Chapter 1175 Starting Business

"Then what are these people doing here?" Su Yi was a little surprised.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, did they come to you to refine the elixir?"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

Last time, Su Yi promised at the entrance that he would help refine the elixir and decipher the ancient text in a month.

In recent days, due to being busy with other things, I have ignored this matter.

Fortunately, [Smart Chariot] reminded me, otherwise the big event would be delayed.

Su Yi calculated the time, one month away is the day after tomorrow.

Those people at the entrance of the passage probably came in advance.

"No. 2, go to the entrance." Su Yi ordered.

Now that the other party has arrived, we can start business today.

After all, he might have to meet Gongsun Xiu's challenge the day after tomorrow, so he couldn't spare the time.


[Smart Chariot] Flying towards the entrance of the passage at high speed.

A few minutes later, it flew over the passage opening.

"Why do I look familiar to this aircraft?"

"It's not Su Yi's aircraft, is it?"

"There are still two days before the appointment, Su Yi won't come so early."

The crowd below suddenly started talking.

"Su Yi, should we enter the entrance of the passage, or land outside?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

"Just outside." Su Yi said lightly.

Among the people present, there was no one who was in the spiritual realm, and he was protected by three spiritual realms, so he didn't have to worry about anything at all.

In addition, he planned to refine the elixir on the spot, so as to dispel the other party's doubts.

And those who cannot use spiritual energy in the entrance of the passage, and cannot refine the elixir, can only choose outside.

[Smart chariot] landed on the periphery of the crowd, and when the hatch opened, Su Yi slowly walked out.

"It's really Su Yi!"

Everyone got excited.

Su Yi glanced around and said with a smile: "Everyone, you came early enough."

"We just came here in advance to prepare, and I didn't expect you to come too." Someone responded with a smile.

Before that, they really didn't know that Su Yi would come.

Of course, if Su Yi hadn't gone out to hunt down the evil cultivator, he wouldn't have appeared here.

It can only be said that it was a coincidence.

"Since everyone has arrived, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Let's start trading today." Su Yi said loudly.

"Today is the best." Everyone was overjoyed.

They came here to refine elixirs and decipher ancient texts, so naturally they hoped that the sooner the better.

Seeing that no one objected, Su Yi continued: "Should we decipher the ancient text first, or refine the elixir?"

Some of the people present came to refine the elixir, and some came to decipher the text.

In order to avoid disputes, it is better to discuss first.

"Refine the pill first!"

"No, first decipher the ancient text."

Immediately, everyone started arguing.

Everyone was blushing and looking like they were about to fight.

Su Yi couldn't help but feel a little headache. If he had known this was the situation, he could simply make his own choice.

While everyone was arguing endlessly, an old man raised his voice and said: "Everyone, be quiet and listen to what this old man has to say."

The ancient and rare old man was named Jin Wenwei, and he was a tenth-level warrior of the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

Last time, Su Yi helped him decipher a health preservation technique.

Jin Wenwei was quite prestigious among the crowd, after saying that, the surroundings immediately became quiet.

Jin Wenwei then turned to Su Yi and said politely: "Su Yi, didn't you say you were going to sell the Shouyuan Pill? Why don't you sell the Shouyuan Pill first."

(End of this chapter)

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