Chapter 1167 I'm holding on for a while

Su Yi nodded slightly, and told Xiaojian, Nannan and Meng'e: "You three, prepare for it. There will be a big battle later, and it is very likely that you will be required to take action."


Nannan clapped her little hands with excitement on her face.

Xiaojian looked indifferent.

"Understood the master." Meng E replied respectfully.

Su Yi stopped talking, quickly closed the [Langya Ring], and explained to the [Smart Chariot]: "Number 2, you wait here, don't go to participate."

[Smart Chariot] He wanted to persuade him, but seeing that Su Yi had already rushed out, he could only sigh helplessly.

After Su Yi got off the car, he walked straight towards the battlefield. When he was [-] meters away, he stopped and cast [Mirror Clone] instead.

The moment the clone appeared, the main body fell into a state of invisibility.

Later, the avatar stood still, and the main body slowly approached Xiexiu.

On the other side, the four of Jin Hongxuan were still fighting the undead.

At first, they had an absolute advantage.

But with the continuous consumption of physical strength and spiritual energy, and the fact that the undead can be resurrected indefinitely, they gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Want to kill me? Do you have the ability? A bunch of trash!"

Seeing this scene, Xie Xiu couldn't help but sneered.

"Hiding behind is nothing, if you have the ability, come out and fight with me!" Jin Hongxuan shouted unconvinced.

This evil cultivator dared to be so arrogant only by relying on the undead. If there were no undead trying to stop him, he would be able to kill the evil cultivator with a single sword.

"Trash is trash after all! Do you only yell? The old man is standing here, if you have the ability to kill me!" Xie Xiu said disdainfully.

It is tantamount to the courage of a man to do it himself, he will not take risks.

Moreover, Jin Hongxuan is a powerful swordsman who has cultivated [Body and Sword Unity], which makes him deeply jealous.


Jin Hongxuan gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do with the evil cultivators.

"Brother Jin, Old Wu, or let's retreat first." A fat old man from the Sun Moon and Star Palace said suddenly.

His name is Zhao Chengyi, and he is a third-level martial artist of the divine realm.

In the current form, they have fallen into a disadvantage.

Once the aura is exhausted, it is dangerous.

"Should we let this evil cultivator continue to get away with it?" Jin Hongxuan was very unwilling.

If this evil cultivator is let go today, how many Blue Stars will be massacred.

"Brother Jin, there is no way to do this. If we continue to fight, we may explain it here." Another thin old man from the Sun Moon and Star Palace persuaded.

This person's name is Nie Zhanpeng, and he is a martial artist at the second level of the divine realm.

"Let's hold on for a while." Jin Hongxuan gritted his teeth and said.

He knew very well that even if he persisted to the end, there would be nothing he could do about that evil cultivator.

However, Su Yi explained before that he asked them to delay as much as possible.

Although he didn't know what Su Yi was going to do, he chose to trust Su Yi without hesitation.

"Okay, let's hold on for a while."

Seeing that Jin Hongxuan did not give up, Zhao Chengyi reluctantly agreed.

Later, he continued to fight with the undead.

But the situation is getting worse and worse, and it seems that it will be unable to support it.

"Since you don't leave, why don't the four of you stay?" Xie Xiu had a cruel smile on his lips.

With his ability, if he wanted to escape before, it was a breeze.

The reason why they chose to fight was to see if there was a chance to kill Jin Hongxuan and others.

(End of this chapter)

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