Chapter 1150 Conquering Menge
The time with Su Yi has not been short, and the time dirt beast can naturally understand Su Yi's meaning.

What Su Yi said about beating Meng E to death was not really about beating Meng E to death.

But to teach Meng E a profound lesson.

For example, inflicting physical and mental damage.

Behind, the time dirt beast pounced on Meng'e, opened its mouth to tear and bite.

The scene looked extremely bloody, but they were all skin traumas, but the senses they brought were very strong.

In a blink of an eye, bloody mouths appeared on Meng'e's huge body, and it screamed incessantly in pain.

"Xiao Jian, did you see it? Learn from it." Su Yi reminded.

"How can you use sword energy to enjoy yourself like this?" Xiaojian was a little confused.

With his IQ, he couldn't comprehend the essence of it for the time being.

When Meng'e was tortured terribly, Su Yi signaled that the Time and Dirt Beast could stop.

Then, he looked at Meng E, and said meaningfully: "How does it taste? Do you dare to go crazy with me?"

"I don't dare anymore." Meng E was completely discouraged.

At this moment, it was covered with scars, almost no spot on its body, all of which were covered with blood.

If things continue like this, they will have to wait until they are tortured to death.

"Wouldn't it be nice to be so knowledgeable earlier? You must provoke me and bring shame on yourself!"

Su Yi snorted coldly, and then got down to business, "We made a bet before, and if you lose, you will submit to me. Now should you fulfill your promise?"

Meng E said weakly: "It is Meng Ling who bet with you, and it has nothing to do with me, Meng E."

Su Yi: "."

At this moment, his heart is complicated and angry.

Meng Ling was transformed by Meng E's thoughts, and belonged to one body.

When Meng E said this, he was obviously playing a scoundrel.

Playing a rogue with him, the consequences are often very serious.

Su Yi smiled, and his smile seemed extremely eerie and terrifying!
Meng'e realized that Su Yi was angry, so she couldn't help shivering, and hurriedly said: "There is something to discuss, you can't continue to do it."

"Sorry, you woke up a little late." Su Yi's voice was icy cold.

"I am willing to surrender to you!"

Menge's heart skipped a beat.

He knew that Su Yi was going to teach him a lesson again.

Just now, he has experienced a torture, and that feeling left an indelible impression on him.

If this is suffering a meal, it will definitely collapse.

Su Yi was unmoved, and gave the Time Dirt Beast and the Half Moon Star Beast a look.

The latter understood it, and jumped on Meng E like a hungry tiger.

Afterwards, there were screams, which lasted for 5 minutes.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Su Yi stopped the two spiritual pets.

"I'm convinced, I really don't dare!"

Meng'e looked at Su Yi pitifully, panting heavily.

"If you want to become my spiritual pet, this is a necessary stage, and it can be regarded as a kind of experience for you." Su Yi sighed faintly.

It's strange to say that among the group of spiritual pets, except for Nannan, all other spiritual pets have been beaten violently without exception.

It seems that one really has to go through such a stage to be eligible to become his spiritual pet.

Later, Su Yi took out a Spiritual Pet Pill and fed it to Meng E. After subduing it, he gave it a Yunling Pill to help recover from the injury.

After finishing all these, [Langya Ring] was closed.

(End of this chapter)

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