Chapter 1177 The Auction Ends
"What the hell! Sure enough, they are colluding!" Su Yi was upset.

He mistakenly thought that the other party had just negotiated and deliberately cheated him.

"Su Yi, should we start the second round of auction?" At this time, someone suggested.

Su Yi's face sank slightly, and he said angrily: "The second round of auction is starting, and the reserve price is also [-] high-quality spirit crystals, and the rules remain the same."

"I'll pay in case."

"Eleven thousand and five."

"Thirteen thousand."

"Fifteen thousand."

"Thirty thousand."

As soon as Su Yi finished speaking, fierce bidding began on the field.

The degree of enthusiasm is like the determination to win Shouyuan Dan.

"what's going on?"

Su Yi clicked his tongue, a little confused.

In the first round of bidding, the venue was deserted and there was only one bidder, and it was finally auctioned off at a low price of [-].

But in the second round, the situation broke through, and the field was in full swing.

The development of the matter was completely beyond Su Yi's imagination.

However, this change is what he wants to see.

Because in less than 1 minute, the bidding value has skyrocketed to [-], [-] more than he estimated.

In this way, even if you lose in the first round of bidding, you can make up for it in the second and third rounds.

Su Yi immediately beamed with joy, and shouted energetically: "The current bidding price is [-] high-quality spirit crystals, is there any more bids?"

"I pay [-]!" A thin old man gritted his teeth and shouted.

"I'll give you [-]!" An obese old man refused to be outdone.

Su Yi was ecstatic. Even if no one continued to bid, the price of [-] was acceptable to him.

After the fat old man quoted this price, everyone became dejected, and no one bid again.

Su Yi didn't hesitate, and directly announced the fat old man as the winner.

After the two sides exchanged things, the third round of bidding began.

Everyone's enthusiasm was still high, and the price kept rising, breaking through the [-] mark in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi smiled from ear to ear.

But at this moment, [Smart Chariot] reminded in a low voice: "Su Yi, there is a first-level martial artist in the supernatural realm, who is flying towards this side in an aircraft."

"Do you know which faction it is from?" Su Yi asked softly.

"Looking at the costumes, it seems to belong to the Bi Luozong." [Smart Chariot] said.

"Just let him die." Su Yi sneered.

If it was changed to before, he would definitely enter the forbidden area of ​​death to hide.

But now there is no need for this. With Wu Zhe and others around, it's like playing around with a martial artist at the first level of the spiritual realm.

If the other party really dares to come here, he will definitely come and go.

At this time, the auction was still going on, and the price had risen to [-].

At this time, everyone present became cautious, and there were almost no bidders.

In the end, it was the skinny old man who raised the price to [-].

Su Yi felt that it was almost done, and immediately shouted: "Forty-three thousand, deal!"

The thin old man was so excited that he quickly walked forward and exchanged things with Su Yi.

The bidding for Shouyuan Pill ended thereupon.

Those who did not bid for the Shouyuan Pill asked persistently, "Su Yi, will you sell Shouyuan Pill in the future?"

"Of course!"

Su Yi said affirmatively: "The next time I bid, I will increase the quantity a bit. In addition, when the next transaction will be held, I will post it on the Warrior Forum. Just pay attention to the Warrior Forum."

Selling longevity pills is the best way to earn spirit crystals quickly, so why not continue?
As for publishing it on the warrior forum, it is to attract more attention.

The more people who participate, the higher the auction price will be.

(End of this chapter)

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