Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1154 Ripening the Tree of Life

Chapter 1154 Ripening the Tree of Life

[Smart Chariot] He smiled, "Su Yi, you can't give up on anything lightly, maybe there is a way."


Su Yi vaguely felt that there was something in the words of [Smart Chariot], and asked tentatively, "Do you have a way?"

[Smart Chariot] Cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "I thought about it just now, and it took me a long time to think about a solution with my knowledge reserve."

"Hurry up." Su Yi couldn't wait.

He knew that [Smart Chariot] wanted to take the opportunity to pretend to be aggressive, but he didn't have the time to pay attention to it.

[Smart Chariot] said: "The method is actually very simple, as long as you use the life spirit liquid to irrigate, the seeds of the Teng tree can quickly take root and germinate."

"Life liquid?"

Su Yi's eyes revealed a look of deep thought.

A few days ago, he got a tree of life seed in the Tower of God of War, and he had already implanted [Linlang Ring].

However, due to the short time of planting, it is only just sprouting now.

"No. 2, if you want to get the life liquid, do you have to wait until the tree of life is mature?" Su Yi asked.

[Smart Chariot] replied: "You are right, the tree of life can only give birth to the spiritual liquid of life after it has matured."


Su Yi nodded and said casually: "Number 2, it's none of your business, you can go out now."

[Smart Chariot]: "."

At this moment, his heart was filled with resentment.

Su Yi called him over when he was needed, and drove him away when he was not needed.

If you want to come and go, you don't take him seriously.

Well, he also helped Su Yi solve the problem, shouldn't Su Yi be thankful?
"Do you have anything else?"

Seeing that [Smart Chariot] had not left for a long time, Su Yi asked strangely.

[Smart Chariot] Seriously said: "Su Yi, I have helped you, shouldn't you respect me? Say thank you or something?"

Su Yi took a look at the [Smart Chariot], and said angrily: "You have been provoking and provoking the little bitch these days. If I hadn't supported you, you would have been dismantled into parts a long time ago. Why are you so embarrassed? Want to thank me?

[Smart Chariot] Suddenly speechless.

His snarky problem can't be changed, especially for those who have offended him, every time they meet, they want to make a few words of ridicule.

Without Su Yi's support, I don't know how many times I would have been beaten.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Su Yi stared at the [Smart Chariot] and hummed softly.

[Smart Chariot] Smiled mischievously, "Su Yi, I was joking with you just now, don't take it seriously."

Su Yi didn't bother to pay attention and waved his hand.

[Smart Chariot] disappeared in a flash.

Later, Su Yi opened [Lin Lang Jie] and began to focus on ripening the tree of life.

With the continuous watering of the spirit liquid over time, the tree of life began to grow rapidly.

one meter.
two meters.
three meters.
In a blink of an eye, it grew to a height of ten meters.

And as the height increases, the branches and leaves of the life tree become more and more lush, and the breath of life it emits becomes stronger and stronger.

At first, Su Yi was very pleased with this change in the tree of life.

But gradually, I realized something was wrong.

Because, he had already poured three bottles of time spirit liquid, and the tree of life had grown to a height of 30 meters.

But the tree of life showed no signs of maturity at all.

So, what height does the tree of life have to grow to mature?How much time does it take to consume spiritual liquid?
Su Yi pondered for a while, then turned to the holy tree of the elves and asked: "Little bald head, do you know the tree of life?"

(End of this chapter)

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