Chapter 1168 Dragon Undead
Because the four of Jin Hongxuan are all powerful in the realm of the gods, and their vitality is extremely strong.

As long as he killed them and absorbed their vitality, he could restore one of his powerful undead to its peak state in one fell swoop.

In this way, his strength will also rise with the tide.

And now, it was an excellent opportunity to kill the four of Jin Hongxuan.

"Brother Jin, if we don't withdraw, we will have to confess here?" Nie Zhanpeng was extremely anxious.


Jin Hongxuan was still very unwilling, but he also knew the seriousness.

It's pointless to continue, and you'll put yourself in danger.

Just when the four of them were about to evacuate, Xie Xiu suddenly laughed wildly, "You are already at the end of your battle, and want to leave now? It's too late!"

"Just because you still want to keep us? Idiots are dreaming!" Zhao Chengyi said disdainfully.

It is true that the four of them consumed a lot.

But it's okay to want to leave, because the six undead can't stop them at all.

"I'm still so stubborn until I die, I'll show you my true strength today!" Xie Xiu laughed wantonly.

Immediately, a black ball of light was taken out from the storage bag, with a dark light emitting from it.

And in the center of the sphere, there is a black mini black dragon.

At this moment, the black dragon was opening his eyes, and there was a bloodthirsty color in his eyes.

The moment Jin Hongxuan and the others met Heilong's eyes, they felt palpitations.

"Not good! This is Black Xue Jin Jinglong, get out quickly!" Zhao Chengyi was shocked.

The Black Xue Jin Jinglong belongs to the dragon clan, and it is also an extremely powerful type among the dragon clan, which is by no means something they can resist.


The expressions of the three of Jin Hongxuan changed wildly, and they shot backwards without even thinking about it.

The Black Xue Jin Jinglong in the ball probably reached the second level of the divine realm.

In terms of Hei Xue Jin Jinglong's combat power, it shouldn't be too easy to crush the four of them.

"Haha! Can you escape?"

Xie Xiu let out a wild laugh and threw the ball in his hand away.

The ball flew into the air and exploded with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, a group of black mist surged out of it, like dark clouds covering the sky.

After a while, they gathered together again and turned into a long black dragon about twenty feet in size.

Hovering in mid-air, baring its teeth and claws, it was extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, a ferocious aura escaped from the black dragon's body, sweeping towards the four of Jin Hongxuan

"We can't escape! Fight it!"

Zhao Chengyi's face was pale, but his eyes were full of determination.

The speed of the Black Xue Jin Jinglong is as fast as lightning, which is by no means comparable to them
Blindly running away, you can only be defeated one by one, if you want to survive, you have to fight!

All three of Wu Zhe stopped.

Jin Hongxuan even condensed the remaining aura, and used [Body and Sword Unity] again.

However, due to the excessive consumption of spiritual energy, the power this time is far inferior to the one at the beginning.


Seeing a golden long sword slashing towards him, Heixue Jinjinglong let out a long roar.

Immediately, stretched out a pitch-black giant claw, and slapped it in the air.

After the two collided, there was a loud bang.

But seeing the black Xue Jinjinglong's sharp claws burst open, it trembled violently in pain.

And Jin Hongxuan was even more unbearable, he was directly shot into the mud, his breath slipped rapidly, obviously he was seriously injured.


Xie Xiu smiled coldly, pointed to Jin Hongxuan, and shouted at Hei Xue Jin Jinglong: "Kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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