Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1156 Preparing to Condensate Concrete Objects

Chapter 1156 Preparing to Condensate Concrete Objects

Su Yi knew that in terms of knowledge reserves, the holy tree of the elves couldn't compare with the [smart chariot].

However, he didn't reveal it, and asked instead: "Can the tree of life produce life liquid only after it matures?"

"Not at all."

The holy tree of the elves said: "The current tree of life has brewed some life liquid, but it is relatively small."

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately, "I'll take some life liquid from the tree of life, won't it affect him?"

As long as the seeds of the Teng tree can take root and germinate, it is really not much needed.

Of course, the premise is that there is no impact.

Because the value of the tree of life is far higher than that of the tree of the sky, if it causes damage to the tree of life, it will be the last thing to do.

"It won't be a problem to take a bottle, but it won't work if there are too many bottles." Said the holy tree of the elves.

"That's good!"

Su Yi asked happily: "How to operate?"

The holy tree of the elves said: "It's very simple, just make a small opening in the trunk of the tree of life, and life liquid will flow out of it."

Su Yi nodded, then took out a mineral water bottle and began to operate.

After a while, half the bottle was filled.

Although the holy tree of the elves said that it could hold a bottle, he didn't think it was necessary.

Half a bottle should be able to make the seeds of the Sky Vault Ting Teng tree take root and germinate.

Later, Su Yi found a place, buried the seeds of the Teng tree in the sky, and directly poured half a bottle of life spirit liquid down.

The next moment, the soil began to loosen, and after a while, two buds emerged from it.


Su Yi was very excited.

As long as the seeds of the Sky Vault Teng tree take root and germinate, the next step is to use the time spirit liquid to ripen them.

It's just that the time spirit liquid has been used on the tree of life, and there is no more.

Fortunately, I got [-] spirit crystals from the Hai people before, which can transform several bottles of time spirit liquid.

Later, Su Yi closed the [Langya Ring], took out the spirit crystal and the Hongmeng stone to transform the time spirit liquid.

After transforming into a bottle, he couldn't wait to open the [Langya Ring], and used the time spirit liquid to water the sky tree.

After consuming half a bottle of time elixir, the sky tree was fully mature and produced a sky blue fruit.

The inside of the fruit contains a strong wave of thunder and water aura.

Su Yi took it off easily, and then walked out of the stone house.

The spiritual material has been prepared, and the next step is to condense the concrete.

Just as Su Yi walked out of the stone house, he saw Luo Junnan walking towards him.

"City Lord Luo, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked.

"It's no big deal."

Luo Junnan smiled, and put a storage bag into Su Yi's hand, "Didn't you say yesterday that I will hand over the collected spirit crystals to you. The storage bag contains the collected spirit crystals, more than 1 in total .”

"it is good."

Su Yi transferred the spirit crystal to [Qiankun Ring], and then said: "City Lord Luo, I'm going to cultivate in the Yaozhi Tower later. If there is nothing important, don't bother me."

This time, he intends to condense all four figurative objects.

The time spent is definitely not short, at least three days.

If it is interrupted during the period, it is likely to fall short.

"Do you want to practice again?"

Luo Junnan clicked his tongue.

In recent days, the frequency of Su Yi's practice is a bit high, and he is almost becoming a cultivator.

"Okay, I'll inform you and I promise not to disturb you." Luo Junnan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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