Chapter 1166
"Su Yi, they are all in the supernatural realm, you must not go up there to seek death!" [Smart Chariot] was taken aback.

"I'm not stupid."

Su Yi smiled, and turned to open [Langya Ring].

Originally, he planned to contact Xiaojian.But the moment he opened the [Langya Ring], he found that Meng E had disappeared.

In addition, what surprised him even more was that Nannan woke up unexpectedly.

"Ninny, you're awake." Su Yi said happily.

"Big brother, I've been promoted again, why don't we compete for a while." Nannan raised her head and said expectantly.

"Next time."

Su Yi clicked his tongue and took a look at his daughter.

But I saw that Nannan had grown a lot taller, more than half a meter tall, and looked more and more like a little loli.

"Ninny, how much has your strength increased?" Su Yi asked.

Nannan originally had a strength value of 30000 kilograms. After this promotion, what level will she reach?
He is very much looking forward to this.

Nannan proudly said: "Big brother, my strength value is close to the level of 60000 kilograms."


Su Yi took a deep breath with a look of shock on his face.

The strength of 60000 kilograms is more than his [Seven Changes of Awakening Insects] and [Tiger Tiangang Fist].

In the forbidden area of ​​death, he is undoubtedly the number one strongest.

At this moment, Su Yi was somewhat embarrassed.

Fortunately, I rejected Nannan's discussion just now, otherwise, I would be ashamed in front of all the spiritual pets.

"Ninny, you are very nice!"

Su Yi praised, and then said to the other spiritual pets: "Look at my daughter, and then look at you, I have not made any progress so far, I feel ashamed for you."

Wukong and other spiritual pets all lowered their heads in shame.

"A group of scumbags in the Gathering Soul Realm really need to work hard." Xiaojian echoed.

As a sword spirit in the supernatural realm, he is indeed qualified to pretend.

Su Yi took a look at Xiaojian, raised his brows suddenly, "Xiaojian, have you also been promoted?"

At this moment, he obviously felt that Xiaojian's aura was much stronger than before, which was obviously a sign of promotion.

Xiaojian said in a low-key manner: "It's just a level promotion, nothing to be fussed about."

Absorbed part of the energy of the sword's origin stone, if he can't advance, he will become a waste.

"very good!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

After Xiaojian is promoted, he will be more confident in dealing with evil cultivators.

Then, he swept around, and said lightly, "Where did Xiaomeng go?"

The space of [Langya Jie] is not small, but Meng'e is huge, no matter where she is, she can see it.

"Master, I am right in front of your eyes."

Suddenly, Meng'e's voice reached Su Yi's ears.

Su Yi glanced down, only to see a palm-sized jellyfish looking at him.

Judging from the breath, it was Meng'e.

Comparing Meng E before and now, it is like a watermelon and a sesame seed, the gap is too big.

Su Yi was surprised: "Xiaomeng, why have you become so small?"

Meng'e explained: "Master, my body shape is just this big."

Su Yi frowned, and said puzzledly, "Why did you become so big before that?"

Meng E said embarrassingly: "It's getting bigger, it's to bluff people."

"It turned out to be for pretense!"

Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then asked: "Can you use your natal supernatural power now?"

If that evil cultivator was too difficult, Meng E might be asked to help.

"I've recovered, no problem." Meng E assured.

(End of this chapter)

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