Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1176 Not Developing According to the Script

Chapter 1176 Not Developing According to the Script
"Yes, it's better to take the Shouyuan Pill first." Everyone present echoed.


Su Yi nodded slightly.

Selling the Shouyuan Pill was also a matter that was decided last time, and it must be done sooner or later.

"Su Yi, what is the selling price of Shouyuan Pill?" Jin Wenwei asked excitedly.

Due to his advanced age, his desire for Shouyuan Pill is far more than others.

"Because I didn't have any preparations for coming here, I didn't bring many Longevity Pills, only three. Therefore, I plan to use an auction, and the one with the highest price will know." Su Yi explained.

In fact, there are at least a dozen of Shouyuan Pills on his body.

The reason for saying this is to adopt a hunger marketing method.

Rare things are more expensive, the less things are, the more valuable they are.

Moreover, the price can be raised even more by way of bidding.

Hearing this, everyone started talking about it.

Among the people present, many came for the Shouyuan Pill, and they all prepared spirit crystals.

Originally, everyone thought that Su Yi would sell twenty longevity pills, but never thought that there were only three.

In this way, there will be more monks and less meat, and the competition will become very fierce.

The spirit crystals they prepared may not be enough.

"Su Yi, what's the starting price for the Shouyuan Pill?" Jin Wenwei asked.

In order to buy Shouyuan Pill, he brought almost all his belongings with him.

Therefore, even if there are only three Shouyuan Pills, he is absolutely sure to bid for one of them.

"The starting price is [-] high-quality spirit crystals, and the price will increase by no less than [-] each time." Su Yi thought for a while and said.

The price of a Shouyuan Pill is far more than [-] high-grade spirit crystals. According to his estimation, it should reach about [-].

The reason why it is set so low is to increase the enthusiasm for bidding.

As long as the enthusiasm is raised and a few more hands are added, the price will naturally increase.

"When will the auction start?" Jin Wenwei couldn't wait.

"Let's start now." Su Yi didn't want to waste time either.

"The old man bids for eleven thousand high-quality spirit crystals."

After Su Yi finished speaking, Jin Wenwei was the first to bid.

Someone making an offer is a good start, and Su Yi happily waited for the second offer.

But after waiting for a while, no one continued to bid, so he was a little confused.

what's the situation?
Isn't Shouyuan Pill very popular?Don't many people come here for Shouyuan Pill?
Where is your enthusiasm?

After waiting for more than ten seconds, there was still no second bid. Su Yi couldn't bear it, and reminded loudly, "There are only three Shouyuan Pills in this auction, and the current price is [-]. Has anyone bid? "

The scene was completely silent, and everyone seemed to have not heard Su Yi's words.

Seeing this, Su Yi swallowed, feeling a little melancholy.

The development of things did not follow his script.

If it is true that no one bids again, he will lose a lot of money.

Su Yi was a little skeptical. Did the people present discuss it long ago and not make any bids?
But even so, there was nothing he could do.

Because the rules are set by him, if he goes back on his word, his reputation will collapse.

There is no need to think about refining pills and deciphering ancient texts later, because no one will believe him.

"Su Yi, since no one bids, should I be the winner of this auction?" Jin Wenwei reminded.

With a dark face, Su Yi nodded, and then took out a Shouyuan Pill and handed it to Jin Wenwei.

"Thank you!"

Jin Wenwei handed over the spirit crystal, and turned to the crowd and said, "Thank you all, I, Lao Jin, have recorded your kindness today."

None of the people present made a bid, which obviously gave him enough face.

Otherwise, if we compete together, I don't know how much more spiritual crystals will be spent.

(End of this chapter)

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