Chapter 1178

Knowing that Su Yi will continue, those who did not bid for Shouyuan Pill were relieved.

And secretly swear that next time you come, you must collect more spirit crystals.

"Everyone, the auction of Shouyuan Dan is over, and we should start the next one." Su Yi raised his voice.

The atmosphere on the field became active again.

Someone asked: "Su Yi, do you refine the elixir first or decipher the text?"

This matter was involved in controversy before, so Su Yi made a direct decision this time, "Because refining the elixir will consume spiritual energy, I will first refine the five furnaces, and then start to decipher the ancient characters."

Refining the elixir first and showing the ability, the people present will not doubt it.


No one objected.

"What elixir do you all need to refine?"

Su Yi asked, but his eyes drifted into the distance.

According to his estimation, the powerhouse of the Biluo Sect should be coming.

The people present were not aware of this, and at this moment, they all reported the pills they wanted to refine.

Two well-known high-grade pills, Baoling Pill and Yunling Pill, are impressively listed.

In addition, there were some pills whose names Su Yi had never heard of.

Su Yi pondered for a while, and when he was about to choose a kind of elixir to refine, a black spot suddenly flew over from a distance.

The speed was very fast, and it arrived at the front in a blink of an eye. It was an aircraft.

"finally come."

Su Yixu squinted his eyes at the aircraft and snorted coldly.

"This seems to be the flying machine of Biluozong!"

There was also a commotion at the scene.

Recently, the grievances between Bi Luozong and Su Yi have been raging.

The people from Biluozong must have come here to deal with Su Yi.

Originally, they all thought that Su Yi would enter the passage at this time.

However, it was unexpectedly discovered that Su Yi stood motionless on the spot, with a calm expression on his face.

"Could it be that Su Yi didn't even know that it was the flying machine of Biluozong?" Everyone guessed.

Jin Wenwei hesitated for a moment, and reminded Su Yi, "Su Yi, it's the Biluozong flying machine."

Doing so would probably offend Bi Luozong.

But he didn't want to see Su Yi killed.

Because he bid for Shouyuan Pill at a low price, he felt indebted to Su Yi.

Reminder, right is rewarded.

"Thank you for reminding me, senior." Su Yi said gratefully.

Although Jin Wenwei's reminder didn't have any effect on him, it was kind after all.

Seeing that Su Yi was still standing still, Jin Wenwei didn't quite understand.

Everyone else also looked puzzled.

Su Yi didn't leave before, so it can be said that he didn't know that the person who came was from the Biluozong.

Now that I know, why don't you run away?

Could it be that there is something to rely on?
A click.

At this time, the hatch of the aircraft suddenly opened, and a tall middle-aged man walked out of it.

"It's Kuang Hu, the patriarch of the Bi Luo Sect!"

"Su Yi is finished!"

There was an uproar all around.

Kuang Hu is a martial artist at the first level of the supernatural realm. If he wants to kill Su Yi, Su Yi will definitely die!
Kuang Hu stepped forward, his eyes wandered wildly, and finally fell on Su Yi, and said with a grin: "Su Yi, I never thought you would dare to leave the forbidden area of ​​death, let's see how you escape from my palm this time! "

"So you're here to kill me?" Su Yi asked calmly.

"Of course!"

Kuang Hu had a teasing look on his face, "If you are willing to kneel at my feet and beg for forgiveness, I might give you a happy ending!"

(End of this chapter)

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