Chapter 1151 Let’s Return to the Tidal Sea

Later, Su Yi didn't do anything else, but took out a giant watermelon and cut it open, chatting leisurely with Wu Zhe while eating the watermelon.

During this period, the Hai Clan never gave up, and followed closely behind the [Smart Chariot].

Su Yi originally wanted to lure the Hai people to the forbidden area of ​​death, and he was happy to see them.

Time passed, and three hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Gradually, a towering mountain range appeared in front of the 【Smart Chariot】.

After crossing this mountain range, you have reached the forbidden area of ​​death.

At this time, Su Yi became a little nervous.

If the Hai people are not fooled, they will be defeated.

"No. 2, slow down a little more." Su Yi reminded.


【Intelligent Chariot】Understood, the speed dropped a lot in vain.

When the Hai Clan member saw this scene, he immediately became excited, brought the speed of the aircraft to the extreme, and quickly chased after the [Smart Chariot].

The distance between the two sides keeps getting closer.

1000 meter.
500 meter.
When the distance was less than 100 meters, [Smart Chariot] plunged directly into the forbidden area of ​​death.

And under Su Yi's signal, it slowly landed on the ground.

At the same time, the Hai people drove the aircraft to catch up quickly and landed on the ground.

Su Yi and the Hai people seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they opened the hatch and walked out at the same time.

"Human, why don't you run away?"

The Hai people looked at Su Yi, and said coldly: "It's a heinous crime to destroy the boundary channel! Do you think you can escape from my palm?"

"You may be thinking too much."

Su Yi chuckled, "My purpose is to lure you here."


The Hai Clan frowned, and quickly glanced around.

Instinctively, he thought there was an ambush around.

But there is a plain all around, and there is not even half a person.

Su Yi reminded with a smile: "Don't watch, there is no ambush."

"Human, what is your purpose?" The Hai people were a little confused.

Su Yi is clearly just a warrior in the Illusory Spirit Realm. How dare a warrior of this level lead him here without help?

Su Yi walked slowly towards the Hai people, and said as he walked, "The purpose is very simple, to kill you!"

"kill me?"

The Hai people were stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly, "Big words! A mere Illusory Spiritual Realm fighter is trying to kill me? Your brain won't be flooded."

Su Yi didn't bother to explain, suddenly slowed down, rushed to the Hai people in an instant, and bombarded them with a punch.

"The speed is not slow, but unfortunately you don't know what kind of existence you are facing!"

There was a look of contempt on the corners of the Hai people's mouths. Just as Su Yi was about to release the aura to bombard him, he was horrified to find that he couldn't activate a sliver of aura at all.

"what happened?"

The Hai people panicked, and before they even had time to react, they received a heavy punch on the corner of their mouth.

A loud bang.

Immediately, his entire head was exploded.

Even if I didn't understand it until I died, why did my aura suddenly fail?
Su Yi glanced at the headless corpse of the Hai Clan, and took away the storage bag hanging from his waist.

Then he returned to the [Smart Chariot].

"Su Yi, shall we return to the rear base now?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

Su Yi smiled and said calmly, "Let's go back to Yongxi Sea."

With the killing of this Sea Clan member of the God Realm, the Sea Clan side no longer has a strong man guarding the boundary channel.

Going back at this time is the best chance to destroy the boundary channel.

(End of this chapter)

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