strong Sea Clan in the boundary channel coming soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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