Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1155 The Function of the Tree of Life

Chapter 1155 The Function of the Tree of Life
The holy tree of the elves hurriedly said: "Brother, I still know a little bit, what do you want to ask?"

"How tall will the tree of life grow when it reaches maturity?" Su Yizhi said.

"About 100 meters." The elf holy tree said without thinking.

"100 meters?"

Su Yi was shocked.

The height of 100 meters is enough to rival some mountain peaks.

What is a tree doing so tall when it is idle?
"It's difficult." Su Yi sighed lightly.

If the tree of life had to grow to 100 meters to mature, the time liquid in his hand was simply not enough.

Because of the use of three bottles of time spirit liquid, the tree of life grew to 30 meters.

According to this estimate, seven bottles of time elixir are needed.

Even if all the spirit crystals in his hand are transformed into time liquid, it is not enough.

At this time, the holy tree of the elves reminded: "Brother, even if the tree of life grows to 100 meters, it is not completely mature."


Su Yi was a little dumbfounded.

It is not yet mature to grow to 100 meters, so what conditions are needed?
The holy tree of the elves explained: "After the tree of life reaches 100 meters, it will indeed not continue to grow. But its trunk will become thicker, and it will not be fully mature until the diameter reaches ten meters."


Su Yi took a deep breath.

At present, the diameter of the tree of life is only a little over one meter. If it grows to ten meters, how much time will it consume?
I'm afraid it's hard to count!
"It seems that we can only give up." Su Yi sighed helplessly.

Originally, he thought about ripening the tree of life, and getting the spiritual liquid of life to irrigate the seeds of the sky tree.

But now the conditions simply don't allow it.

For one thing, there is not so much time for ectoplasm.

Second, other spiritual plants are also waiting to be ripened, and the time spiritual liquid cannot be used on the tree of life.

"Brother, although it is difficult to ripen the tree of life, I suggest you not to give up." The holy tree of the elves said suddenly.


Su Yi gave a light snort.

Listening to the meaning of the holy tree of the elves, does the tree of life have other functions?
The holy tree of the elves continued: "Once the tree of life matures, it will be of great benefit to the entire rear base."

Su Yi's expression moved, and he asked eagerly, "What's the benefit?"

The rear base is where they live, if it really helps the rear base a lot.

No matter how expensive it is, the tree of life must be ripened.

The holy tree of the elves said: "After the tree of life matures, it will not only give birth to the spiritual liquid of life, but also emit the breath of life within a range of two kilometers. As long as it is enveloped by the breath of life, the injury can be quickly recovered, and the physical strength and Energy can also be greatly replenished.”

"Is it that great?"

Su Yi was shocked.

According to the holy tree of the elves, the breath of life released by the tree of life when it matures can completely cover the entire cobblestone.

Then when you face the enemy in the future, you don't need to worry about getting injured. As long as you don't get killed by one blow, you can quickly recover and rejoin the battle.

What's more, it also has the effect of replenishing physical strength and energy.

Just relying on these three points, the help to the rear base is indeed extremely great, and it is worth spending time to ripen them with spiritual liquid.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the holy tree of the elves, and smiled faintly, "Little bald head, I didn't expect that, you know a lot."

It was rare to be praised by Su Yi, and the holy tree of the elf tribe said modestly: "Barely, it's just a little more than No. 2 knows."

(End of this chapter)

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